Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 489602606310752258

2018-09-13 01:01:02 UTC  

So a right wing party is pro traditionalism, constitutionalism, etc

2018-09-13 01:01:42 UTC  

A left wing party would be pro secularism, social programs, etc

2018-09-13 01:02:01 UTC  

Those are non exclusionary

2018-09-13 01:02:20 UTC  

You can be secular, support the constitution, support social programs and value tradition

2018-09-13 01:02:25 UTC  

You can adopt a wide variety of ideologies under one banner without being cornered

2018-09-13 01:03:18 UTC  

And then, the people in the party can say "I'm a constitutionalist", or " I'm a socialist"

2018-09-13 01:03:34 UTC  

Further, what was no child left behind, as poor a plam as it was? And alt right memestate enthusiasts will often advocate a heavy welfare state

2018-09-13 01:03:53 UTC  

That's the thing. The lines are unclear

2018-09-13 01:04:09 UTC  

Aren't alt right people national socialists?

2018-09-13 01:04:29 UTC  

Not all, but altleast the ethnostatists

2018-09-13 01:04:37 UTC  

Some of them might be yes, and a heavy social welfare state is lefty

2018-09-13 01:04:38 UTC  

technocratic monarchy is the best, prove me wrong

2018-09-13 01:04:44 UTC  

So what's the righty aspect?

2018-09-13 01:04:51 UTC  

The alt right isn't a good example here

2018-09-13 01:04:55 UTC  

Even ethnonationalists aren't necessarily natsocs.

2018-09-13 01:05:00 UTC  

It's a perfect example

2018-09-13 01:05:15 UTC  

Because where do they go?

2018-09-13 01:05:17 UTC  

Vernacular recommendation: we need words more relative to the Overton window, and not the political compass.

2018-09-13 01:05:39 UTC  

They didn't start off this way. A bunch of nazis took over the actual alt right.

2018-09-13 01:05:54 UTC  

Okay, but where do you put Nazis?

2018-09-13 01:05:57 UTC  

The Alt-Right was Poland

2018-09-13 01:06:15 UTC  

Radical centrists

2018-09-13 01:06:15 UTC  

The Nazis annexed it

2018-09-13 01:06:30 UTC  

The nazis are radical centrists.

2018-09-13 01:06:38 UTC  

And the media basically said 'sure, they can have THAT title...'

2018-09-13 01:06:40 UTC  

What right wing positions do they have?

2018-09-13 01:06:48 UTC  


2018-09-13 01:07:01 UTC  

Closed borders

2018-09-13 01:07:20 UTC  

I'm not buying Monarchy as 'right'

2018-09-13 01:07:35 UTC  

Monarchy is an authoritarian branch.

2018-09-13 01:07:46 UTC  

Monarchy is more traditional.

2018-09-13 01:07:47 UTC  

The iron curtain was built by righties?

2018-09-13 01:07:53 UTC  

A hierarchical system based on tradition is definitely right.

2018-09-13 01:08:03 UTC  

By etymological standards it's the same as a dictator.

2018-09-13 01:08:07 UTC  

'Rule by one'

2018-09-13 01:08:15 UTC  

Not really

2018-09-13 01:08:21 UTC  

It's family rule

2018-09-13 01:08:24 UTC  

by etymological standards.

2018-09-13 01:08:39 UTC  

Mon- means one.

2018-09-13 01:09:09 UTC  

And north Korea is a republic

2018-09-13 01:10:01 UTC  

Do ethnostatists seek to seize the means of production?