
Discord ID: 771201221145919499

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2020-12-04 06:41:33 UTC

Only trump was more brazen and attacked the media so they attacked back

2020-12-04 06:42:48 UTC

So now many seek out news on un verified blatantly opinionated blogs that donโ€™t have the resources, will , or desire to fact check. Itโ€™s just tell them what they want to hear.

2020-12-04 06:42:53 UTC

Did you just out- pedantic me?

2020-12-04 06:43:23 UTC

Not good in a society where our education is not up to par.

2020-12-04 06:43:27 UTC

This is where my heart lies; I still enjoy the stories of my childhood. Though I live in Muscogee (Creek) Nation, I am Haudenosaunee.

2020-12-04 06:44:27 UTC


2020-12-04 06:44:58 UTC

yes, he was Six Nations

2020-12-04 06:45:27 UTC

@Alondraz conservatives in modern times since regan. He was a cult like figure in American politics to many republicans. Trump even adopted his hat and slogan idea

2020-12-04 06:45:28 UTC

He was Onandaga, I am Seneca

2020-12-04 06:47:20 UTC

Didn't they have a written constitution and a representative democracy?

2020-12-04 06:47:26 UTC

I still have some family who live on the shores of the lakes Seneca and Cayuga

2020-12-04 06:47:40 UTC

yes, the Great Law of Peace

2020-12-04 06:47:58 UTC

Hilarious! Our educational standard is up to par in the standards as appropriate and established. Anything lower is a drone and zombie and everyone urges their children along the indexes. American Dream! Keep it intact!

2020-12-04 06:49:10 UTC

@ALCON will election results be trusted moving forward if the demagogue you are a fan of looses?

2020-12-04 06:49:25 UTC

Ben Franklin admired the Haudenosaunee and got many of the ideas that were incorporated into the U.S. Constitution. Delegates of the tribes were present in Philadelphia during the Constitutional Convention.

2020-12-04 06:49:25 UTC

@Bey, you just advanced to level 11!

2020-12-04 06:49:33 UTC

@inwa not for half the county. Our highschool education is good in some parts of American but not all especially the poorer parts. Compared to other developed nations we donโ€™t score well @inwa

2020-12-04 06:50:35 UTC

Even to this day, the U.S. gov't is upholding a treaty of the Haudenosaunee.

2020-12-04 06:50:52 UTC

@Bey It's amazing how arrogant (and ironic) that my ancestors were to assume Native Americans were "savages". My maternal grandparents were from Boston. My grandmother used to say that we were descendants of Increase Mather, which puts us here since early/mid 1600's.

2020-12-04 06:51:14 UTC

And recently, the SCOTUS upheld the Muscogee Nation as still in existance in Oklahoma.

2020-12-04 06:52:02 UTC

Terrence K. Williams doin' the MATH - And twitter did not even slap a censorship banner on him ๐Ÿ™‚ https://twitter.com/w_terrence/status/1334269918943055878?s=20

2020-12-04 06:52:24 UTC

Ugh this dumb rally argument

2020-12-04 06:52:41 UTC

@TaLoN132 My great grandfather, who came from Germany, married a Seneca woman. Though I am only 1/8th, I hold my native blood in great honor.

2020-12-04 06:52:49 UTC

You donโ€™t need a rally to vote against trump

2020-12-04 06:53:26 UTC

Contrast of ideologies. We want to unregulate and pray you regulate yourselves while you apply pressures to be regulated. Positive feedback never possible of reform until self accountable...or at least become so diverse, there is no head of corp/gov...just centered. Lazy guys making film like my fat ass drinking beer on a couch in the middle of the night claiming nothing other than a waste of time

2020-12-04 06:53:51 UTC

My mother would always tell my brothers and I, when we were young, we got our bravery and fighting spirit from our native side and our anger from the German side. LOL

2020-12-04 06:54:22 UTC

All of Trumps lawsuits are being tossed out. You've even got the GA governor stating the vote was solid. That cocksucker Barr is even singing the same. And finally somebody with balls enough to say-

2020-12-04 06:54:55 UTC

The Mohawk were well known for building the skyscrapers in NYC. They had no problem wit the heights and... probably cheaper labor)

2020-12-04 06:56:41 UTC

Very eloquent comment

2020-12-04 06:58:51 UTC

5 years ago, when the family and I lived in the Ouachita Mtns in eastern Oklahoma, the winter was cold. So, while they slept, I built a "long house" around them overnight. Persimmon set into 3 ft holes and lashed together with jute twine. No power, no water (obtained from spring fed creek) and no cell service. We lived well.

2020-12-04 06:59:10 UTC


2020-12-04 06:59:31 UTC

Freedom of Information Act request of IP information on mail-in ballot requesters in states where applicable. Show anomalous patterns.

2020-12-04 06:59:49 UTC

Size about 30 ft x 30 ft x 15 ft high

2020-12-04 07:00:11 UTC

left side enclosed, right side open

2020-12-04 07:00:17 UTC

Barr is that you?

2020-12-04 07:00:49 UTC

lol, no

2020-12-04 07:01:06 UTC

Barr fan?

2020-12-04 07:01:52 UTC

Wow... Do you have kids?

2020-12-04 07:02:08 UTC

yes, one daughter

2020-12-04 07:03:08 UTC

@busillis not really - just trying to make some sense of living in the "matrix" - Hard to tell what is real and what isn't. That is part of the reason why I am here. R&R and Discord crowd keep me grounded

2020-12-04 07:03:17 UTC

My sons are spoiled. We've lived in the same house their whole lives. I could hardly get them to go camping with me.

2020-12-04 07:03:33 UTC


2020-12-04 07:04:29 UTC

I cannot live in cities or towns. I feel more comfortable living with nature. We live on 5.7 acres of partially wooded land now with a clear, year round creek bordering it.

2020-12-04 07:05:38 UTC

And... about 30 minutes ago, a breaker blew/flipped and its getting really cold (the heater is on that circuit). It is very dark out so will have to fix it in the morning.

2020-12-04 07:05:40 UTC

If you want to get run to ground, you've come to the right place.

2020-12-04 07:05:58 UTC

So tonight, will be a 2 blanket night LOL

2020-12-04 07:06:24 UTC

It is a great place to be. Glad I stumbled on it

2020-12-04 07:06:41 UTC

(breaker box is about 100 ft away and coyote and active right now)

2020-12-04 07:07:26 UTC

When the mass inoculations with the experimental mRNA vaccines turn everyone into ice zombies. You'll be sitting pretty. I'll be right dab in the middle of 20m of them. ๐ŸงŸโ€โ™‚๏ธ

2020-12-04 07:08:12 UTC

The entire population of this county is 12,130 - very sparsely populated

2020-12-04 07:09:11 UTC

Stored up about 18 months of food and many nonGMO nonHybrid heirloom seed for about 3 acres, etc.

2020-12-04 07:09:52 UTC

Approximate 20

2020-12-04 07:10:08 UTC

If we have to haul water from the border creek, we have filters for 200k gallons

2020-12-04 07:10:08 UTC

I mean what are the chances that the first corona vaccine is 95% effective?

They're exstatic when they hit 60%

2020-12-04 07:10:20 UTC

Isn't technology amazing... 40 years ago, these conversations could not be happening. Why is it that it has never been easier to make human connections and, as a society, we have never been more divided?

2020-12-04 07:12:06 UTC

When I was a child, there were times we'd go to the local store using horse & buggy. Rural and simple life.

2020-12-04 07:14:04 UTC

Off topic, but has anyone noticed how many subs r&r has been getting lately?

They were at 50k only a few days ago and now theyโ€™re at 81k.


2020-12-04 07:15:08 UTC

The Internet should have never been commercialized.

2020-12-04 07:17:17 UTC

It took science almost 400 years to figure out that tobacco was not effective for medicinal purposes. It's taken 50 years to find out that DuPont hid the fact that a key, man-made ingredient in Teflon is toxic and now every person on the planet has trace amounts of this substance in their body. They say that future archeologists will be able to test for this chemical to know if we lived before or after teflon. What are the chances that scientists know all of the long term implications of mRNA vaccines when the technology was only developed 10 years ago and 99.99% of the people ever treated with mRNA tech started since July and they number fewer than 88k people?

2020-12-04 07:17:51 UTC

We are a capitalist country... It's kind of our thing.

2020-12-04 07:17:52 UTC


2020-12-04 07:18:43 UTC

Race to the bottom.

2020-12-04 07:20:47 UTC

What is this capitalism you speak of?

2020-12-04 07:21:55 UTC

Capitalism is pretty cool. Big fan.

2020-12-04 07:22:13 UTC

@TaLoN132 ๐Ÿ™‚

2020-12-04 07:22:58 UTC

@TaLoN132 but tobacco makes great insecticide.

2020-12-04 07:24:18 UTC


2020-12-04 07:24:52 UTC

The subject is small as it was at the treeline of the property... but this makes great sausage, meatloaf and steaks!


2020-12-04 07:25:37 UTC

When I was a kid, we lived in Athens, Greece... Apparently, there was a coup and a huge anti-American sentiment became temporarily prevalent. My Dad was on duty when it went down and the base locked down. Our Greek friends protected my 25yo mother, 6 yo me, and my 2 younger siblings and snuck us onto a ferry to Crete where we stayed in the countryside with their family. I remember riding the donkey to the well every day to fetch water and hanging scarecrows in the "vineyard".

2020-12-04 07:26:30 UTC

@TaLoN132 sounds like the right way to live; simple and closer to nature.

2020-12-04 07:27:08 UTC

capitalism where taxpayer money is used to fast track vaccines and bail out zombie companies? I might have to go re-read Adam Smith, as I must have missed something.

2020-12-04 07:27:47 UTC

Actually sounds nice right now...

2020-12-04 07:29:05 UTC

@TaLoN132 primary use: feeding family (deer, wild pigs, wild turkey, etc) - secondary use: protecting family from bodily harm.


2020-12-04 07:29:37 UTC

Coyote howling outside right now

2020-12-04 07:30:00 UTC

sometimes, they come right up to the porch and I have to a shot to scare them off

2020-12-04 07:30:27 UTC

I figured you for a bowhunter given your affinity for your heritage...

2020-12-04 07:31:01 UTC

There are plenty of things my tax money is spent on that I disagree with. Lotta bullshit tbh.

2020-12-04 07:32:17 UTC

Only Barbarian's possess firearms.

2020-12-04 07:32:36 UTC

However, I support capitalism. I subscribe to the idea that โ€œhard work and dedication are the parents of possibility.โ€ So, this framework aligns with that idea quite nicely.

2020-12-04 07:32:46 UTC

Actually, I do have a bow as well as a crossbow and am proficient at knapping arrowheads.

2020-12-04 07:33:48 UTC
2020-12-04 07:34:13 UTC

"I'll develop some disease and say I have to resign."

2020-12-04 07:35:03 UTC

So, should one defend off an attack by a pack of coyote with their bare hands or let them kill you?

2020-12-04 07:35:43 UTC

Supporter of capitalism ?
we need a Great Leap Forward.

2020-12-04 07:36:17 UTC

We have some family friends who are bowhunters and they are impressive. Have to be as good at tracking as much as being proficient with the bow.

2020-12-04 07:37:36 UTC

The Haudenosaunee went many centuries with peace with their Confederacy of Nations. The Confederacy is still intact today and is the longest surviving. To bad America has so much internal strife.

2020-12-04 07:38:59 UTC

Tracking comes 2nd nature for me. My youngest brother came out years ago and I suggested we stalk a deer. I led the way and, about half an hour later, tracked one... long story short, we ate well that night.

2020-12-04 07:39:13 UTC

He was impressed LOL

2020-12-04 07:40:01 UTC

Befriend them.

2020-12-04 07:40:01 UTC

I have 3 brothers, two older, one younger. Only I have chosen to follow our ancestors and live in nature. They all chose the city.

2020-12-04 07:40:04 UTC


โ€œThe Great Leap Forward of the People's Republic of China was an economic and social campaign led by the Chinese Communist Party from 1958 to 1962. Chairman Mao Zedong launched the campaign to reconstruct the country from an agrarian economy into a communist society through the formation of people's communes.โ€

2020-12-04 07:40:34 UTC

Befriending all wildlife leaves empty stomachs.

2020-12-04 07:41:49 UTC

Give thanks for the animal giving its life. If you take care of nature, nature will take care of you. Never take what is not needed. On and on...

2020-12-04 07:42:31 UTC

If you take a tree, plant two in its place.

2020-12-04 07:42:58 UTC

Maybe something in between that and Uncle Joe's five year plan. Sounds delicious to me, and the only viable path forward.

2020-12-04 07:43:13 UTC

โ€œThe Great Leap resulted in tens of millions of deaths,[1] with estimates ranging between 18 million and 45 million deaths,[2] making the Great Chinese Famine the largest in human history.โ€

Iโ€™m not convinced we need a Great Leap Forward. That seems like something Bill Gates would champion though.

2020-12-04 07:43:31 UTC

That's a great ecosystem type of philosophy. That's how it is in wildlife, nature as well.

2020-12-04 07:44:39 UTC

It's interesting... many are up in arms about needing to chase down every instance of fraud in order to be satisfied that the correct candidate won. Frankly... I am only concerned about massively widespread voter fraud. I am of the opinion that there are enough knuckleheads on both sides that most fraud when taken as a whole is a zero-sum game - with an equal number of misguided people on both sides willing to cheat just a little due to proximity/opportunity. I have a suspicion that all politicians probably know this to be true... I think someone forgot to tell Trump.

2020-12-04 07:45:36 UTC

Make Siberia Great Again

2020-12-04 07:45:40 UTC

Do you think that's where N America is probably heading. When in the future China sets up shop in N America

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