Message from @wacka

Discord ID: 690150377676341308

2020-03-19 10:34:21 UTC  

9. "Would a direct payment to every household of £5000 be more efficient to cope with the virus?"

2020-03-19 10:34:27 UTC  

^ lol btw

2020-03-19 10:35:29 UTC  

I'm sure we've had enough Gordon Brown

2020-03-19 10:36:00 UTC  

which was the one you shouldn't take because it exacerbates corona?

2020-03-19 10:36:12 UTC  

Chinese Food

2020-03-19 10:36:18 UTC  


2020-03-19 10:36:22 UTC  

Gordon Brown couldn't even win an election

2020-03-19 10:36:40 UTC  

its funny that they say "brown, who was in office in the 2008 financial crisis" ... and not "brown, who was in office during the 2009 pandemic"

2020-03-19 10:36:57 UTC  

John Bercow couldn't even win his wife

2020-03-19 10:37:10 UTC  

Ibuprofen may be associated with inducing more severe symptoms of the virus

2020-03-19 10:37:27 UTC  

is it theory or evidence backed?

2020-03-19 10:38:39 UTC  

seems to be theory. that its anti-inflammatory properties might "dampen" your immune response

2020-03-19 10:40:02 UTC  

``Worries over the use of ibuprofen appear to have surfaced in France, after Jean-Louis Montastruc, a doctor at Toulouse University Hospital warned on Twitter that: "In this period of coronavirus, it is necessary to remember the risk of complications of the NSAIDs in case of fever or infection."

A subsequent tweet by France's health minister, Olivier Veran, saying that anti-inflammatory drugs "could be an aggravating factor of the infection" was shared more than 43,000 times. But he also said people should consult a doctor before stopping taking them.

Other tweets are also being shared including one saying that ibuprofen "may cause severe cases of the disease, even in young and middle-aged adults with no underlying conditions" which has been shared more than 94,000 times on Twitter. ``

2020-03-19 10:40:04 UTC  

It's a theory

2020-03-19 10:40:37 UTC  

But given the possible implications, it's probably worth assuming it could be a thing

2020-03-19 10:47:16 UTC  

Yes, I would agree that it's possibly worth assuming, this was our entire response to the coronavirus a few weeks ago was that the impact could be bad so we should prep for it

2020-03-19 10:47:22 UTC  

that's paid dividends so far

2020-03-19 10:50:13 UTC  

lol, some people thinking house prices might comes down....

2020-03-19 10:50:56 UTC  

they dont seem to realise they announcing things like 0.01% rate cuts and £330bn QE (or maybe just business loans) ....

2020-03-19 10:51:12 UTC  

theyre about to be handing out mortgages like sweets

2020-03-19 10:52:55 UTC  

if you think house prices are high now... wait about 2yrs

2020-03-19 10:53:24 UTC  

Niggers be printing money to prevent a collapse

2020-03-19 10:53:38 UTC  

Printer go brrrrrrr

2020-03-19 10:53:39 UTC  

Weimar hyperinflation now

2020-03-19 10:55:18 UTC  

a chat group i'm in, theres some people asking about gibs and whats available for recently unemployed people on job seekers already..... im like... do you not have any savings at all? NOPE

2020-03-19 10:55:46 UTC  
2020-03-19 10:56:18 UTC  

will the UK also give everyone free money 🤔

2020-03-19 10:57:01 UTC  

if they are telling people to stay isolated, and companies arent hiring...... people on job seekers dont get a lot it seems already so theyre gonna be fucked

2020-03-19 10:57:58 UTC  

Lolbertarians seething rn

2020-03-19 11:00:57 UTC  

why should the government pay for people being laid off? why dont people have savings ?

2020-03-19 11:02:46 UTC  

Because they can't afford it?

2020-03-19 11:03:14 UTC  

A lot of the populace live paycheck to paycheck

2020-03-19 11:07:49 UTC  

to start with they can suspend the alcohol duties for companies who convert to making alcohol based cleaners so they don't need to crowdsource the duties

2020-03-19 11:29:18 UTC  

people are overeacting on the money

2020-03-19 11:29:37 UTC  

this hopefully will be a rude awakening for people who live paycheck to paycheck

2020-03-19 11:31:00 UTC  

this market analysis guy I watch sometimes has put all the corona data into his analysis spreadsheets ...kinda interesting

2020-03-19 11:31:23 UTC  

apparently what we're doing is working

2020-03-19 11:32:15 UTC  

he lives in london so hes talking from a UK perspective

2020-03-19 11:33:17 UTC  

to everyone criticising the money handouts, fair enough. but to criticise the individuals for lack of corporate or private savings is to ignore the reality of the current economic system. You borrow, because borrowing is cheap and you can convert that into assets you want to use and experiences you want to live. There is little incentive for banks to lend less, so they always lend and people always borrow. Savings are effectively worthless compared to living in the moment, and the economy is heavily incentivising this - presumably at the expense of some future generation who has to correct the skyrocketing debt. Most likely there is a massive financial overhaul and debt default coming in our lifetimes - your savings will become worthless anyway when the system reaches breaking point, so why not just spend and ask for a handout when things get tough?

That being said, it goes against every instinct I have.

2020-03-19 11:37:30 UTC  

bUt iF yOu LiVe pAyChEcK 2 PaYcHeCk iTz yOuR faUlT