Message from @Big Krunkus

Discord ID: 692272312421974047

2020-03-25 04:19:10 UTC  

That's why you close borders

2020-03-25 04:19:14 UTC  

normies still acting like this just a coof

2020-03-25 04:20:19 UTC  

I'm not a fan of authoritarianism, but it's completely realistic that people would stay off the streets. You just gotta keep spraying them at infrequent intervals in rotation.

2020-03-25 04:20:50 UTC  

Ah well, I suppose there's still a silver lining- F@H is the most powerful supercomputer on the planet and we've looked into methods to stop future diseases that were previously never explored.

2020-03-25 04:22:19 UTC  

Even if no one learns anything, we've still moved forwards in those respects.

2020-03-25 04:23:33 UTC  

Never heard of that, seems very interesting

2020-03-25 04:27:52 UTC  

A cure seems to be the last best hope we have of avoiding most of the damage at this point, vaccines against something this mutationally inclined are practically worthless. F@H provides the platform for that research and right now I'm waiting for the next workload to process, so upscaling the system to mass-test compounds seems like a very viable approach even for future disease.

2020-03-25 04:37:05 UTC  

One day humankind will face a virus that they can't stop anymore. A large % of the population will die, the rest pass on their immunity. Way of life.

2020-03-25 04:37:49 UTC  

covid is a joke compared to what's gonna happen then

2020-03-25 05:17:41 UTC

2020-03-25 05:20:27 UTC  

"meaning most americans are now niggers"

2020-03-25 05:22:40 UTC

2020-03-25 05:46:33 UTC  

"hence why "conservatives" are not conservatives"

2020-03-25 05:47:38 UTC  

Its an emergency. And there is party politics at play.

2020-03-25 06:04:55 UTC  

There are many reasons why Conservatives can be criticized at failing to Conserve anything meaningful, this is not one of them

2020-03-25 06:09:51 UTC  

So this is how democracy dies, with thunderous applause.

2020-03-25 06:32:54 UTC  

The question to ask yourself is, do people NEED this money. The answer is yes, the government is shutting things down to contain the virus. People physically can't make money because of a government action. They need a bit of help.

2020-03-25 06:36:04 UTC  

The measures taken - such as this - to contain the virus will end up killing many thousands of people. But since there won't be a way to prove the cause-and-effect of that, most people will simply go along with it.

2020-03-25 07:05:48 UTC  

the government rapes us in taxes, so if we need them to float the economy for a bit then its still basically paid and funded by the people.

2020-03-25 07:23:01 UTC  

Libertarians on suicide watch

2020-03-25 11:38:03 UTC  

If only they didn't waste a ton of money on pointless wars and military equipment we don't need

2020-03-25 11:38:30 UTC  

Then paying each American $1000 would be an imaginary issue

2020-03-25 11:38:47 UTC  

but yeah, I hope they send that shit overseas, I want my cheque

2020-03-25 13:45:15 UTC  

Ford once again not understanding the difference between American and European conservatives

2020-03-25 13:45:37 UTC  

This is *absolutely* unconservative by the American political compass

2020-03-25 13:46:08 UTC  

40 years ago, such action would be *unthinkable* by any Republican

2020-03-25 14:00:30 UTC  

How is intervening to save lives in an emergency situation "_absolutely_ unconservative" by American political compass?

2020-03-25 14:00:48 UTC  

60 years ago such action would be popular with Republicans, so that argument citing a political party (an ever changing entity) is moot

2020-03-25 14:02:10 UTC  

Redirecting funds, especially from foreign aid, to help the Nation is an America First policy, absolutely in line with Conservatism

2020-03-25 14:27:53 UTC  

Conservatism is not supposed to be some caricature. You are not stuck with communism or no government libertarianism. You can find a middle ground which has a sensible level of government to deal with any current crisis. Obviously a pandemic such as this requires the ability for states to work together at a high level, and the mobilisation of significant resources.
Ideally after the pandemic is over, the government would shrink again and give up most of its power, but we all know how that will go.

2020-03-25 14:29:28 UTC  

Coolitic once again not understanding that American Conservatism is not limited to Classical Liberalism

2020-03-25 14:46:45 UTC  

> National conservatism, a form of populist conservatism proposed by supporters of President Donald Trump that breaks with the "conservative consensus, forged by Cold War politics" of "markets and moralism".[64] **It emphasizes nationalism and social conservatism,[64] opposes immigration, and abandons laissez-faire, free-market economic policy**[65] to describe the movements in the United States supporting Donald Trump and in England supporting Brexit. A 2019 political conference featuring "public figures, journalists, scholars, and students" dubbed this variety of conservatism "National Conservatism".

2020-03-25 14:48:33 UTC  

Protip: Political terms are invariant only with respect to a few core beliefs, the specifics change according to time, place and circumstance.

2020-03-25 14:50:19 UTC  

Autistically clinging to "small government" would lead to Conservatism "principally" opposed to the border wall and supportive of legalization of same sex marriage and trans rights, which isn't how people who have self identified as "Conservatives" in the past 100 years have acted.

2020-03-25 14:51:02 UTC  

Classical Liberalism was presented as a central tenet only after the Cold War when some groups (William F. Buckley et al) capitalized on the anti communist sentiments to promote the Free Market

2020-03-25 14:52:22 UTC  

And even then it faced, and continues to face, opposition from Paleocons, Nationalists and various other Dissident Rights groups

2020-03-25 14:52:42 UTC  

There cannot be a "Conservative" ideology based purely on economic materialism

2020-03-25 14:56:33 UTC  

Most Conservatives in the US, especially in Gen Z, have far more in common with European Conservatives than Randian Objectivists/Libertarians or various flavors of Liberalism promoted by the establishment