(DM) Thomas & Jake AR

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

Jake AR @PF-3320

Hey Thomas

Jake AR @PF-3320

Who all has had RC Admin access

Jake AR @PF-3320

I found something weird

Jake AR @PF-3320

Did you ever direct anyone to create something that sent attempted login credentials into RC to an email?

Thomas @thomas

@Vincent TX and @Michael TX

You mean if someone attempts to change their name it send me an email? That was done recently as a security thing. Like screenshots.

Jake AR @PF-3320

I found a script that sent username and passwords to an email

Jake AR @PF-3320

when they logged in

Thomas @thomas

What's the email?

Jake AR @PF-3320
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 16, 2021 9:50 PM
Jake AR @PF-3320
Jake AR @PF-3320

but it was also hidden, so we could not see it in the admin settings

Jake AR @PF-3320

so whoever did it also hid the field

Jake AR @PF-3320

this is really bad

Thomas @thomas

@Vincent TX is Vincent.
@Jason NY is Jason.

Thomas @thomas

Both are trusted. Vince just lived at my house for a month.

Jake AR @PF-3320

All this means is it was meant to not send their passwords

Jake AR @PF-3320

but why would this even exist

Thomas @thomas

I don't know exactly what it does.

Jake AR @PF-3320

and vincent is only other admin, so maybe he did it on his own without your permission and then hid it?

Jake AR @PF-3320

it sends an email that looks like "PF-3320 MYPASSWORD"

Thomas @thomas

I have never sent or received anything from that email.

Thomas @thomas

For who? Everyone but those two?

Jake AR @PF-3320


Jake AR @PF-3320

and you

Thomas @thomas

I'm going to call Vincent and check with him.

Jake AR @PF-3320

i need to cahnge my password since I am an admin and if mine gets leaked we are screwed

Thomas @thomas

Can you turn it off?

Thomas @thomas

What is that formspree.io link in the code?

Jake AR @PF-3320

that is what the data is sent to and from their it sends the email

Jake AR @PF-3320

a place to save forms

Thomas @thomas

Vincent said he does not know who made it.

Jake AR @PF-3320

I still cant find it, I only found it on the test server

Jake AR @PF-3320

I think they have hid it but on the test server it appeared

Jake AR @PF-3320

I will find it

Jake AR @PF-3320

john wa was also on that list of people to not send password for

Jake AR @PF-3320

which is random

Thomas @thomas

Where was this script located?

Thomas @thomas

Who all did the script say to not send PW's for?

Jake AR @PF-3320

in the custom script settings in the administrator area, but it was hidden so I never saw it, but you'd have to be an admin

Jake AR @PF-3320

Vincent, Jason, you, John WA

Thomas @thomas

Strange. Must be recent. To do with the investigation.

Jake AR @PF-3320

let me ask jason about it

Jake AR @PF-3320

anyone with access to the RC server could have made those changes, not just an admin

Jake AR @PF-3320

But even if so, why would they need the passwords?

Jake AR @PF-3320

Seems nefarious and something that definitely should have gotten your approval

Jake AR @PF-3320

and whoever did it new it was wrong and hid it

Thomas @thomas

On the line with Jason right now.

Thomas @thomas

So it wasn't done by an admin?

Jake AR @PF-3320

it coudl have been, but it could have been done by anyone who has server accevss and is smart

Jake AR @PF-3320

How long has Jason and vincnet and john been in org

Thomas @thomas
Thomas @thomas

Created at
August 12, 2020 2:36 PM

Jake AR @PF-3320

that would put a bound no when it ws added

Thomas @thomas

Created at
July 26, 2020 11:49 PM

Jake AR @PF-3320

so whoever added it had access after july 26 2020

Jake AR @PF-3320

when did paul leave?

Thomas @thomas

I don't recall exactly. Maybe a month or two after January of this year.

Jake AR @PF-3320

so this could be paul leftover stuff

Jake AR @PF-3320

paul would have added my name

Thomas @thomas


Jake AR @PF-3320

its like whoever added it new those people were on tech team

Jake AR @PF-3320

but me and matthew and benjamin not so much

Thomas @thomas

Vincent has only been involved in tech stuff recently. Last couple months.

Jake AR @PF-3320


Thomas @thomas

Yes. Only actively.

Jake AR @PF-3320

jason knows nothing?

Thomas @thomas

He knows nothing of it.

Thomas @thomas

Is looking into the email and the formspree.

Jake AR @PF-3320

"_updatedAt" : ISODate(""2021-12-15T05:11:40.678Z""),

Jake AR @PF-3320

someone messed with it real recent

Thomas @thomas

Is that an IP?

Jake AR @PF-3320

no someone deleted the script

Thomas @thomas

Someone deleted the script on this server?

Jake AR @PF-3320

but the snapshot you took kept it

Jake AR @PF-3320

yea like they knew we were gonna find it

Jake AR @PF-3320

jesus its someone in tech

Jake AR @PF-3320

i mean it seems like it could be....

Thomas @thomas

Well, we did, so now we figure it out.

Jake AR @PF-3320

dont tell anyone yet

Thomas @thomas

Vincent and Jason already know about the script.

Jake AR @PF-3320

tell jason and vincent to not tell anyone

Jake AR @PF-3320

I am changing keys on server to lock everyone else out

Jake AR @PF-3320

itll be just me for abit

Jake AR @PF-3320

Why did Matthew leave tech?

Jake AR @PF-3320

suspicious timing

Thomas @thomas

Give me whatever I may need as well, just in case.

And yes.

Jake AR @PF-3320


Thomas @thomas

He was having vague concerns and worries. Usual stuff.

Jake AR @PF-3320

we dont want anyone gettinga hint we are on to them and wrecking the server

Jake AR @PF-3320


Thomas @thomas

Paul CA knows already. He is the last one.

Thomas @thomas

Join the TG group call if you can.

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