Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 498481347954999307

2018-10-07 13:04:33 UTC  

One MGTOW is worse than no MGTOWs

2018-10-07 13:04:36 UTC  

And if you only want to go on for the entertainment value to yourself, then this is a waste of time for me.

2018-10-07 13:05:02 UTC  

1st corinthians 7:8 Now to the unmarried and the widows I say: It is good for them to stay unmarried, as I do. 7:27Are you pledged to a woman? Do not seek to be released. Are you free from such a commitment? Do not look for a wife. 28But if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned. But those who marry will face many troubles in this life, and I want to spare you this.

2018-10-07 13:05:16 UTC  

Here are some basic guidelines for argumentation.

2018-10-07 13:05:24 UTC  

thats the book that started and rebranded the new mtgow marketing

2018-10-07 13:05:45 UTC  

Once you at least make an attempt to not string together one fallacy after another, we can talk.

2018-10-07 13:05:53 UTC  

Hold on.

2018-10-07 13:05:56 UTC  

No moving the goalpost?

2018-10-07 13:05:57 UTC  

But any pigeon can knock over the pieces on a board and declare itself the winner.

2018-10-07 13:05:59 UTC  

That is not an art.

2018-10-07 13:06:01 UTC  

Or is that named something else here?

2018-10-07 13:06:11 UTC

2018-10-07 13:06:25 UTC  

You are still not presenting any arguments.

2018-10-07 13:06:36 UTC  

I'll take my leave here in a second. One more chance.

2018-10-07 13:06:45 UTC  

This is what feminists do.

2018-10-07 13:06:49 UTC  

Take your leave MGTOW boy

2018-10-07 13:06:53 UTC  

"The thing you just said. BUT IN A WACKY VOICE!"

2018-10-07 13:06:54 UTC  

i dont care how many times you say fallacy

2018-10-07 13:07:22 UTC  

If debate is not your goal, no force in the world can make you.

2018-10-07 13:07:23 UTC  

im part of the mgtow movement brah

2018-10-07 13:07:24 UTC  

"Oh no. A wacky voice.. Do you know something I don't? You were very confident when you used that wacky voice. I bet you have a solid argument coming if I don't back off. So I guess I'll back off."

2018-10-07 13:07:32 UTC  

we are a revolution brah

2018-10-07 13:07:39 UTC  

Goodbye But be sure that you only made yourself look ridiculous, not MGTOW.

2018-10-07 13:07:54 UTC  

yeah its not a movement, either. other than, i guess, a move away from women

2018-10-07 13:08:06 UTC  

if that ever was your thing to begin with

2018-10-07 13:08:26 UTC

2018-10-07 13:08:27 UTC  

like bitch if females cant follow your lead is becauser you suck and you are better off, and i guess you can believe what ever you want to believe to make you feel better right?

2018-10-07 13:08:47 UTC  

my god

2018-10-07 13:09:03 UTC  

i really hope that picture is fake

2018-10-07 13:09:29 UTC  

Oh no, a fat man.

2018-10-07 13:09:41 UTC  

Get him away from my arguments. If he uses them they become wrong.

2018-10-07 13:09:41 UTC  

im getting that hair on the back of my neck erect over the CRINGE that this may be a real pic

2018-10-07 13:10:21 UTC  

and is that a trash plastic bag?

2018-10-07 13:10:30 UTC  

hes wearing a trash bag

2018-10-07 13:10:46 UTC

2018-10-07 13:10:48 UTC  

He wears the clothes that best reflect his movement

2018-10-07 13:11:11 UTC  

@Deleted User It's a real picture. The guy has a YouTube channel that is now defunct

2018-10-07 13:11:12 UTC  

You guys do realise that YOU were the only people that started throwing the term MGTOW around to begin with, right?