Message from @Arstavial
Discord ID: 494486573367164939
**(death metal intensifies)**
Demon? That is an offensive term..we prefer the term Mortally Challanged.
Oooohhh, Doom reference
well done! 😛
The problem with the gender thing is that it requires multiple assumptions to even matter to someone
>gender is socially constructed
>socially constructed things matter
>reproduction is not the main goal of biological organisms
>there are no advantages to standard biological setups
You know, i just realised,
Marxism is all about just "fan-fictioning" reality <:TimThink:482277772497125378>
Its all about taking what exists, and then writing it over to include yourself
"Rich people have money, now i have money too"
"Biology research was done, now i did it with my gender included"
"Other races got affirmative action, Now i have affirmative action with my gender"
like how people would fan-fic movies to include their sex/gender, and make it lame too
Basically yeah
A crude harry potter fan-fic where Harry falls in love with them!
They just wanna be the center of someone elses story
If its not, it should be
I assumed it was staged.
thats the true horror of today Arstavial,
We don't know if it was
You actually have crazies like that
The horror when truth is indistinguishable from fiction <:TimThink:482277772497125378>
Thats when fan-fiction can become reality, the Marxist dream!
I mean I know there are crazy folks. But the video I saw was just a bunch of jump cuts and not a single person freaking out in what I thought would be 'normal' style.
Shes doing that in Russia
Oh snap it's russia? Ok...well, maybe people freak out differentlyt here >_>
hmm, could be fake then,
Russians aren't known for being calm
@Arstavial you migt be rite
Famous last words
Like, I mean, how much do people REALLY care about 'man spreading' outside of twitter?
She said: 'I don't think people are going to go to the police to file a report about jeans.
to be fair, that would just raise awareness to me of how attractive young wamen look in undies?
And i'd advocate for making mini-skirts mandatory on summer days for non-fat wamen between 18-25
I said wamen, not girls! I am protected from your vile accusations!!
🔫 😬
wtf is 'wamen'? Is there a meme I'm missing?
its a wet t-shirt contest for crotches
@Grenade123 laugh
not the wamen part, the dumping water on "manspreaders"
Wamen is a meme yes
its about a clip where Pewdiepie talked about respecting women, and he refered to them as Whamen
whamen, like a a crying child "whaaaa"
Ahh. Got ya.
"Respect Whamen one brofist at a time" was the quote 😛