Message from @TeeTotaler

Discord ID: 696848225671315487

2020-04-06 22:22:55 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:22:57 UTC  

this gets funnier by the second

2020-04-06 22:22:58 UTC  

I've noticed that all Authoritarians are driven more by emotion than reason both on the left and the right.

2020-04-06 22:23:01 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:23:26 UTC  

Alphabet people

2020-04-06 22:23:35 UTC  

i don't understand what that means

2020-04-06 22:23:50 UTC  

if being against retarded cretin alphabeticals is authoritarian, then fucking turn it up to the max, boi

2020-04-06 22:23:54 UTC  

I don't keep up with the LGBT as they're shit and should be ignored

2020-04-06 22:23:55 UTC  

it means it was LGBT then it was LGBTQ then LGBTQIA then it just keeps going

2020-04-06 22:24:08 UTC  

So now it's just LGBT+

2020-04-06 22:24:17 UTC  

because too many letters to remember now

2020-04-06 22:24:31 UTC  

If a Authoritarian commie or overwise tried to take away my rights they'd face my shotgun.

2020-04-06 22:24:44 UTC  

A new letter gets added all the time,
I think the p stands for paedo

2020-04-06 22:24:50 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:24:51 UTC  

they'd just make people like you illegal @Gaylien

2020-04-06 22:25:05 UTC  

then gulag and kill you or gun you down with the dogs of the state

2020-04-06 22:25:18 UTC  

lmao "muh shotgun"

2020-04-06 22:25:34 UTC  

imagine owning a shotgun and not mowing down furries with it

2020-04-06 22:25:40 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:25:41 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:26:03 UTC  

imagine hating someone for something so insignificant

2020-04-06 22:26:04 UTC  

Yeah I'm Paleo Libertarian so these collectivist bugmen won't bother with reason.

2020-04-06 22:26:08 UTC  

That would make you a mass murderer

2020-04-06 22:26:14 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:26:20 UTC  

it's justified

2020-04-06 22:26:30 UTC  

which is undoubtedly a worse social taboo than fucking dogs

2020-04-06 22:26:33 UTC  

what have I personally done to justify this behaviour against me?

2020-04-06 22:26:40 UTC  

you're a furry

2020-04-06 22:26:46 UTC  

and? what are my crimes?

2020-04-06 22:26:50 UTC  

Rid the world of all degeneracy

2020-04-06 22:26:53 UTC  

being a furry

2020-04-06 22:27:01 UTC  

Shagging animals

2020-04-06 22:27:02 UTC  

describe being a furry

2020-04-06 22:27:04 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche Are you an agent of MI5, MI6, CIA?

2020-04-06 22:27:06 UTC  

how is being a furry a crime? Is being a weeaboo not a crime?

2020-04-06 22:27:06 UTC  

That's a crime

2020-04-06 22:27:16 UTC  

I'm an agent of decency

2020-04-06 22:27:16 UTC  


2020-04-06 22:27:27 UTC  

so if you have a fursuit and a fursona you automatically shag animals too?

2020-04-06 22:27:36 UTC  

do you think I haven't been decent during our conversation? or whatever you call this

2020-04-06 22:27:38 UTC  
