@Mark MO Given the location, Sunday night might be a better time for stickering so as to maximize the number of people who see it. As for Saturday, I've got a prior commitment in the afternoon/early evening
Can't say exactly when I'll be done with it, not until 7PM at the earliest
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I'll be a few minutes late
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Contemporary German translation of the Declaration of Independence
Provided for the general interest
Plenty of Germans in America even then (aside from the Germanic Anglo-Saxons, of course)
The highlighted word is "Volk", which I realize may not be easy to read in that font
As I understand it, it was chosen very deliberately in this context
the translators of the Pennsylvanische Staatsbote made a point of using the word Volk instead of Einwohner (which does not carry the same connotation of a shared blood, land, and history)
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Hey, you still need stickers?
Cool, wanna meet up some time this evening?
Right, gimme a location then
Where in KC would you like to meet?
I've got dinner with family tonight so if I don't hear from you real soon we'll have to do it later tonight.
Lights haven't arrived yet, but they should be here by the 30th
Everything else is good, I got my jacket yesterday
Patrick completed his pledge for the week, I went out to Blue Springs and dragged him kicking and screaming on a sticker run
He told me to add the bit about kicking and screaming
You ever see that photo of GLR with his RV that he had set up to unfold into a swastika-spangled White Power podium?
I'm imagining something like that but with the fasces
Gonna be home in 10 minutes, got a whole bunch of photos to post
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I couldn't find the photo I was looking for, the one where the banner says something like "THE SYMBOL OF WHITE POWER", but it's the same setup
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I'll need to get home and shower since I'll be filthy from work, so 5:30 at the absolute best time, 6:00 more realistically
if that's not good enough, I can skip the shower and find a truck stop at the event location
lanterns and hat lights should be arriving today
I think @Patrick MO said he was missing quite a bit, sometime tomorrow we should go down the list with him and work out what he needs
I spent $120 on gas and supplies
I made it back in less than four pieces
the supplies were lanterns and hat lights
I'm not entirely sure where all the lights ended up, though
depending on distance, I can do anything before 3PM on weekdays, and any time on weekends