Message from @xorgy
Discord ID: 499013913849888795
hes got enough money to not give a fuck.
A higher value.
well thing is musk had been acting crazy on social media for months before, thinking back to atleast april with his dumb april fools joke etc, i think he had a feeling the tides were against him
it is the same thing..... i'll have to dig it up but something about misinterpretations for god and love during the translations of the bible....
I think Elon was just in a work-related trance.
his public communications were a bit unhinged for that reason, I imagine.
Live longer and suffer.
And it allowed him to say what he really wanted to say about the mainstream media.
What could their reasons possibly be?
Elon did not pass the turing test on JRE. his inhalation system saved him from getting fried, but that muthafugga is a 3rd gen synth telling us that they are bad and we are stupid for continuing to enter data into the machine
and here i go entering more data into the machine
also why does that chin look so weak?
How long until vulcans are cousin its with pointy ears?
@Abel live long and Soyfer?
when was last time anybody debated AI going nuts and taking over world here
is that that ruby rose chick?
Yeah, I fear that if I start using my voice or my likeness on the internet or in public too much, eventually it may become practical to synthesize them.
Then I'd be _screwed_.
Tim’s antifa video got pinned to the top of /r/T_D
It's also why I use a different writing style between normal and official communications.
AI wouldn't actually be going nuts. It'd just be trying to make rational our irrational instructions
@xorgy im torn on this. as i believe the machine has already won. we are the sex organs to the machine world so would it be in everyones best interest to flood the market in hopes to have the most data and ergo be at the top of the heirarchy? i dunno how this shit works
i have doubt in the whole scheme people layout when they talk about AI taking over everything, i feel it fundimentally misunderstands what AI is capable of
but im not computer science major so not gonna try to defend my point
gamers rise
lol yeah.... my comments here and youtube and twitter hardly represent a work email
it was more like i knew a guy who knew a guy who would of known and he told me 'no all thats bullshit lmao, nanobots probably could actually have problems tho'
but julian assange has warned us about the Evil dust
@citizen The less the data you produce, especially data about your likeness and voice, the more power you have in a world where authenticity is rare.
the nano machines are in us already.
I am perhaps investing in future authenticity.
dam... guess ill go back to the stoic faggotry that it imposes... self victimization is a pain in my own ass
@Ottobon Would it actually be worse than the people we have now? Given the Kav Konfirmation Kircus of last week?