Message from @TheJobberLobster

Discord ID: 687291239489339403

2020-03-11 13:24:01 UTC  

@TheJobberLobster nigs call other nigs coloureds

2020-03-11 13:24:37 UTC  

I didn't know coloreds was a term that black people used I usually hear them saying nigga and that's it

2020-03-11 13:25:09 UTC  

you never heard them call themselves pic?

2020-03-11 13:25:12 UTC  


2020-03-11 13:25:17 UTC  

Person of colour?

2020-03-11 13:25:21 UTC  

Same thing

2020-03-11 13:25:23 UTC  

Call myself a gook tbh

2020-03-11 13:25:32 UTC  

Coloured isn't even inherently an insult like nigger is

2020-03-11 13:25:39 UTC  

It's just a catch all term for non whites

2020-03-11 13:25:41 UTC  

Yeah I guess it's just perceived different because of semantics when honestly the samething

2020-03-11 13:25:54 UTC  

@Lucienne d'Anwyl why do you have the 'u' of non-freedom in your spelling of color?

2020-03-11 13:26:16 UTC  

Colour armour flavour labour savour

2020-03-11 13:26:18 UTC  

I think when you use the racial term you keep the British spelling

2020-03-11 13:26:20 UTC  


2020-03-11 13:26:43 UTC  

It's just cuz the British spelling is better tbh

2020-03-11 13:27:01 UTC  

Unnecessary vowels just like French

2020-03-11 13:27:05 UTC  

It looks nice

2020-03-11 13:27:07 UTC  

My family is Italian and they use dago and wop on each other all the time

2020-03-11 13:27:24 UTC  


2020-03-11 13:27:45 UTC  

British english > us english

2020-03-11 13:30:00 UTC  

A lot of the spread of coronavirus has to do with what's going on with factories wanting to return to normal

2020-03-11 13:41:47 UTC  

Lmao, ‘Biden calls for Party Unity at Speech and says that Sanders’ Supporters want the same thing they do’

2020-03-11 13:42:15 UTC  

Sorry, you old fuck, the Enemy of my Enemy is probably not going to work in this situation

2020-03-11 13:46:17 UTC  


2020-03-11 14:41:59 UTC  

Have another one

2020-03-11 14:42:15 UTC  

Let the salt flow

2020-03-11 15:02:54 UTC  
2020-03-11 15:05:26 UTC  

Bernie is a total degenerate, it that was my daughter whining I'd kick her in the stomach

2020-03-11 15:11:25 UTC  

*Crowder said it's all MSM scaremongering, which it isn't, the data about the mortality rate are pulled from the WHO.

2020-03-11 15:20:37 UTC  

His statements won't age gracefully

2020-03-11 15:21:51 UTC  

To say the least.

2020-03-11 15:23:58 UTC  

Sargon calling for the Bernie Bros to vote for Trump to punish the DNC establishment, do you guys think they'd actually do it?

2020-03-11 15:24:37 UTC  

A few will

2020-03-11 15:24:54 UTC  

I liked Bernie in 2016

2020-03-11 15:25:19 UTC  

When he endorsed Hillary I had to reevaluate things

2020-03-11 15:25:33 UTC  

Idk how anyone could support bernie after that

2020-03-11 15:25:39 UTC  

Or his flip flop on guns

2020-03-11 15:25:43 UTC  

Or on immigration