Message from @ETBrooD

Discord ID: 688871620756242475

2020-03-15 21:31:50 UTC  

Looks like new Italy data from Friday.

2020-03-15 21:48:43 UTC  

and they all laughed at "preppers" Didn't the Obama admin added "preppers" to the potential terrorist watch lists via EO...

2020-03-15 21:50:29 UTC  

if anyone berates you for prepping ignore them and worry about yourself and your family

2020-03-15 21:51:22 UTC  

What I'm no prepper, *shifty eyes*

2020-03-15 21:53:05 UTC  

>glances around at cases of ammo, full face respirator, trauma kits, MREs...
Nope, no prepping here mr fed man.

2020-03-15 21:53:56 UTC

2020-03-15 22:01:53 UTC  

>people promoting panic buying

2020-03-15 22:02:07 UTC  

You retards are going to make everything worse

2020-03-15 22:02:42 UTC  

Who's promoting panic buying?

2020-03-15 22:05:16 UTC  

Alot of people

I'm not <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-15 22:08:45 UTC  


2020-03-15 22:09:49 UTC  

Italy also bought into the whole Belt and Road initiative so they were very hesitant to do anything to piss off the Chinese.

2020-03-15 22:09:53 UTC  

*alarmist screeching approaching*

2020-03-15 22:10:14 UTC  

Look at the Wiki shows mostly Italians infecting Italians

2020-03-15 22:10:59 UTC  


2020-03-15 22:11:02 UTC  

Doesn't Italy allow migrant chinese workers to keep the "Made in Italy" legit?

2020-03-15 22:11:17 UTC  

or some fuckery

2020-03-15 22:11:27 UTC  

>almost all fatalities are comorbid and elderly

2020-03-15 22:13:40 UTC  

Young, healthy people who take care of their hygiene don't just fall over and die from a new virus infection? What kind of shill says that? tsk tsk

inb4 people use chinese videos <:smugon:512048583806025739> they forgot something, "hygiene" <:smugon:512048583806025739> and smoke.

2020-03-15 22:15:11 UTC  

I used to go to a Chinese doctor who told me the biggest problem non-Chinese cities are going to face is fine dust.

2020-03-15 22:15:22 UTC  

In terms of people's health.

2020-03-15 22:17:47 UTC

2020-03-15 22:20:38 UTC  

The spike in coronavirus spread is started by Italian expats returning from China

2020-03-15 22:20:55 UTC  

I can't tell if you're being serious or not

2020-03-15 22:21:11 UTC  

But young healthy people dont just die from a little respiratory coof

2020-03-15 22:22:38 UTC  

First two cases fron Wuhan tourist didn't start a break in any of the places they visited

2020-03-15 22:23:02 UTC  

"The Lombardy outbreak came to light when a 38-year-old Italian tested positive in Codogno, a comune in the province of Lodi. According to his wife, he had met an Italian friend who had returned from China on 21 January, who subsequently tested negative.[27] On 14 February, he felt unwell and went to a doctor in Castiglione d'Adda. He was prescribed treatments for influenza.[27] On 16 February, as the man's condition worsened, he went to Codogno Hospital, reporting respiratory problems.[27] Initially there was no suspicion of COVID-19, so no additional precautionary measures were taken, and the virus was able to infect other patients and health workers.[28] Later, the patient, his pregnant wife and a friend tested positive."

2020-03-15 22:23:47 UTC  

"A secondary cluster of infections occurred in the region of Veneto, initially thought to be the result of a farmer being infected when visiting the primary source in Codogno."

2020-03-15 22:24:21 UTC  

"On 25 February, the first case in Florence, Tuscany involved a 63-year-old entrepreneur with companies in Asia who had returned from the Philippines and Singapore on 6 January. He tested positive and was admitted to Santa Maria Annunziata Hospital."