Message from @Comando

Discord ID: 691739918614921227

<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> rip @Xaverius

2020-03-23 19:51:37 UTC  

The capital and the district around it is of course densely populated

@Xaverius Well no shit. But still. F.

2020-03-23 19:52:21 UTC  

Capital is 2500/km^2 <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-23 19:52:34 UTC  

Though I have this morbid desire to go there

2020-03-23 19:52:40 UTC  

It's almost empty these days

2020-03-23 19:52:43 UTC  

well worth watching guys

2020-03-23 19:52:53 UTC  

So... absolutely golden opportunity to take some pictures <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-23 19:58:46 UTC  

@Sq crcl We'll be fine, trust me
> Dunno. 1.35 trillion doesn't seem comparable in this instant to a spread out couple dozen trillions.
The graph was BEFORE we're topping M0 up to 5 trillion with QE.

2020-03-23 19:59:07 UTC  

(we won't actually be fine, but hyper inflation will necessitate a different cause than just QE)

2020-03-23 19:59:28 UTC  

I need to digest that.

2020-03-23 19:59:38 UTC  

Thanks **Comando**

2020-03-23 20:01:49 UTC  

Space communism when

2020-03-23 20:02:43 UTC  

Finally hit me what one of the other things that bothered me was about that grocery store. It was mostly couples and families shopping.

2020-03-23 20:03:26 UTC  

> Space communism when

Dunno about space Communism but my **spidey-sense** suggests we'll see **Emergency Socialism** sooner than expected.

2020-03-23 20:06:21 UTC  

I saw a good quote earlier about all this BRRRRR:
> Give an idiot in a hole a bigger shovel and watch what happens...

2020-03-23 20:06:28 UTC  

@Sq crcl The classical theory of inflation simply doesn't work because economists are as usual, retarded. QE is specifically targetted at banks, meaning that the money doesn't actually make it out into the general economy, and simply remains within the banking system as an investment instrument.
The banks can't just spend the money because QE is not free money, but a loan meaning they must either hold money and lose value to inflation, or put it into some asset.

2020-03-23 20:06:58 UTC

2020-03-23 20:07:17 UTC  

I mean where could all that QE money have gone?

2020-03-23 20:07:28 UTC  

Oh wait...

2020-03-23 20:07:37 UTC  

@AdamBv1 So, not sending one wasteland courier representative and taking the entire tribe out shopping instead? <:thunk:462282216467333140>

2020-03-23 20:07:55 UTC  

@Xaverius basically, yes.

2020-03-23 20:08:20 UTC  

Yea, that is a bit dangerous in these times

2020-03-23 20:08:39 UTC  

Of course nobody has PPE or seemed to know anything about reducing risk so why the fuck not bring the whole family?

2020-03-23 20:09:15 UTC  

Probably don't understand the house as a green zone concept either.

2020-03-23 20:10:08 UTC  

I have to work on keeping my car a green zone as well since I work out of it.

2020-03-23 20:10:28 UTC  

But this means to me, and I could be totally misunderstanding it so correct me if I'm wrong that in effect they are only delaying and intensifying a *no-gear extended, engines on fire landing* instead of taking the major brunt of the negative consequences of the accumulated bad decisions since 1928... @Comando

@Sq crcl Yes. <:smugon:512048583806025739> prepare depression.

2020-03-23 20:12:24 UTC  

What's more than a depression? Sublimation?

2020-03-23 20:12:56 UTC  

I know some companies will never come back already

@Sq crcl <:Communist:462285823824494592> <:Commie_Corbyn:462286635166334986> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-23 20:13:40 UTC  

@Sq crcl pretty much. Imagine climbing up an unstable chinese tier bamboo ladder, and every time you realize something is going wrong you climb up a few dozen more rungs so the fall is that much worse when (not if) it comes crashing down.

"chinese tier bamboo ladder" what is this an RPG? @AdamBv1

2020-03-23 20:16:10 UTC  

Oblivion - Corona DLC

2020-03-23 20:17:04 UTC  

I was gonna say fallout but anything Bethesda with goofy physics works I guess. they are still shittalking each other <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> hahaha

2020-03-23 20:18:33 UTC  

20% AIDS indemic in the population

TL;DR all that praise for the chineese genome. Nah not really good sequencing from the chinese.