Message from @Dusty Morgan
Discord ID: 504819445345026048
I noticed that too Timcast.
Like it never went through the post service.
they physicall6y removed the device from CNN HQ
that means somene physically delivered it
Yes theres also laws therefore my point about needing regulations
I got a question, how far apart and spread out are the bombs?
/pol/ picked up on that immediately
So, it's not a trash company regulation
also no batteries anywhere to power a detonator.
Are they within driving distance of each other?
No battieries? If the display is on, i would assume there's batteries
this whole thing stinks
except Florida
those are called hoax devices, and they are much more common than actual bombs
no, you need a non-trivial amount of voltage to trigger a detonator.
You mean Flordis
a tiny disc battery in a digital clock won't cut it
Ah, so you mean bigger batteries.
I wonder if this was all a 4chan prank
I don't know.
you can use the clock to trigger a relay, but not the detonator itself
I would have to read up on how much you need to trigger a bomb.
Maybe the bombs are fake, the substance is fake... they are a prank or designed to scare?
They were delivered by hand.
Could be a prank and no ones going to confess, or it may be an actual plot to try and be a victim, or maybe a really bad bomber.
yeah in afghanistan the aghans would raid our trash for used batteries to use in IEDs. they'd put dozens of dead batteries in series to get the necessary voltage.
Or they could just that "False Flag"... which is something I take very lightly.
Well, if they are obviously fake and people released the story anyway, we have confimation that it was just propaganda.
just under elections.
its have to be some kind of hoax by them.
How often do we see actual real false flags?
I had pointed out a whole host of other data points, just going by the Secret Service report.
Let’s not pull a Franz Ferdinand Soros
I wonder who they are going to parade out as a the primary suspect...