Message from @xorgy

Discord ID: 494353963345510402

2018-09-26 03:43:32 UTC  

so you don't believe that it is possible to compromise the structure of a building by heating up the primary structural elements such that the static load on them causes them to bend?

2018-09-26 03:43:35 UTC  

there are way more arguments than that

2018-09-26 03:43:48 UTC  

right, but you said you disbelieve all of the official story

2018-09-26 03:43:54 UTC  

just the stock put options alone should raise some eyebrows

2018-09-26 03:43:59 UTC  

thats fine, lets start by dropping that one, and any arguments that require it to be true

2018-09-26 03:44:23 UTC  

but seriously, i am not going to educate you guys on 911, it is an easy one and if you truly want to learn more there is more than enough evidence out there

2018-09-26 03:44:35 UTC  

Selective with facts is how most conspiracy theories are born.

2018-09-26 03:44:39 UTC  

I mean

2018-09-26 03:44:40 UTC  

anyway, you all have drained the life out of me

2018-09-26 03:44:42 UTC  

When they negate other facts that could do it.

2018-09-26 03:44:54 UTC  

if they really wanted to fabricate the event, surely they wouldn't attempt to make up _all_ of the facts.

2018-09-26 03:44:57 UTC  

if you believe the government is this bad, why are you not in open revolt and shooting all government officials? i mean, its clearly a treat to you

2018-09-26 03:45:02 UTC  

i wish so hard that i could be like you, but i just can't

2018-09-26 03:45:06 UTC  

that seems like the absolute worst way to construct a believable lie

2018-09-26 03:45:16 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:45:25 UTC  

i'm off to chill out

2018-09-26 03:45:29 UTC  

nite ya'll

2018-09-26 03:46:00 UTC  


2018-09-26 03:46:03 UTC  

No insulting Orgy.

2018-09-26 03:46:09 UTC  

alright alright

2018-09-26 03:46:14 UTC  

Let's be civil.

2018-09-26 03:46:43 UTC  

Insulting people back won't put you on the high ground, it just brings you down to their level.

2018-09-26 03:46:50 UTC  

It just doesn't feel civil, somebody willing to raise the middle finger to all the people who lived through the things he affectionately labels "the official report"

2018-09-26 03:46:52 UTC  

its far more believable that some person somewhere in the intelligence agency got work that such an attack could happen, and never pushed it up the chain because they dismissed it, got the date wrong, or any number of any given reasons (maybe it was a dem who wanted repubs to look bad). but that is hardly much of an "inside job"

2018-09-26 03:46:53 UTC  

That is why being civil in debate is important.

2018-09-26 03:47:25 UTC  

there is some evidence to suggest something similar happened with info about Pearl harbor

2018-09-26 03:47:29 UTC  

Anyone here who's been maybe a couple meters (or less) away from a tragedy, is surely a bit disappointed.

2018-09-26 03:47:47 UTC  

It doesn't help that those who built the trade center cut corners.

2018-09-26 03:47:56 UTC  

Weakening the entire structure in the beginning.

2018-09-26 03:47:57 UTC  

And yeah, incompetence is rampant, and certainty is hard to come by

2018-09-26 03:48:01 UTC  

that someone did know about it, but it was too late and never got the right ears fast enough to do anything

2018-09-26 03:48:10 UTC  

I'll bet you approximately nobody at NORAD was thinking that 9/11 was about to happen

2018-09-26 03:48:12 UTC  

the government is designed to be incompetent

2018-09-26 03:48:14 UTC  

because it had never happened in the past.

2018-09-26 03:48:28 UTC  

i mean, you know the number of planes flying aorund NYC?

2018-09-26 03:48:42 UTC  

ffs they had helis fly to the met life building for a while

2018-09-26 03:49:00 UTC  

It is always a struggle to keep the government unable to become totalitarians as well as giving them the tools to keep us safe.

2018-09-26 03:49:02 UTC  

no way a Norad system could identify a civilian bird and shoot it down fast enough

2018-09-26 03:49:08 UTC  

I mean, what is the plan to monitor for, report, and defend against attacks of an unforseen nature, using tools they hadn't thought of?

2018-09-26 03:49:14 UTC  

not without NORAD already wanting to shoot down civ planes