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2020-04-06 19:56:52 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  


2020-04-06 20:00:42 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

GFA is older than the UK Supreme Court so I guess technically it is "old" in comparison

2020-04-06 20:12:18 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

If Boris dies then possibly we'll end up with a new leader who might cave to the demands to delay the end of the transition period due to the virus. If so it'll be a slippery slope after that

2020-04-06 20:13:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Nigel never went back into the woodwork

2020-04-06 20:14:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

He was heavily criticizing the PM's COVID response just a few days ago

2020-04-06 20:25:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I mean, it would still fall under freedom of speech right? Considering it's not a "Call to action"

2020-04-06 20:26:21 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

They're cunts for saying it but it's part of allowing freedom of speech

2020-04-06 20:27:52 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

In that case people can't complain when Sargon is banned from Twitter for example, no?

2020-04-06 20:29:01 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Yes, but Twitter is a private platform, like you just said. So as a private platform they can remove him right?

2020-04-06 20:31:20 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Exactly, Sargon did nothing wrong.
If you give people authority to decide they will always overreach with the power given to them. Hence the people who're celebrating right now are cunts but they still have a right to say what they want, aslong as it is not a call to action

2020-04-06 20:31:45 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Twitter is legit garbage though I agree

2020-04-06 20:32:47 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

That's not a call to action, that's a shitty "edgy" meme

2020-04-06 20:34:29 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Also remember what was always said about 'Sunlight is the best disinfectant'
I'd personally rather their vile toxicity was easy seen by the general public, it'll help at the next GE. Just like how Momentum's activists "helped".

2020-04-06 20:39:00 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Point of personal privilege

2020-04-06 20:45:02 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I heard being overweight also doesn't help your odds

2020-04-06 20:45:06 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  


2020-04-06 20:55:13 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Well if Boris recovers atleast Raab will have gotten some experience at the top job. Meaning down the line Raab will be the next leader of the party

2020-04-06 20:58:16 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

No, Priti can't be leader, imagine the meltdown if the Conservatives had their 3rd female party leader before Labour had their 1st. You've got to give them a chance to catch up

2020-04-06 21:01:44 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Well to be fair Labour did allow a woman to lead their party at PM Q's a few months ago

2020-04-06 21:01:54 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Pity it was Dianne Abbott

2020-04-06 21:02:28 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

She did really well as well, she sat down before asking any questions at all because she forgot

2020-04-06 21:03:36 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Nah she said how it was an honor to be the first woman to lead the Labour PM Q's, then sat down before being reminded she had to actually ask a question

2020-04-06 21:05:14 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Omg, it was Raab

2020-04-06 21:05:19 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

he stood up and it confused her

2020-04-06 21:05:26 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

So she sat down

2020-04-06 21:45:17 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I stuck my balls in the microwave and I got cancer, proving that it is dangerous, 5G is 1000 times stronger

2020-04-06 21:47:24 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

It's amazing, I never realized Iran had 5G before we did

2020-04-06 21:50:02 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

They're putting radio waves in the air that are turning the bats gay

2020-04-06 21:51:35 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Probably a case of a reported death having the cause of death changed to something else. Just like that 17 year old or whatever that was initially claimed to be a COVID death who later was confirmed to just be a heart attack

2020-04-06 21:51:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

and since Finland only has 29 deaths, small margins of error

2020-04-06 21:52:38 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

If you claim to be non gendered does that mean you don't count at all in the statistics?

2020-04-06 21:55:29 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Weeaboos fuck pillows, Furries fuck household pets

2020-04-06 21:55:36 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

There's a difference

2020-04-06 21:59:26 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  


2020-04-06 22:07:18 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Seeing Furries dressed in costume waiting at the bus stop to say hello is fucking cringe

2020-04-06 22:07:27 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

School bus stop mind you

2020-04-06 22:09:06 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

It's more like Hispanic straight males have the highest amount of cases of HIV, therefore practice safe sex with them to be careful.

Furries have the highest amount of cases of beastiality, therefore don't leave them alone with your pet dog

2020-04-06 22:09:36 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

they have a higher than average percent chance of being into it

2020-04-06 22:12:23 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Well, to be fair, if you declassify something as a mental illness it no longer is a mental illness, so sayeth the trans lobby

2020-04-06 22:13:50 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Social stigma is more powerful than purely arresting people for being weird

2020-04-06 22:14:08 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

being a furry has a social stigma attatched to it

2020-04-06 22:16:01 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Juggalos also had a social stigma attached to them, although that is also well deserved

2020-04-06 22:19:10 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

To be fair, watching anime is less weird than spending a few thousand $ on a full sized fursona

2020-04-06 22:20:48 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

both cons will likely have a foul odor though @Gaylien

2020-04-06 22:23:55 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

it means it was LGBT then it was LGBTQ then LGBTQIA then it just keeps going

2020-04-06 22:24:08 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

So now it's just LGBT+

2020-04-06 22:24:17 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

because too many letters to remember now

2020-04-06 22:26:08 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

That would make you a mass murderer

2020-04-06 22:26:30 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

which is undoubtedly a worse social taboo than fucking dogs

2020-04-06 22:27:16 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  


2020-04-06 22:28:01 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Some dubs are better than the sub

2020-04-06 22:31:06 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

In regards to fursuits, it's probably more that they can't engage with people on a social level face to face without feeling embarrassment, so they hide their face behind a fake animal head which gives them a sense of "freedom".
Which might overcome the initial problem but will never address the underlying issue of not being able to socialize normally

2020-04-06 22:33:47 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Abbotapotomus nudes plz

2020-04-06 22:36:12 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

He's younger and thinner than the God Emperor, if Trump gets it then he might be at risk

2020-04-06 22:37:19 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

The queen likely has about 5-7 years left at best sadly

2020-04-06 22:38:34 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

We're not French

2020-04-06 22:40:20 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Well, people fuck, and their descendants also fuck. That bloodline has tens of thousands of potential heirs at this point

2020-04-06 22:41:37 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

One in every 200 men alive today is a relative of Genghis Khan for example, so the UK royal bloodline is also likely to be pretty wide (althouh the Khan did do a lot of raping)

2020-04-06 22:42:56 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I mean potentially

2020-04-06 22:43:10 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

considering the hundreds of years of political marriages

2020-04-06 22:43:34 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Queen Victoria's children for example all getting married off to different countries princes/princesses

2020-04-06 22:47:00 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

If the Queen outlives Charles I'll consider that a victory

2020-04-07 14:52:06 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Ethnic Irish have always hated the English, for centuries prior to Henry VIII making us a Protestant nation

2020-04-07 14:57:42 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I don't see why

2020-04-07 15:00:54 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Maybe because the Romans invaded England but didn't invade Ireland? but if that's the case then the "tainted" English then spent a good few centuries owning Ireland so it's not like their stock in that regard would be "pure"

2020-04-07 15:07:08 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I mean the Romans did rule Gaul for 500 years though, so maybe they left a DNA imprint on Normans who then passed that onto us

2020-04-07 15:13:24 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Cultural impact is more important than DNA impact really anyway

2020-04-07 15:27:58 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

In the countryside where I live we have basically everything except hand sanitiser and dry pasta

2020-04-07 15:28:28 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Everything else we have in abundance, toilet roll, fresh pizza etc, bread, flour. Sugar section is completely full

2020-04-07 16:20:04 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I always forget that GB was even ever PM. I mean he never actually won an election to be elected PM right?

2020-04-07 16:21:44 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I know you don't need to hold an election in that case but I always found it pretty hypocritical that when TM and Boris took over the Labour party demanded an election on that basis

2020-04-07 16:25:34 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I sometimes wonder what would have happened had Boris actually decided to run for leader in 2016 instead of announcing he couldn't do it. Like in that instance would he have been able to win a majority in 2017 instead of a hung parliament?

I'd actually honestly have to say probably not since the extra 2 years of anger at the political class trying to frustrate the will of the people hadn't occured

2020-04-07 18:45:18 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Welcome to Government in a nutshell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE85BO6vUYM

2020-04-07 19:56:01 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

So err, anyone else from the UK know whether anyone actually #clappedforBoris 55 minutes ago?

2020-04-07 20:21:58 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

You mean the TRE crew?

2020-04-07 20:24:55 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

yeah they posted that same pic

2020-04-07 20:33:02 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I mean generally when immigrating to other countries they do historically vote for left leaning parties that are in favour of handing out money

2020-04-07 20:33:21 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Most Muslims vote Labour as opposed to any other UK party

2020-04-07 20:33:35 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Hence all the Muslim councillors/mayors etc

2020-04-07 20:33:47 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Which are generally Labour

2020-04-07 20:35:42 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

He also tweeted Ian Duncan Smith declared the PM fit for work though

2020-04-07 20:36:35 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

Kids got a scholarship to Eton though, which has a habit of producing PM's

2020-04-07 21:43:25 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I noticed that SyeTen's video about the london bridge attack disappeared though

2020-04-07 21:43:43 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

the one where he's singing about "knees up knees up, blow the MP's up" etc

2020-04-08 19:11:21 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

I remember when that Welsh guy drove to London and ran over that Muslim with a rented van, and the son of the guy who owns the rental company basically said if he'd known what the guy was planning he'd have rented him a steamroller instead

2020-04-08 19:14:15 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  

โ€œItโ€™s my dads company I donโ€™t get involved itโ€™s a shame they donโ€™t hire out a steam rollers or tanks could have done a tidy job then [sic]โ€

2020-04-08 19:14:17 UTC [Athens #uk_politics]  


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