Message from @LMA
Discord ID: 282760980180500480
they keep talking that they are kind of scared cuz the mexicans will fight
The Mexicans will fight the cucks or us?
they have nothing to lose
that's what they were saying on 4chan
eventually blood will be shed, if they start sending people back, they are going to fight that is for sure
i would
They can lose their section 8 housing
I think most law enforcement is sick of their "dreamers" bullshit too.
albequrque is a sanctuary city too
really though, do you think they are going to be able to send that many back without blood being shed?
I don't... to be honest
its going to get interesting
and the libtards will jump in too
You are right- they're not going to want to go back to Mexico
I wouldn't
i wouldn't
it's a shithole and they might own shit here
if i had the balls to sneak in another country illegally, i would stay and fight
I honestly think that if they hadn't been able to just skidattle on over to America- more Mexicans would've been down to fix their own country
someone in a big bear costume just showed at hwndu
a panda bear
Why bother fixing your shit if you can just leave for somewhere nicer
Is he a cuck or no?
probably a cuck, not sure yet
i wish there was some place nicer for us to go
We will make America a shining example of badassery
It will be nicer for our children
we need 8 years of trump and then 8 years of another bad ass pres
It's not going to be fixed overnight
We need to crown Trump emperor
That could really be a thing, couldn't it?
If Trump becomes emporer he has my blessing to annex Britain
We Wuz Incas
niggas be thirsty on gab
askin for a follow back
i literally follow 30 people
why would you think i'd follow you back