Message from @Eden

Discord ID: 690131430662995980

2020-03-18 19:01:30 UTC  

CAD has dropped like craaaaaaazy. USD sitting comfy, Euro so-so

2020-03-18 19:02:59 UTC  

I've done more math and compared numbers to the Spanish flu as well now. Previously only compared it to the swine flu in 2009.

2020-03-18 19:03:31 UTC  

The Spanish flu was way worse than corona will be now. Because doctors didn't know at all how to respond, they didn't even know what it was.

2020-03-18 19:06:15 UTC  

Some sources say the Spanish flu killed less than 700k in the US, many of them young people, children especially vulnerable. Way higher death rate than corona with 6-10% across the board.

2020-03-18 19:07:27 UTC  

So I'll stand by it, I'll be surprised if covid-19 kills a lot more than 100k people in the US.

2020-03-18 19:09:04 UTC  

Ergo: lets maybe stop fucking up the economy by hoarding stuff and playing ultra scared mode. We don't need to keep a 6 meter distance from other people. Just don't rub your bums against each other (as you shouldn't do anyway <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> ).

2020-03-18 19:22:04 UTC  

The system is weak, it’s time for penitence has come.

2020-03-18 20:19:42 UTC  


How do you conceal & carry a trebuchet?

2020-03-18 20:19:59 UTC  


2020-03-18 20:42:37 UTC  

I think the alarmists would say due to the all the warnings and preventative measures that have been taken caused the low death count. They can make it look like they were right regardless.

2020-03-18 20:44:56 UTC  

There's always a way to spin the facts

2020-03-18 20:47:58 UTC  

That’s very true. I just think that it is an optical win-win for the alarmists

2020-03-18 23:19:33 UTC  

If people were allowed to set prices based on demand, there wouldn't be this shortage issue consarn it

2020-03-18 23:28:28 UTC  

At least they're allowed to limit purchasing per person and even ban people from their shop

2020-03-18 23:28:46 UTC  

To get the 1000 IQ chads out of the way of the reasonable people

2020-03-19 01:46:24 UTC  

> @everybodydothatdinosaur
> How do you conceal & carry a trebuchet?
@Sq crcl Very carefully.

2020-03-19 01:47:33 UTC  

Behind the missile launcher.

2020-03-19 01:52:25 UTC  

Alright, but how are you *carrying* it?

2020-03-19 01:58:59 UTC  

Never said he was the one carrying it.

2020-03-19 05:45:44 UTC  


Honestly, at first I thought it was:

*'Together, with your friends.'*
Your version is equally good.

2020-03-19 09:35:55 UTC  

Its a good thing government runs healthcare!
Now we can all get shit treatment and rationing

2020-03-19 11:10:52 UTC  

Everything should be privatised in a time of crisis

2020-03-19 12:00:36 UTC  

I disagree, while it is true we will see rationing or shortages due to price fixing during a crisis, this is just to show that lowering a price does not fix anything, as physically the good is still rare. If we raised prices, then we would still have ran out, as we still have a shortage. If we need 1.6 million kits, and we only have 1 million, then it doesn't matter what the price is, we only have 1 million kits. Thinking the government will fix everything is a mistake as at the end of the day, a shortage is a shortage. However, the free market is also not a solution, as, a shortage is a shortage. Understanding capitalism means we can know that prices will sky rocket during a disaster and thus we can know that government regulation could prevent price gouging, but also understand it's not really a solution to anything other than the price-gouging problem. You can't prevent starvation in socialism and communism through mandates, it requires the people to actually physically do things, and socialism doesn't account for actual reality. So when you say you guarantee jobs or free houses, obviously this is impossible as someone as to make the house, you actually need to do the physical work and so on, someone somewhere has to pay for it, via gulags or whatever.

A free market solution is not a solution as it also does not solve a shortage of something. There needs to be a concerted effort to produce more of the thing we are lacking, and that's basically it, regardless of how it's done.

2020-03-19 13:24:11 UTC  

price gouging is good in times of crisis

2020-03-19 13:24:31 UTC  

A free market responds to demand

2020-03-19 13:24:54 UTC  

You disgusting ignorant commie

2020-03-19 14:22:05 UTC  

Indeed it does respond a certain way, and so in a capitalist system knowing that, we can use the government to regulate it and compensate for the bad parts. If capitalism does something we don't like, we can fix it. In socialism if the government does something wrong, there's no other option to turn to. Things just fall apart

2020-03-19 14:39:52 UTC  

I mean in a modern capitalist system, you still need the government to make dollars, roads, have running water and electricity, and so on. It is possible to do this with the private market, but if unregulated it gives companies too much control. Already we see google clamping down on people it does't like, banning or suppressing youtube channels it's against, so what if google owned the roads, the currency, the electricity and water, and so on? Oh, you say things China doesn't like, looks like you can't have food anymore, or go to work, or live your life. We know where you live and will tell the lynch mob to go after you.

Capitalism only works well if there's competition, and inherently monopolization will always form at the end of a capitalist cycle, requiring a government ot regulate that monopoly or artificially create competition of some kind, such as by breaking the company up. Be it the massive swings in prices or people being screwed over with bitcoin and other artificial currencies, which have no accountability and could steal all your money at any time, or banks trying to shut down conservative accounts and so on, there's always been a need to regulate capitalism. In fact the modern system wouldn't even work without simple things like contract enforcement and police (as in, if you put down 10,000 dollars on a car, you will get that car, instead of being scammed, and you can take this people to court etc.), let alone currencies and well regulated roads, so capitalism has always needed a government to work correctly, to round the edges or compensate for it's issue, or even for it to work. Modern capitalism as we know it can't work in a tribalistic society, who has to trade and barter.

So, some government intervention is necessary in capitalism for a functioning or useful system. An ancap society fails for the reason anarchist societies always do, but capitalism has it's own potential issues. But government intervention is not, socialism.

2020-03-19 14:42:04 UTC  

Not all things the government does is socialism, which is what socialists try to say, instead control over the economy is socialism, seizing the means of production (I.E. stealing it from other people), and this tend to fail for a myriad of reasons, be it like Zimbabwe when no-one knows how to farm the farms they stole, or simply due to the fact that no single entity can manage all the resources of a country. You need as much self autonomy as possible, as this allows for a more efficient system that largely runs itself, and then only provide a guiding hand when it's needed. The simple reality is that the government can't do everything as it's like 1% of the population, and less than that are administrators. People have to be able to run themselves, and then you can come in after the fact to help, rather than control them. Trying to being a CEO of 500 companies on a government salary seems even more silly than just lowering taxes or something. The government in the broad scales can do things that are useful and helpful, but once it starts to micromanage everything it breaks down, not only for moral reasons of controlling people's lives, but because you really just can't control what everyone does. You can't live the lives of a 1000 people, and even if by some miracle a random person could, you can't find millions of people to run the government this way. Inevitably you are left with, self autonomy, which is the way people work anyways.

A bit long winded response to a joke lol, but just my opinion on the issue.

2020-03-19 14:45:47 UTC  

I wasn't being serious dw

2020-03-19 14:46:10 UTC  

I know lol

2020-03-19 14:46:39 UTC  

But it did cause me to think up the whole thing and I decided to write it since it's palaestra debates or whatever

2020-03-19 14:46:59 UTC  

We need long winded silly rants here instead of constant debates over race and other dumb stuff <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-19 14:47:35 UTC  

debating over race is not dumb

2020-03-19 14:47:48 UTC  

I mean after a while it just feels that way lol

2020-03-19 14:47:50 UTC  

merely unproductive

2020-03-19 14:47:59 UTC  

Race is real

2020-03-19 14:48:05 UTC  

Yeah it's unproductive like, after the 50th time it's like I'm donneeeee lol

2020-03-19 14:48:41 UTC  

Sure yeah, race is real, although not clearly defined, hence the terms are a social construct, like the Hutu vs. Tutsi

2020-03-19 14:49:04 UTC  

Or the fact that the jews in Israel all have the same genetic markers as the palestinians, making it kind of a moot point

2020-03-19 14:49:21 UTC  

Race is real and also there are races that are social constructs, so it's kind of both