Message from @Kingy200

Discord ID: 684195494074777678

2020-03-03 00:09:46 UTC  

You’re using force! Nz has a Constitution. You will e killing that which has massive effects on the society. You’re a globalist which is why you can’t tell the difference. It’s not extremely similar either. It is similar just like every other western country in the world is to one another. You don’t know what you’re talking about and it’s dangerous because you will forcibly take people’s rights away for a reason that actually benefits no one but your ethnic group

2020-03-03 00:10:30 UTC  

Ethnic nationalism is globalism apparently

2020-03-03 00:11:04 UTC  

Jesus Christ what is this word Diarrhea I'm reading

2020-03-03 00:12:15 UTC  

"You’re using force!" I have said that i'd prefer union via peaceful referendum

2020-03-03 00:13:08 UTC  

"t’s not extremely similar either. It is similar just like every other western country in the world is to one another. " actually yes it is, New Zealand is a Anglo-Celtic Nation, as is Australia, our cultures are extremely similar and are derived from British culture.

2020-03-03 00:16:32 UTC  

New Zealand and Australia both derive their cultures from Anglo and Celtic tradition and Christianity. Australian Culture developed around concepts like mateship and to a certain extent agrarianism. New Zealand was very similar in its development, obviously there are differences but overall they're basically identical, the differences are so small they could be ironed out in a generation

2020-03-03 00:17:04 UTC  

The Tower of Babel was the most globalist story in the Bible @Ethreen42

2020-03-03 00:18:11 UTC  

no need to remind me

2020-03-03 00:18:54 UTC  

I'm personally not Christian, doesn't change the fact that our culture derived from Christian morality

2020-03-03 00:19:11 UTC  

Australia and NZ less so, but it was still impactful

2020-03-03 00:20:02 UTC  

one has a constitution the other doesn't. lets throw the constitution out the window and force people to follow australian laws. mmm it's not like nz don't say they aint australian's. mmm it's not like nz has a native population that would fight to the death for it not to happen

2020-03-03 00:21:10 UTC  

nz and australia share values like the rest of western countries. but they're not the same. nz is more like america because they have a constitution. they have their own nationalism. the people that want to kill nationalism are globalist and cultural marxist

2020-03-03 00:24:34 UTC  

"ironed out" using force to convince people to do something

2020-03-03 00:24:51 UTC  

indoctrination you mean

2020-03-03 00:24:56 UTC  

"mmm it's not like nz has a native population that would fight to the death for it not to happen" I actually doubt that, a lot of New Zealanders would accept union with Australia, especially if it was widely perceived that the only alternative was Chinese Hegemony. New Zealanders aren't really "nationalistic", they're patriotic but that can be easily framed in a pro-federation way. "nz and australia share values like the rest of western countries." NZ and Australia's values are far similar then NZ and Germanys values or NZ and Frances values.

2020-03-03 00:25:39 UTC  

assimilation can happen naturally via incentives and campaigns, so no, not through force

2020-03-03 00:26:29 UTC  

You've never met nz people. or native nz peoples. They killed thousands because they refused to be colonized.

2020-03-03 00:26:41 UTC  

I've met hundreds of them lmao

2020-03-03 00:27:47 UTC  

I used to live near them, they're very patriotic and the similarities with Australians are astounding, you could easily find common ground.

2020-03-03 00:28:32 UTC  

" because they refused to be colonized." Federation isn't colonization, this is like saying Prussia uniting Germany was colonization.

2020-03-03 00:28:37 UTC  

bro it's just getting annoying cause you don't actually know the history behind these countries. What it actually took for things to be the way they are. and why nz views it self the way it does. You're a globalist and you can't see the mistakes in your logic because you're fueled by an agenda. No benefit to any country "but lets just do it any ways because "enter stupid reason that kills a culture""

2020-03-03 00:29:10 UTC  

i aint patriotic. i don't like australia nor do i like nz. but i understand what makes them different in massive ways.

2020-03-03 00:32:38 UTC  

It is a benefit to a the nation and the ethnos (culturally, spiritually and economically, as well as in a hundred other ways). Not my fault you dont understand the cultural similarities between the two people. in the 1800s there were various movements that succeeded in uniting culturally similar peoples into a single state, it can be easily replicated.

2020-03-03 00:32:51 UTC  

yes new zealand and austria are both cucked, but new zealand is even more pussified if possible

2020-03-03 00:32:57 UTC  

this really isn't a debate, the similarities outway the differences here

2020-03-03 00:33:05 UTC  

Austria isn't cucked, you're cucked

2020-03-03 00:33:34 UTC  

similarities outway the differences here, just like they did when the German states unified, or the Italian ones, or when Australia federated

2020-03-03 00:34:03 UTC  

australia is getting cucked by the chinese of all people, and they suck muzzie dicks

2020-03-03 00:34:10 UTC  

So the uk should of stayed in the ea?

2020-03-03 00:34:14 UTC  

people actually used similar stupid arguments to oppose federation in the 1890s.

2020-03-03 00:34:19 UTC  

and pretend aborigines were anything but the reality of them being cancer on two legs lul

2020-03-03 00:34:51 UTC  

You're also changing your argument. You said nz should become australia

2020-03-03 00:35:12 UTC  

Yeah I did say that, thats been my argument the entire time, how have I changed it?

2020-03-03 00:35:31 UTC  

uk shares soo many values with the rest of eu so they should of stayed right

2020-03-03 00:36:04 UTC  

no because the EU is a anti-nationalist project, it is anti-European and anti-white

2020-03-03 00:36:13 UTC  

in fact they should spread out even more because soo many other countries have sooo many of the same values. lets ignore the economic's of it. nooo it's only values that matter

2020-03-03 00:36:33 UTC  


2020-03-03 00:36:35 UTC  

nice straw manning

2020-03-03 00:37:20 UTC  

you ignore economics you ignore the actual society difference's and i'm straw manning?

2020-03-03 00:37:33 UTC  

there's nothing anti-nationalist about wanting to unite a single ethnic group you mong, thats literally what it means to be a nationalist

2020-03-03 00:38:00 UTC  

they are not the same ethnic group