Message from @MadAdam
Discord ID: 504820586892099594
What do you think will happen if it is a Republican or Far Right Individual?
Well they’re going to arrest them or the story is loosely based
will be ignored
if it's a leftie
Both sides will run with their spin and selective reporting.
The damage is done.
if it's a right, it'll be trumps fault
Just like Kavanaugh.
Everything is Trump's fault.
If it’s a left, then who’s to blame?
Thanks Trump...XD
and probably russian made
Trump again?
Truth is secondary.
I find it funny they are doing the same thing we did with Obama.
Thanks obama.
The fringes are always cancer.
Really doesn't bother me... but when they make serious accusations, that is when it goes to far.
Could use more boobs but it looks nice otherwise.
what's a non serious accusation?
Back in the American Revolution (yes I did) we melted down statues for musket balls.
Yeah the left would call it a prank and ignore it.
Who is following up on Ford?
IF a left wing individual done it.
“Oh just a bit of joking hahahha”
boys will be boys.....which is just broken girls.
Is anyone insterested in the truth now? The effect is what counts and then the news cycle moves on.
the blue wave is shrinking down to the size of a kiddie pool that wasn't drained completely so the remaining standing water is a mosquito breeding ground
The news are there for the emotional content, to a large amount.
Yeah the blue wave is dying... they are terrified.
Each side will pick from a story what they like.
I voted all red
What’s going to happen after trump is out?
Same here Jack.
"Don't piss on my leg and call it a Blue Wave."
The news is going to die again to a shrivel like Obama
could be a blue,