Message from @Scribblehatch

Discord ID: 500123316393345036

2018-10-12 01:48:55 UTC  

Their logic is like... "I don't like the taste of oxygen, so we should get rid of oxygen. Even though we need it to survive."

2018-10-12 01:48:56 UTC  

Malt is retarded.

2018-10-12 01:49:04 UTC  

Internet bloodsports is like a fruit salad.

2018-10-12 01:49:15 UTC  

Everybody piles in with the comments.

2018-10-12 01:49:23 UTC  

Stupid because of Jim's nihilism?

2018-10-12 01:49:27 UTC  

Yeah I agree it is like a fruit salad.

2018-10-12 01:49:27 UTC  

Scrib, no boolee.

2018-10-12 01:49:34 UTC  

So when you're eating a fruit salad, and you find a pear.

2018-10-12 01:49:36 UTC  

Fruit salads would be great if not for Jim's nihilism.

2018-10-12 01:49:47 UTC  

Fuck fruit salad.

2018-10-12 01:49:50 UTC  

Do you have a conniption fit because you don't like pears? Or do you set them aside.

2018-10-12 01:49:54 UTC  

Guys! i heard the greatest idea earlier! Let's get Trump to condone Gamergate! the FBI said we dindu nuffin!

2018-10-12 01:50:02 UTC  

In all honesty, I don't think the left understands the internet well.

2018-10-12 01:50:28 UTC  

I don't think the left understands well

2018-10-12 01:51:02 UTC  

Before Jim entered the stream, Sargon and Ralph were having reasonable back and forth.

2018-10-12 01:51:03 UTC  

When you buy into ideology understanding tends to slip.

2018-10-12 01:51:18 UTC  

Sargon was describing what he liked so much about talking to Bannon.

2018-10-12 01:51:22 UTC

2018-10-12 01:51:25 UTC  

Oh god I love these memes.

2018-10-12 01:51:29 UTC  

How you could actually listen to the man speak without him getting sniped back at endlessly.

2018-10-12 01:51:30 UTC  

And then.

2018-10-12 01:51:32 UTC  

Jim comes in.

2018-10-12 01:51:35 UTC  

Ralph failed when he thought Sargon was capable of having a good idea....

2018-10-12 01:51:41 UTC  


2018-10-12 01:51:45 UTC  

No shred of self awareness.

2018-10-12 01:52:05 UTC  

Jim just came in and shat, when everyone talked about how shitting was the lamest, easiest thing a hack could do.

2018-10-12 01:52:10 UTC  

Right after.

2018-10-12 01:52:16 UTC

2018-10-12 01:52:23 UTC  

Someone, call me a liar.

2018-10-12 01:52:25 UTC  

So who invited Jim in.

2018-10-12 01:52:25 UTC  

I implore you.

2018-10-12 01:52:36 UTC  

Who cares.

2018-10-12 01:52:44 UTC  

Who gives a *shit.*

2018-10-12 01:52:54 UTC  

I only caught the Jim part, because really that's all that matters. and doesn't!!!

2018-10-12 01:52:56 UTC  

You do scrib

2018-10-12 01:52:57 UTC  

You do, apparently.

2018-10-12 01:52:59 UTC  


2018-10-12 01:53:00 UTC

2018-10-12 01:53:04 UTC  

...Jim and Sargon are known lately for their feud... and it's a trolling stream...

2018-10-12 01:53:06 UTC  

```So who invited Jim in.

2018-10-12 01:53:09 UTC  

That was an answer to this question