Message from @snake

Discord ID: 685322755838967825

2020-03-06 02:58:04 UTC  

wut, lol

2020-03-06 02:58:34 UTC  

You didn't put much thought into that clearly.
Just because nature does its own thing doesn't mean individualism can't exist.

2020-03-06 02:59:03 UTC  

No, a state of nature. Meaning take away law and order after your countries health falls apart. There won’t be the state to enforce your rights

2020-03-06 02:59:31 UTC  

You can find both individualism and collectivism everywhere in nature. It's absolutely everywhere.

2020-03-06 03:00:02 UTC  

That's the naturalistic fallacy. Rape, maternal infanticide, and slavery are all natural.

2020-03-06 03:00:29 UTC  

Yeah they are.

2020-03-06 03:00:38 UTC  

Yes, I’m not saying it’s good though, what I’m saying is that if you don’t care about the collective health of let’s say, america, then that’s what will happen

2020-03-06 03:01:06 UTC  

Why would that happen? If I work for my own benefit and that of the people I care about, then I'm doing a heck of a lot more than the average leech.

2020-03-06 03:03:02 UTC  

This really. I am so sick of people who talk about the culture war and yet have not met half the people on their street nor attended a single barbecue.

2020-03-06 03:03:27 UTC  

Because you and your family don’t care about the collective health, then you won’t do anything about it. Well if no one cares and no one does anything about it. Shit will fall apart because no one will care when something breaks down

2020-03-06 03:03:30 UTC  

You are warring for a culture you do not participate in and are not a part of.

2020-03-06 03:03:53 UTC  

"the collective health" is such a meaningless term, you can extend it to any degree you want at will, for no reason, for any reason.

2020-03-06 03:04:37 UTC  

So collectives are a accumulation of individuals. If you only care about your individual self and directly around you, you don’t care about the people way over there. So if they start using drugs, or selling drugs, then the texture of life goes down.

2020-03-06 03:04:59 UTC  

I'm actually just wondering at which point you realize that your views are closely related to those of the SJW's

2020-03-06 03:05:34 UTC  

I’m wondering when you’ll actually engage with ideas instead of just attacking me.

2020-03-06 03:06:13 UTC  

Well I'm pointing it out for a specific reason. SJW's cry about social justice, and you do exactly the same thing. For the benefit of social justice you want the individual to bend itself over.

2020-03-06 03:06:25 UTC  

All I’m saying is that you should care about your church and larger community rofl, maybe your country

2020-03-06 03:06:54 UTC  

Well what if I already do care and you're just not noticing it because you're in your own ideological bubble and not the real world of real people?

2020-03-06 03:07:11 UTC  

And that pushing those things up actually benefits the individual. You make it sound like it’s a 0 sum game

2020-03-06 03:07:36 UTC  

Nah, you're making it sound like I'm too "individualistic" to recognize that mutual benefit is a thing.

2020-03-06 03:07:57 UTC  

Exactly, that’s what I’m saying, you should care because it benefits you. That this dichotomy is kinda retarded

2020-03-06 03:08:06 UTC  

I don't require any collectivist ideas for that.

2020-03-06 03:08:31 UTC  

Ok so I’m not a collectivist in your opinion then. I don’t actually know any one that is, probably Stalin

2020-03-06 03:08:54 UTC  

A lot of people are, typically welfare leeches and dictators can be counted to the collectivists.

2020-03-06 03:09:14 UTC  

Not really, why so?

2020-03-06 03:09:34 UTC  

Was Pinochet a collectivist?

2020-03-06 03:09:55 UTC  

Because they think the collective should work for their benefit instead of for their own benefit, and instead of themselves working for their own benefit. They think the collective owes them something, and they think that the collective is therefore everything that matters.

2020-03-06 03:10:22 UTC  

They think it's a machinery that serves them. Not actual humans with personal lives going on.

2020-03-06 03:10:40 UTC  

They think like they're in an ant colony or something.

2020-03-06 03:10:56 UTC  

BabaBooey is a great example.

2020-03-06 03:11:51 UTC  

SJW's are very often collectivists. Facists are collectivists. Just two sides of the same coin.

2020-03-06 03:12:52 UTC  

Fascists aren’t collectivists, sense they don’t necessarily believe that the group should be above the individual. Merely that they should work together. Nor do they think they’re owed something

2020-03-06 03:13:52 UTC  

Ok that's another hot take by you. Fascism not collectivist? That's gonna be very hard to prove for you.

2020-03-06 03:14:25 UTC  

Tell me where the doctrine of fascism states specifically that the group is above the individual

2020-03-06 03:16:03 UTC  

Fascism as an idea starts out with the premise that if the group ever were to split then the nation would fall. All individuals must be held tightly together by serving one united goal.

2020-03-06 03:16:26 UTC  

And that goal is the preservation of the nation itself.

2020-03-06 03:16:46 UTC  

It can't get much more collectivist than that.

2020-03-06 03:17:31 UTC  

Really? Fascism says that?

2020-03-06 03:17:56 UTC  

It's its basic premise. The image that is mostly used to depict fascism is a bundle of sticks tightly held together.

2020-03-06 03:18:40 UTC  

So fascism argues that people should form a group and work together? That’s not necessarily placing the group over the individual, merely saying that the nation should form a collective

2020-03-06 03:18:57 UTC  

Fascism goes way beyond telling individuals to work together. That would be fine