NQ - Austin TX

@PF-2569 RocketChat ID: 55QNyLQBvSPhMRuK9

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Were the food items I provided sufficient? Do I need to make more next time? Did everything taste good? Did it keep everyone satiated?

Confirming myself for Thursday's meeting

@Lewis TX @NS - Oscar TX @Wilson TX I'm down, we can hit the same spot for posters and find a good stencil spot in the same area.

I am unaware of the foot traffic schedules at the campus but I do know the campus PD is almost always around

Wilson is applying to multiple tech contractors as we speak, I'll keep the pressure on

This old or new? @all

Starting to go active with my account again, I don't have the follower count I used to but it's ramping up. Doing some reposts from Sons of Columbia and Traditional Aesthetic

Dropped 5 Posts and gained at least one follower for each in the last half hour

This guy is sus, he followed me


IMO we shouldn't be NSDAP posting and referring to ourselves as such aswell as drawing parallels to that movement. @Thomas thoughts?

Right, I'm just saying giving fuel to their narrative won't do us any favors.

I was able to run for 6 minutes straight up 3 minutes from baseline. Also reaching less than 1/2 bodyweight on assisted pullups.

@all @all REMINDER: IMPORTANT MEETING TONIGHT, 3 hours 27 minutes

Reported several of their posts


Finally got a DeleteMe Subcription. Any tips for a business social media account? I know that would break the guidelines but is there any other way to advertise outside of social media?

Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 10, 2021 9:32 PM

Ok, just making sure

My current strategy is reposting old "fan" edits and some new stuff alongside slogans and quotes from our speeches. Seems to be doing well

Business progression, advertising and market streams for our different industries, recent wins, recent losses. Just a few ideas

Early tomorrow morning. roughly 9am, we will need the equipment to do so

Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 11, 2021 5:32 PM

Heres an example of the labels I will need to have when I open up business. Still deciding on the container I will be using though.

I won't be able to make it tomorrow. I am going to be a wreck for a while, I won't elaborate here

Just went through a breakup, I'll communicate more tomorrow

Hey man, just reaching out. I'm in a bad way atm. My fiance and I broke up Saturday night. We came to the conclusion we are incompatible in the long run, because of her age she probably will never be able to have kids and that's my #1 priority. I'm gonna focus on improvement before I go looking again but I'm definitely going to start looking at young adult church groups later.

This is includes most of the dress code items you'll need, Oscar wanted me to send it to you.

Sons of Columbia reposting going pretty well, getting consistent interaction and followers

Doing pretty good today, no tears shed, cleared the air with my ex. Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel

https://twitter.com/Freihet2018/status/1471230173244985345?t=rI_OYDDoQuHmmdPpk2F9Pw&s=19 this guy is pretty supportive of us but someone needs to tell him to not repost a dox


Anytime I'm craving something sweet I just eat a tablespoon of local honey or 100% maple syrup

Fresh mangos or pineapples are good too

Meeting is at 8pm CST?

What was the service that gives you two free phone numbers per email, I want to make an alt in the case of another ban

Apparently just some ROTC guys talking about current events


Can someone move me down


Take your time with the site functions, I've got aways to go before I can open.

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