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2018-07-24 23:34:24 UTC

And that is part of the giant black supposotory that is gibs. Gibs are societal AIDS. Lethal, impossible to get rid of, usually only a misdemeanor for spreading. Space colonies when?

2018-07-24 23:35:18 UTC

One day I realized we'd be better off if we created an AI and all agreed to give it absolute governmental power and follow all of it's edicts.

2018-07-24 23:35:29 UTC

Five seconds later I realized I'd just invented the antichrist.

2018-07-25 00:03:52 UTC

lol the ai would go hitler extreme plus 5

2018-07-25 00:04:15 UTC

and most likely kill off the jews the black and the chinese and abos

2018-07-25 00:09:58 UTC

Nah, the Chinese are high IQ. It would need them

2018-07-25 00:10:11 UTC

bug ppl no soul

2018-07-25 00:10:36 UTC

and yes the one eating the cow turds and rice in the field or glueing shoes are smart ๐Ÿ˜‰

2018-07-25 00:10:38 UTC

big guy

2018-07-25 00:14:09 UTC

there elite are smart and high iq but they cheat and lie about the average just like joos

2018-07-25 00:14:30 UTC

The Japanese then

2018-07-25 00:14:53 UTC

^ this is right

2018-07-25 11:42:50 UTC

2018-07-25 14:33:46 UTC

look at how huge the jugs are on those things!

2018-07-25 14:33:59 UTC

no wonder theyre going extinct

2018-07-25 14:34:19 UTC

More wages for those still alive

2018-07-25 19:58:06 UTC

that's a retarded interpretation

2018-07-25 19:58:25 UTC

the dolls are a symptoms of problems that already existed

2018-07-25 20:00:20 UTC

if it were true that sex dolls threaten race with extinction, you could ban dolls and the japs would magically spring back to life

2018-07-25 21:41:56 UTC

The sex bot thing may play out one of several ways.

2018-07-25 21:44:58 UTC

The first (golden ending): Men end up preferring the sex bots because they are easy to get along with, are eventually indistinguishable from humans, prettier, etc. This would seem to be the end of humanity. However, women as a collective realize they have to compete now and improve themselves as a gender to the point where people prefer a genuine relationship with a genuine person. Humanity saved.

2018-07-25 21:47:32 UTC

Second (darkest timeline): Sex bots become popular amongst the lower classes. Allowing women to exercise maximum hypergamy. Upper class men amass large harems of women as a statue symbol, and have a lot of children, also as a sign of status. Humanity continues on for centuries, however, the gene pool shrinks and shrinks eventually resulting in humanity dying out as we are too inbred to reproduce.

2018-07-25 21:51:40 UTC

Third (most likely): Artificial womb technology evolves parallel to sex bots. Men and women are compelled by the government to donate eggs/sperm to gene banks where they are distributed amongst sex bots with artificial wombs/genetic material housing. Humanity carries on basically as normal. But with "single" households. Weird shit happens with teenagers hacking and boffing their parent's sex bots behind their backs.

2018-07-26 13:45:24 UTC

the japanese were having this problem way before sexbots....

2018-07-27 17:58:21 UTC

not even potatoes are safe from the #metoo BS

2018-07-27 18:00:47 UTC

2018-07-27 18:08:51 UTC

2018-07-27 19:49:36 UTC

Autistics aren't potatoes. They're robots.

2018-07-27 19:49:48 UTC

Meme nazi, awayyyy!

2018-07-28 10:16:57 UTC

2018-07-29 23:58:19 UTC

Chase is a friend of mine and mutual friend to many that I know. Some stupid faggot doxed him and got him fired from his job. Him and his family are low on money and have little to no savings due to the poor timing of his termination. Please help our guy out, and check out his works.

2018-07-30 06:27:54 UTC

what did that guy do to get doxxed? @Deleted User

2018-07-30 13:14:51 UTC

@Largezo112 from the link looks like he ran a pro-white faceburg page

2018-07-30 13:33:56 UTC

can't have that can we? @REEDSEEJBAMBAM the "current year" feels like a bad b-movie written on drugs

2018-07-30 13:35:59 UTC

that is the red pill or black pill .....a dystopian future when the good guys lost and we were sit in the rot of the modern west

2018-07-30 13:37:49 UTC

2018-07-30 13:41:58 UTC

2018-07-30 13:42:26 UTC

that is not a dystopian future, that's THE future

2018-07-30 13:42:54 UTC

its dystopian when you think about what we could have had

2018-07-30 13:45:42 UTC

the moon... mars... feeding the world.... curing disease .... even some weeb-shit... exploring space with gundam suits

2018-07-30 13:49:27 UTC

nah, as a rule of thumb when making policy people in general will maximize their short-term benefits and too few will actually think about the consequences. The result of that is a bloated welfare state with no real problems which is then ruined because having grown up in such an environment most people will either 1. accept that state provides everything for them or 2. go into a ridiculous virtue-signalling crusade and the end result is saint-denis in Paris

2018-07-30 13:49:33 UTC

it gets even worse

2018-07-30 13:49:35 UTC

but nooo we have to import the whole 3rd world and kill are selfs with because abunch of satanist assholes grabbed the banks and started wars for extra profit

2018-07-30 13:50:04 UTC

at some point the life will become so miserable that an authoritarian police state is needed to keep the masses in line

2018-07-30 13:50:21 UTC

i expect that happening in the 2030-40's

2018-07-30 13:50:23 UTC

well duh its already here

2018-07-30 13:50:35 UTC

open censorship

2018-07-30 13:50:40 UTC

1984 style

2018-07-30 13:50:43 UTC

not yet

2018-07-30 13:50:46 UTC

lol its allready here

2018-07-30 13:51:01 UTC

they dont have to censor you just drop your views

2018-07-30 13:51:07 UTC

the shadow ban is real

2018-07-30 13:52:09 UTC

but at some point that is not enough when the city space -even the rich suburbs- will visually start detoriating

2018-07-30 13:52:22 UTC

does matter what redpilled shit your post when you dont reach anyone

2018-07-30 13:52:27 UTC

and you have to step it up

2018-07-30 13:52:34 UTC

the UK is leading the way

2018-07-30 13:52:40 UTC

^ true

2018-07-30 13:54:11 UTC

the uk is mostly a hopeless deal... i really dont see a way they will ever recover .... same for France Canada and Sweden

2018-07-30 13:54:21 UTC


2018-07-30 13:54:28 UTC

the fight is gone and the rot is too deep

2018-07-30 13:56:04 UTC

especially the latter, even if sweden democrats win in autumn and become the largest party (meaning usually premiership) the other parties will just collude against it. I don't even want to dream about the EU intervention

2018-07-30 13:58:28 UTC

its going to have to run its course

2018-08-09 20:10:43 UTC

2018-08-09 20:19:20 UTC

Some Arab armies actually have really damn good soldiers.

2018-08-09 20:19:41 UTC

But awful leadership and command culture is nearly universal.

2018-08-09 20:19:53 UTC

yeah I know

2018-08-09 21:12:16 UTC

@Dinosorcerer Have you read that article "Why Arabs Lose Wars"?

2018-08-09 21:13:11 UTC

I don't think so, but I do know that for various reasons, they have a bad habit of losing them.

2018-08-09 21:35:36 UTC

Oh, I think I have seen this before

2018-08-09 21:38:44 UTC

The only example of poor Arab military preparedness and poor operational performance of Arab armies that I've studied in any great depth was a USAF officer's analysis of the Syrian air force's crushing defeat at the hands of the Israelis at the Beka'a valley in 1982

2018-08-09 21:49:56 UTC

It's interesting stuff

2018-08-10 06:54:09 UTC


2018-08-10 06:54:40 UTC

Here was the analysis I was referring to. The Syrians got absolutely hammered

2018-08-11 01:06:14 UTC

2018-08-11 01:08:17 UTC

where were you when the proud cucks just became the brown shirts

2018-08-11 01:08:28 UTC


2018-08-14 20:19:10 UTC

all that pride and moral righteousness

2018-08-14 20:19:18 UTC


2018-08-14 20:19:25 UTC

thats old news

2018-08-14 20:20:15 UTC

still sad but Catholic will OG support "the church" until they rape them in front of the mother mary

2018-08-15 06:15:43 UTC

Maybe Frankie should do something to stop all this instead of saying Drumpf isn't Christian and that the death penalty is wrong.

2018-08-18 03:32:04 UTC

frankie is a whitey hater

2018-08-18 03:32:26 UTC

And a communist

2018-08-19 08:20:39 UTC

โ€œOxytocin clearly increases generosity towards those in need, however, if this altruistic fundamental attitude is missing, the hormone alone cannot create it,โ€ says Hurlemann.

2018-08-19 14:44:28 UTC

well at least those of us who would still not want them here would be high too and not give a shit

2018-08-20 19:23:02 UTC

it will be like mad max

2018-08-20 19:23:27 UTC


2018-08-20 19:23:38 UTC

*sprays oxytocin on mouth*

2018-08-20 21:13:46 UTC

@Largezo112 my question is, are they also going to force the migrant to take the oxytocin, and apply social pressure for them to abandon selfish motives?

2018-08-20 21:13:53 UTC

these fucking people are insane

2018-08-20 22:11:33 UTC

@Fully Buckminstered i hope so lol

2018-08-20 22:15:02 UTC

They would have stayed home and fixed their countries then wouldn't they? Just imagine if they tried to reverse this and study the effect of some drug on migrants, or another other favorite class, to get them to desist in their undesirable behavior. In Germany they'd probably go to prison.

2018-08-21 04:47:48 UTC

Like that's going to happen anytime soon @Fully Buckminstered the obvious target segment for the oxytocin would be women in their 20's and 30's

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