Message from @Sq crcl

Discord ID: 685134351280635932

2020-03-05 14:27:37 UTC  

The US, how many tests?

2020-03-05 14:27:43 UTC  

oh i have no idea

2020-03-05 14:27:54 UTC  

Wake me up when the number infected climbs to 0.5% of the US population

2020-03-05 14:28:15 UTC  

heres the page of the US cdc. if anyone has info like that id imagine itd be here

2020-03-05 14:29:50 UTC  

That's 1 number

2020-03-05 14:29:53 UTC  

ah i see so that is how many people the CDC has tested

2020-03-05 14:30:34 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:31:02 UTC  

did you hear about the story of the amazon worker having nCoV @Sq crcl

2020-03-05 14:31:45 UTC  

Not yet. Or don't remember

2020-03-05 14:32:20 UTC  

preparing source now

2020-03-05 14:32:26 UTC  

_beep boop beep boop_

2020-03-05 14:34:05 UTC  

_~~~~~incoming transmission~~~_~~
Coronavirus in US: Amazon employee tests positive in Seattle
The Independent

2020-03-05 14:36:18 UTC  

So far the known infection rate in the US is 1 : 2,000,000
Or 0.0005%
And only around 3% of worldwide cases have resulted in death.
And it is known the mortality rate only starts getting more severe for people aged 60 and older.
Basically if you're under 50 y/o and don't live in China, the coronavirus is a nothingburger for you.

2020-03-05 14:36:46 UTC  

You're probably a million times more likely to die in a car crash.

2020-03-05 14:37:52 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:39:18 UTC  

It doesn't seem the US is readily organised and the interior propagation of information looks like.. not working as efficiently as it should..
But I'm sure give it a week or two and they'll be set

2020-03-05 14:40:22 UTC  

🙄 never forget the lampshades

2020-03-05 14:47:26 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:48:07 UTC  
2020-03-05 14:48:13 UTC  

Turkish propaganda is ramping up

2020-03-05 14:48:20 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:48:31 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:49:00 UTC

2020-03-05 14:49:13 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:49:26 UTC  

I mean she’s correct

2020-03-05 14:49:41 UTC  

Try not touching your face, though it’ll be a bitch to not do

2020-03-05 14:49:52 UTC  

Like talking about it rn is making me itch my face

2020-03-05 14:50:04 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:50:31 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:50:34 UTC  


2020-03-05 14:51:28 UTC  

tfw corona-chan is in ur city but you have a face itch that you want to scratch

2020-03-05 14:52:01 UTC  

dont touch your own face, have a friend touch your face for you. That is all.

2020-03-05 14:54:23 UTC  

She maybe meant to say *,but licking your fingers is fine!*<:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>