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2018-10-11 21:27:06 UTC

@ZODD Yup as tradcucks co-opt it.

2018-10-11 21:27:06 UTC

it already has become the new blue pill

2018-10-11 21:27:43 UTC

Red pill is not Good Enough imo. Some people Just Think it means Woke AF.

2018-10-11 21:27:48 UTC


2018-10-11 21:27:49 UTC

Just dont get married and be really, really careful about any sexual partners you have. Head on a swivel all the time, dont get caught unaware. Backs against the wall gents.

2018-10-11 21:27:50 UTC

I observed that shit a while back when that reddit was still up

2018-10-11 21:28:25 UTC

honestly you can give advice but its up to the listener to discern its value

2018-10-11 21:28:47 UTC

That's true, you gotta let the fire separate the wheat from the chaff

2018-10-11 21:28:49 UTC

limited life span means enjoy that shit to the best of yo abilities

2018-10-11 21:28:53 UTC

cant exactly get super syphillis if i dont have any sexual partners

2018-10-11 21:29:05 UTC

toilet seat?

2018-10-11 21:29:13 UTC


2018-10-11 21:29:28 UTC

meh. every toilet seat i sit on is set on fire first for 5.5 seconds

2018-10-11 21:29:34 UTC

makes people really mad tho

2018-10-11 21:30:13 UTC


2018-10-11 21:30:18 UTC

I legit do put down toilet paper lol

2018-10-11 21:30:21 UTC

cleanse it with fire

2018-10-11 21:30:43 UTC

after awhile breathing while require sanitizer

2018-10-11 21:31:05 UTC


2018-10-11 21:31:07 UTC

BEARS scratching on trees DUBSTEP

2018-10-11 21:31:13 UTC


2018-10-11 21:31:18 UTC


2018-10-11 21:32:46 UTC

was listening to roundtable #3 while driving cool discussion...also good move booting the mra...imo

2018-10-11 21:33:08 UTC

yea that one was a bit of a tfm dumpsterfire.

2018-10-11 21:33:24 UTC

everyone was muted and not talking XD

2018-10-11 21:33:30 UTC


2018-10-11 22:43:52 UTC

2018-10-11 23:39:10 UTC

2018-10-11 23:40:16 UTC

Part 1 - Met my first IRL MGTOW near where I work today. In store grabbing some long commute water and jerky, got up to the counter to pay. Older white landwhale womxn is buying smokes. Behind her and in front of me is a younger, hispanic guy waiting to buy a couple of flowers (dear god), a gift bag of assorted fancy soaps (for fucks sake man) and a small plush goblin or turd looking thing. I immediately knew what was going on and said, "Hey bud, you in the doghouse and trying to get out or heading there and trying to stay out?" He realizes I'm pretty much describing his cucklefuck situation in life and laughs, "Yeah bud, trying to get out." I replied: "None of that crap is going to need to go alpha on her and make her talk to you about her games. You're about to waste $30, and she's going to think you are a simpleton." The older white lady lets out an audible gasp, furrows her brow at me, then smiles and says: "You know, you're exactly right...(wait for it) He should buy her a dinner instead." (riight, nice advanced degree in hypergamy, there womxn). I nod politely and, feigning blue pill poisoning, say: "Yeah. That's a good idea!" This delights Landwhale. She leaves. Now I've got this poor bastard to myself.

2018-10-11 23:40:24 UTC

Part 2 - BUT before I get a chance to administer an IV , the 22-ish guy behind the counter looks at hispanic kid as he places cucky gifts on the counter and says: "No time for simpin'. Simpin' is expensive bro. Don't buy her anything." Proceeeds to ring up hispanic kid. We all chat for a few minutes. Dejectedly, hispanic kid realizes he has now spent $27 and this beta shit isn't going to work. He sighs and says "This is all I can do, I gotta try." Picks up plastic bag of cuckery and leaves, shoulders slumped. I lay my items on counter and say to store worker "And that my friend is what Blue Pill looks like." Looking me dead in the eyes: "You talk like MGTOW." (LOL) I say: "I am MGTOW." We fist bump and chat about hypergamy, shaming lines, crap laws, false rape claims, Kavanaugh confirmation, and youtube MGTOW comment creators for 10 solid minutes, etc...(store was dead at this point)...Dude sees a co-worker approaching and says he'll see me tomorrow (this is my normal snack place and I've talked to this guy probably a dozen times) I say "You better believe it." I leave happy. Driving home I realize, this is the first IRL MGTOW I've met.

2018-10-11 23:40:49 UTC

Part 3- Any similar experiences?

2018-10-11 23:46:01 UTC

This made my day

2018-10-11 23:47:01 UTC

Nothing is better than a mgtow day

2018-10-11 23:47:20 UTC

does anyone here actually own a sex doll because I have a question

2018-10-11 23:47:20 UTC

I gotta ask. Is joining the US air force possible for foreigners?

2018-10-11 23:48:07 UTC

I want to know if all the love dolls can you change what there eyes are?

2018-10-11 23:48:36 UTC

because there is a doll I like better then the others but I do not have the option to put the eyes I want in it so I will buy the eyes seperate

2018-10-11 23:48:57 UTC

I am sure you can customise them

2018-10-11 23:49:02 UTC


2018-10-11 23:49:03 UTC

I think doll house allows that

2018-10-11 23:49:19 UTC

Excellent story, @MJ

2018-10-11 23:49:32 UTC

I want it to have the cat eyes though this doll I want doesnt give me that option

2018-10-11 23:50:14 UTC

I am using the doll house site

2018-10-11 23:50:20 UTC

if that helps

2018-10-11 23:51:05 UTC

@Kazemaru Gonna chat with him again tomorrow. He basically went from NPC to Human being in all of a few minutes...crazy

2018-10-11 23:51:33 UTC

I also would like to know... The articulations if the dolls are good enough to make stop motion videos?

2018-10-11 23:51:56 UTC

@MJ kinda overlord?

2018-10-11 23:52:28 UTC

oh I can call them

2018-10-11 23:52:39 UTC

I am fine then I can ask them lol

2018-10-11 23:53:22 UTC

I want to be sure before I make a huge purchase like that

2018-10-11 23:53:54 UTC

@Kazemaru Anime reference? Haven't seen that one yet. Looks interesting. Kid seems pretty smart, I hadn't heard of darius until today, he mentioned him. Definietly can see why Darius would be effective at reaching younger 20 somethings as a MGTOW

2018-10-11 23:55:08 UTC

Aye, Overlord is good. Better than sword art online imo

2018-10-11 23:56:57 UTC

I'm so freaking new to MGTOW, knew of it for about 2 years...never really dug into, just thought dudes were bitter and jaded by bad women. And HOLY SHIT there is a whole ocean of MGTOW content out there. I feel like I've been missing out on all this TRUTH for my entire adult life. PUA never appealed to me, I knew about negging and other tricks PUA use...but now, MGTOW has really changed the way I see basically everything, not just women.

2018-10-11 23:58:35 UTC

It's so refreshing to see someone discovering mgtow (not sarcasm)

2018-10-11 23:59:22 UTC

@Kazemaru I actually pull up the first episode of SAO and watch it while I cook...Just the first episode...just to remind me of all the promise it had....then I just imagine an entirely new story from that point forward...kinda do the same with the start wars movies now, watch the original, imagine the rest of the story in my head and with expanded universe material.

2018-10-12 00:00:01 UTC

*orignal trilogy

2018-10-12 00:00:50 UTC

Much more satisfying, especially as I eat. hahahha

2018-10-12 00:01:03 UTC

Have you've noticed that PUA, MRAs and male feminists are always flerting with women's, but the males who receive flerting the most are mgtows?

2018-10-12 00:03:10 UTC

Yup...two of the girls at my job have hardcore made moves on me. One of them was doing the flirt game with me today. I keep it all about business. Disregard. I know they jill off to me in their rooms at night and I could care fucking less.

2018-10-12 00:05:08 UTC

2018-10-12 00:05:47 UTC

And doing that, they open up to me MORE AND MORE and I care LESS and LESS because they are revealing their drama past and their drama family lives, and pet drama, and social media drama, and I don't even acknowledge it. Somehow I'm supposed to care and be interested. I usually just say, "Wow sounds like you need anger management or You might have problems with alcohol. Check out the flyer we have in the hallways for counseling." They go, yeah, that's a good idea, twirl and walk off with a smile on their face. **face desk**

2018-10-12 00:06:46 UTC

One of them is MARRIED ffor fock sakes

2018-10-12 00:07:05 UTC

Hypergamy is real gents. hypergamy is fucking so real.

2018-10-12 00:08:41 UTC

If The society were you live is freely allowing the woman behave like that, I have to say.... Your society is fucked

2018-10-12 00:08:55 UTC


2018-10-12 00:09:08 UTC


2018-10-12 00:09:59 UTC

My day today was stressing-scaring

2018-10-12 00:10:26 UTC

I almost lost my bike

2018-10-12 00:10:48 UTC

Forgoted to pay one of the taxes

2018-10-12 00:11:06 UTC

Police pulls me over to check my documents

2018-10-12 00:11:27 UTC

Wait, what? Tax on bikes?

2018-10-12 00:11:34 UTC

The fuck???

2018-10-12 00:11:54 UTC

Sorry, some countries use the term motorcycle

2018-10-12 00:12:11 UTC

Oh, lol, okay, I was gonna ask. haha

2018-10-12 00:12:24 UTC

Please continue.

2018-10-12 00:12:55 UTC

So... My "bike" was taked to the traffic control

2018-10-12 00:13:16 UTC

@MJ They might just want a work husband. You do their work, listen to their drama and get nothing for it. If your lucky you get nothing. She could always get you in trouble. Be smart and keep everything about business like you've been doing.

2018-10-12 00:13:47 UTC

And tomorrow is holyday in here, so if I didn't recovered today, only on monday I could

2018-10-12 00:14:24 UTC

But I've made it

2018-10-12 00:15:06 UTC

Some countries also use motorcycle when the mean scooter.

2018-10-12 00:15:20 UTC

@Axle3610 Absolutely. "Work Husband" I like that. New one for the lexicon. I'm what you would call a supervisor at my job, it could just be base level sucking up, but I know it is hypergamy. No one can appraoch me to do their work cause I deal with management and upper level management. I'm in a unique position where ppl basically have to listen to me.

2018-10-12 00:15:58 UTC

And I don't have to listen to them, because I am me, I'm old and smart, and get the fuck off my lawn

2018-10-12 00:16:16 UTC

@Kazemaru Nice. Caught a break!

2018-10-12 00:17:04 UTC

I can't live without mi bike. I need her more then internet

2018-10-12 00:17:09 UTC

For the most part, the women at work can't figure me out and I like that.

2018-10-12 00:18:18 UTC

I drive about 70 miles each day. I wish I lived closer to work, but my neighborhood is safe and quiet and I like my neighbors. It's worth the commute to have peace at the end of the day.

2018-10-12 00:18:59 UTC

@Kazemaru What CC is your bike? What kind of horsepower you pull?

2018-10-12 00:19:05 UTC

What about your male coleagues? How much blue pill they are?

2018-10-12 00:19:27 UTC

Its just 150 CC

2018-10-12 00:19:50 UTC

But HP is good enough to offroad

2018-10-12 00:20:25 UTC

@Kazemaru Three of my male coworkers I have found out recently because of Kavanaugh confirmation align with me politically and morally. One is married with 3 spawn and other 2 are single and getting redpill memes from me daily and laughing and enjoying them

2018-10-12 00:21:09 UTC

Other male colleagues are basically NPCs to me. One might be redpilled...must inquire slowly and methodically.

2018-10-12 00:22:46 UTC

I'm so blessed to do what I do, make the money I make, have my health and family....the women that have come in and out of my life have only ever disturbed my inner peace and stole from me, cheated on me. NOT WORTH THE TIME ANYMORE. I'm too old for hypergamy.

2018-10-12 00:23:27 UTC

@Kazemaru Yeah, I can see you getting some good mud with a 150cc and some good dirt treads! You like to get out and mud?

2018-10-12 00:24:31 UTC

@MJ yes. I also work with agriculture, so it fits me perfectly

2018-10-12 00:24:41 UTC

Listening to Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex season 1 and 2 soundtracks!!! Perfect music for MGTOW thoughts.

2018-10-12 00:25:51 UTC

@Kazemaru I grew up in a "rural area". SO yeah, love my big trucks, guns, fishing and all the outdoor fun. Haven't got on a motorcycle in years....maybe my next MGTOW growing phase?? Recommendations/brands?

2018-10-12 00:26:44 UTC

@MJ get one moto that is cheap and you can modified

2018-10-12 00:27:32 UTC

How expensive is a good used 150CC bike?

2018-10-12 00:27:55 UTC

Depend of the country

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