Message from @Abel
Discord ID: 494466498572582912
well you pointed out confusion, i clarified, so no harm done? 😄
@Ottobon wat dr wol is saying i believe is tht no one had a problem with the gays the lezis and trannies until they came out as attention seekers
I agree with the doc on this
ya and i was following on that point and got lost i guess through the satire
The overwhelming majority of western society stopped hating on gays decades ago,
At this point nobody really cares about them doing what they don in their private lives
But in the last few years you have people proclaiming its as bad as witchburnings in the 1800's
and then you have the media echoing that,
So you have people worrying about non-issues, meanwhile we have huge problems in society as is 😦
Oh shit dat gun b gud
Shes so stunning
thats one word for it
is the DSA like the new green party except they make even less sense
That bitch isn't even voted into office yet acts like it.
Bet ya she will ban the press from that debate amirite
I'd laugh hard if she looses
DSA isn't a party
It's an organisation
If i look at Project Veritas, they're criminals
Are they
But they're journalists
well according to their latest video, you have an IRS guy saying that he'll intentionally make life difficult on Conservatives
Dsa are trying to overthrow capitalism they are domestic terrorists
surely that violates some kind of discrimination as a public worker code
"resist everything" and all that
@Abel hes saying looking at what project veritas is saying about DSA they are criminals, not that they are project veritas 👅
Socialists under the bed
I'll rephrase :P
According to Project Veritas: DSA is effectively criminals
@Ottobon yeah same i think abel thought dr was saying proj veritas were crimanals lel
on the contrary, i think Veritas is doing good work
Who would have thought that a band of Commies are Criminals.
The DSA are basically lolcows
Kids stil use that term...right?
Agree veritas does do good work , like actual investigative journalism
how to get lefty incels to incriminate themselves
1) find hot woman
2) give hot woman a hidden camera
3) tell hot woman to go talk to DSA members
Get them a little liquored up also
and some coke
Then they can #metoo the lefty incels
Circle of life