Message from @czar

Discord ID: 269872055967678464

2017-01-14 15:08:50 UTC  


2017-01-14 15:11:12 UTC  

@diversity_is_racism Apparently figure of speech does more than telling people what they don't want to hear, but have to hear.

2017-01-14 15:12:52 UTC  

@HeimatFreiheitTradition Not really. It's freedom of expression, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Imagine if I wore a shirt that said "The only good Palestinian is a dead one." Would that warrant a referral?

2017-01-14 15:14:18 UTC  

I'm not sure where the left is on Palestine. I *think* they are pro-Palestine, so that's out. On the other hand, they are as afraid as anyone/ else of the charge of anti-semitism, hence "The only good Israeli is a dead one" might be a valid political opinion.

2017-01-14 15:15:51 UTC  

.... while "The only Jew ..." wouldn't be

2017-01-14 15:17:19 UTC  

Good luck trying to get an Israeli to die. They breed commandos straight from the get-go, and now accept women soldiers into the IDF (see Gal Gadot).

2017-01-14 15:18:59 UTC  

huh, interesting

2017-01-14 15:19:52 UTC  

from the same academia.stackexchange question:

2017-01-14 15:19:56 UTC  

"Discriminatory harassment is forbidden by the university's code of conduct and includes: placing written or graphic material which demeans or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or group because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age or disability."

2017-01-14 15:20:06 UTC  

AVERSION toward a group is forbidden

2017-01-14 15:20:27 UTC  

you're not allowed to state that you DISLIKE a group

2017-01-14 15:20:35 UTC  

how insane is that?

2017-01-14 15:21:52 UTC  

I think there's a way to get around this. "I like [X] a lot more than [Y]."

2017-01-14 15:22:23 UTC  

interesting idea

2017-01-14 15:23:13 UTC  

though with topics that hit close to home that won't work

2017-01-14 15:23:40 UTC  

pretty sure that "I like [Whites] a lot more than [Blacks]" is a no-go

2017-01-14 15:23:43 UTC  

reverse might be ok

2017-01-14 15:26:32 UTC  

Maybe "I'm really disappointed in how [X] people act toward [Y] people."

2017-01-14 15:27:23 UTC  

nice! totally using that line when I don't feel like lying about my views 😄

2017-01-14 15:38:31 UTC  


2017-01-14 16:55:12 UTC  

im confused how spamming posts about every single person who followed you isnt spam

2017-01-14 16:55:14 UTC  
2017-01-14 16:55:21 UTC  

fucking bullshit really

2017-01-14 16:56:38 UTC  

worse enough that he does it, but he posts it into fucking categories

2017-01-14 16:56:57 UTC  

#fucking #triggered

2017-01-14 16:58:04 UTC  

Talk to Torba about it. Maybe he can give you the rundown on that.

2017-01-14 16:59:03 UTC  

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2017-01-14 17:01:29 UTC  


2017-01-14 17:01:31 UTC  


2017-01-14 17:01:38 UTC  


2017-01-14 17:09:59 UTC  

@czar You rang, m'lord?

2017-01-14 17:12:37 UTC  

anonguy has good information but on the otherside hes also cringe, a decent representation of the internet i guess

2017-01-14 18:13:59 UTC  

The "alt-right" is the lower classes' way of protesting the status quo. The alt-right has few, if any intellectual substance and the ways of the alt-righters are the same as just any mass movement since the 20th century.

2017-01-14 18:16:29 UTC  

what a non-argument

2017-01-14 18:16:42 UTC  

lower classes - get me a citation on this

2017-01-14 18:16:54 UTC  

intellectual substance - give example of it on the left

2017-01-14 18:17:07 UTC  

ways of the alt righters are shaped by modern means

2017-01-14 18:17:08 UTC  

Well, give me the name of an alt-right thinker

2017-01-14 18:17:25 UTC  

an actual thinker, not just a random blogger

2017-01-14 18:17:33 UTC  

alan de benoist, for one

2017-01-14 18:17:42 UTC  

i'd also put brett in that list