Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 493473419795628034

2018-09-23 17:10:53 UTC  

allahu Fishbar?

2018-09-23 17:11:31 UTC  

@devpav But yeah, ultimately all roads lead to Soros, though that's not necessarily indicative of any particular foul play

2018-09-23 17:12:20 UTC  

e.g. Catherine Bracy was on the board of the Citizen Engagement Lab, which worked with the Open Society Foundations (which is George's)

2018-09-23 17:12:28 UTC  

but that says mostly nothing about anything

2018-09-23 17:12:38 UTC  

```Well, more than a couple Massachusetts morons.```
so all of them

2018-09-23 17:12:50 UTC  

implying that even i contributed to the problem

2018-09-23 17:13:21 UTC  

Well, while I may not agree with this sentiment, some say "If you're not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem."

2018-09-23 17:13:41 UTC  

So certainly some people can see you as having contributed to the problem.

2018-09-23 17:19:49 UTC  

Instead of trying to identify the most batshit lefty loons connected to Data & Society, another strategy might be to identify the most moderate or centrist people connected to them and try to interview them, pressing them hard on why they support this censorious deplatforming crap.

2018-09-23 17:20:42 UTC  

A graph displaying the SPLC donor network would be useful.

2018-09-23 17:21:21 UTC  

If you can flip one of them and get them to admit that this isn't what they signed up for, then maybe you might have a change at discrediting the report. But trying to paint the D&S people as hard left isn't helpful, as the people this report is aimed at (the people making the rules at tech giants) at also hard left.

2018-09-23 17:22:09 UTC  

I dunno about that. The hard left already hate that list. I think this is trying to pull more people into the net

2018-09-23 17:22:12 UTC  

You'll basically just be cataloging their bona fides for the SJWs in control of ToS and platform moderation.

2018-09-23 17:22:19 UTC  

Or at least prevent them from finding wrongthink

2018-09-23 17:22:41 UTC  

Actually if you could just do the equivalent of a RICO investigation of ADL/SPLC/OSF that'd be great.

2018-09-23 17:23:24 UTC  

Beemann I think you misunderstand. Tim posted this page earlier <> and asked us to look into them.

2018-09-23 17:24:15 UTC  

A cursory look shows that they're 95% far left academics who have parasitically inserted themselves into silicon valley. There might be 5% of them that have actually written a line of code in their lives.

2018-09-23 17:25:30 UTC  

I'm saying instead of delving into the more far left people and their batshit politics we should instead look at the 5% who are actual developers and any of the academics who have written in support of moderate policies like free speech for all. and try to get their take on things.

2018-09-23 17:27:09 UTC  

Well, the graph can expand

2018-09-23 17:27:11 UTC  

The board of directors on that list are all true believers. Worthless to engage them.

2018-09-23 17:27:23 UTC  

I can't really give you guys the tools I normally use for this

2018-09-23 17:27:36 UTC  

but maybe I should spend the rest of the day building something similar

2018-09-23 17:27:46 UTC  

But some of the advisors might not have known what they were getting into with these people. They might have advised on things without knowing that the goal was deplatforming and censorship.

2018-09-23 17:28:12 UTC  

Well, I think some of the advisors are along for the ride

2018-09-23 17:28:18 UTC  

they obviously all just know eachother

2018-09-23 17:28:31 UTC  

I would say it's useless to engage them privately

2018-09-23 17:28:43 UTC  

But undermining them publicly has its perks

2018-09-23 17:29:27 UTC  

Not to mention, a study of a similar nature to the false one they published can be produced

2018-09-23 17:29:42 UTC  

and carry more weight, with a pile of well-sourced claims

2018-09-23 17:29:45 UTC  

Deirdre Mulligan for example is probably not someone who would support deplatforming.

2018-09-23 17:29:54 UTC  

The Mainstream Influence Network

2018-09-23 17:30:23 UTC  

Yeah, I think she's just there because of a connection with Danah Boyd

2018-09-23 17:30:35 UTC  

through the University of California at Berkeley, School of Information

2018-09-23 17:31:17 UTC  

Deirdre is ~~their lawyer~~ one of their lawyers, and Danah Boyd is a Ph Doctorate of theirs.

2018-09-23 17:32:00 UTC  

boyd is a true believer.

2018-09-23 17:32:09 UTC  

Probably, yes.

2018-09-23 17:34:22 UTC  

@wacka Megafake, but funny.

2018-09-23 17:36:14 UTC  


2018-09-23 17:46:42 UTC