Message from @Xaverius

Discord ID: 693771846562218004

2020-03-29 08:41:33 UTC

2020-03-29 08:42:05 UTC

2020-03-29 09:07:33 UTC  

What the Swedes are doing is what I would describe as "being properly aware of the facts of the situation"

2020-03-29 09:16:47 UTC  

Just some hissy-fit

2020-03-29 09:17:03 UTC  

For the optics

2020-03-29 09:17:22 UTC  

But more importantly 👇

2020-03-29 09:18:21 UTC  

(How will enforced lockdowns and such work when the peace-keepers themselves are infected and sick?)

> .
> .
@Sq crcl city folks. <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-29 09:57:04 UTC  

Well if police, military and medical personnel are infected then expect the situation to get a whole lot damn worse

2020-03-29 09:58:04 UTC  

Not only do they represent the majority of the people who aren't self-isolating but they're also essential to mantaining order and preventing the disease from spreading

2020-03-29 10:40:19 UTC  


2020-03-29 10:40:44 UTC  

So there's over a thousand dead in UK already

2020-03-29 10:41:09 UTC  

And Sargoy is like "yea, that's terrible, but don't you think being hysterical about it is an overreaction?"

2020-03-29 10:41:37 UTC  

Meanwhile in countries that didn't try to wait until everyone gets infected:

2020-03-29 10:57:28 UTC  

If the police are sick, they can threaten to cough on the healthy people to keep them inside.

2020-03-29 10:57:32 UTC  


2020-03-29 11:06:34 UTC  

What Sargoy is totally missing is that this whole virus scenario is designed to scare the pants off everyone i.e. the populace are supposed to get terrified and hysterical, because that makes them much easier to control.

2020-03-29 11:10:02 UTC  

Literally 9/10 members of government are part of the at-risk population

2020-03-29 11:10:16 UTC  

Especially with them sitting on their asses the whole day

2020-03-29 11:10:41 UTC  

Obviously it's in their own best interest to stop the virus from spreading

2020-03-29 11:11:21 UTC  

If that hadn't been the case, the world economy would still be sitting pretty

2020-03-29 11:11:44 UTC  

What I'm trying to say is, our governments can't be trusted rn

2020-03-29 11:12:03 UTC  

They're in greater fear of the virus than the average person, which makes them overreact very fucking hard

2020-03-29 11:26:12 UTC  

> China's responsible for EVERY Coronavirus-related death.

That's a bit of an over-exaggeration!

2020-03-29 11:26:14 UTC  


2020-03-29 11:26:17 UTC  

I like it!

2020-03-29 11:29:02 UTC  

> China's not our friend.
> China's our enemy.
> When this is over, we must cripple China.
Neocons frothing at their mouth after reading this part

2020-03-29 11:36:56 UTC

2020-03-29 11:39:02 UTC  
2020-03-29 11:41:51 UTC  

@Jabba's Soapbox He's also missing the fact that if the overreaction came two weeks earlier, there wouldn't be a thousand dead already <:smugon:512048583806025739>