Message from @ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ

Discord ID: 691753578401890354

2020-03-23 20:40:15 UTC  

Thanks, makes it easier for me to understand.
I chose sublimation because there's a skip of a state. It seems to me in this scenario some actors in the economy won't even have time to see their value deflate but rather they'll be straight knocked out. (still reading, digesting)

2020-03-23 20:44:41 UTC  

It also seems 'unfair' to 'help' in such manner. How can anyone sanely expect a capped market to suddenly produce more value than what they're capable of and on top of that expect them to have trust in futures afterwards. I really don't get it. But also, economy isn't my strongest suite.

2020-03-23 20:45:32 UTC  

It's lockdown baby ! ! !
(in the UK)

2020-03-23 20:46:04 UTC  

IN a HIGHLY competitive REAL free market you could say that the chances of great innovations reducing the same risk is reasonably higher but we don't have that organisation.

2020-03-23 20:47:56 UTC  

I'm learning all this crap.

anyways some scientist just want to delete ACE2 or at least inhibit it in order to stop the coronavirus <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

what could possibly go wrong?

2020-03-23 20:51:42 UTC  

Dunno, that it mutates a variety that attacks the blood rather or the brain?

2020-03-23 20:52:23 UTC  

I should see if I can dig it up but somebody designed a fake ACE2 that would bind to SARS. Should work exactly the same on SARS2: Electric WuFlu.

Nah you gonna get many complications if you just delete a key enzyme. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-23 20:53:25 UTC  

What if we attacked its lifecycle rather. Speed it up or something.

It is one of the key in the RAS or RAAS hormone system that regulates bp fluid and electrolyte balance <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-23 20:54:59 UTC  


2020-03-23 20:56:35 UTC  

```19:45: 55 new cases in Nevada, United States.
19:44: 930 new cases and 7 new deaths in New Jersey, United States.
19:43: 77 new cases in Luxembourg.
19:02: 196 new cases in Switzerland.
18:57: 3,838 new cases and 186 new deaths in France.
18:55: 1,498 new cases and 4 new deaths in Germany.
18:00: 60 new cases and 2 new deaths in North Macedonia.
18:00: 128 new cases in South Africa.
18:00: 61 new cases in Croatia.
18:00: 133 new cases in the Dominican Republic.```

2020-03-23 20:56:44 UTC gr8 read but very technical and primary sauce.

2020-03-23 20:57:39 UTC  

Soluable ACE2. Never got too far in trials but they did inject it into healthy people and didn't see any blood pressure reactions or issues.

2020-03-23 20:57:55 UTC  

Thank you **Runes** as always

2020-03-23 20:59:49 UTC  

In short all plans for "aid" is shit.

Carpet bombing gang if you want to get cancerous.

2020-03-23 21:03:20 UTC  

It's as if nobody in congress knows anything about what they sign or make concerning economics. @AdamBv1 As I've been saying many are pointing out stuff already laid dormant or very slow research on and maxing it up RN.

2020-03-23 21:05:45 UTC  

It's actually nice to see a bunch of possible treatments that were at least partially developed after the original SARS outbreak being useful after all.

2020-03-23 21:07:53 UTC  

Oh nice, I saw a tiny blurb about that a week or two ago but I didn't see a paper at the time.

2020-03-23 21:12:04 UTC  

Play stupid games...

2020-03-23 21:14:24 UTC  

Very cool video, super interesting 'myesr'

Nah you just dont understand the 51234124D chess Swedish ministers are playing! The somalis are the ones dying <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

TL;DR 6 of 15 that died in the shithole called stockholm is from somalia <:hypersmugon:544638648721604608>

2020-03-23 21:27:29 UTC  

I find myself reminded of this tweet:

2020-03-23 21:28:57 UTC  

I'm gonna laugh if those numbers turn to 13/50


2020-03-23 21:30:24 UTC  

While I was looking at the video **Ariel** had posted it occurred to me that what if the British deliberately let the public be exposed to the virus by not teaking measures seriously, in hope for a faster drop at the end of the immunisation process so that the economy won't be suffering the long-drawn out effects from it, nor will they have to live in constant fear from new outbreaks had they chosen the aggressive containment strategy. I really hope nothing of sort will leak out because it borders on genocide.

You see the <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991> shit tatic is too infect gov officials if you get the virus. Dont do it but sure that plan would backfire massively against the bigbrain ministers that have too much of an ego.

The funniest thing is that the risk group are just those kinds of people who fucked us in the first place so <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-23 21:33:54 UTC  

I just theorise on the already imagined theory that they could be thinking of themselves some great saviours who are interested in the long-term strength of the nation and for that are willing to make the necessary sacrifices. (ie.: 'Many of you will die and I'm willing to make that sacrifice...)

2020-03-23 21:34:13 UTC

2020-03-23 21:34:22 UTC  

> The funniest thing is that the risk group are just those kinds of people who fucked us in the first place so <:smugon:512048583806025739>

Initially, sure. But by oversaturating the healthcare system the fallout is greater.