Message from @SolidSnake6478

Discord ID: 692510521701695568

2020-03-25 19:56:38 UTC  

Frankly you should do that with literally every line of work

2020-03-25 19:56:43 UTC  

Maybe we're using that term differently then, but when I was young everyone acted like me joining the military would be a death sentence

2020-03-25 19:57:34 UTC  

Frankly unjustifiably, but I got the sense that being in the military wasn't a normal line of work

2020-03-25 19:58:23 UTC  

OK, well I think over 1% of American males are in the military so it's statistically pretty normal at least. Do you think them making it feel abnormal was good for you?

2020-03-25 19:59:21 UTC  

No, but that's the thing; soldiers are glorified, and being one for some is something to aspire to; does anyone aspire to be a porn star?

2020-03-25 19:59:31 UTC  

idk, probably somewhere

2020-03-25 20:00:25 UTC  

What I'm meaning by normalization is like, you have a kindergarten teacher asking kids what they want to be , and one of them says sex worker

2020-03-25 20:01:04 UTC  

Well at that point I don't think the kid should know what that is. But if they said "actor" I'm not sure it's too different

2020-03-25 20:02:30 UTC  

Like really what is a porn star if not just an actor that gets naked and does lewd things?

2020-03-25 20:03:00 UTC  

True, but regular actors don't risk their psyche

2020-03-25 20:03:13 UTC  

Are you sure about that?

2020-03-25 20:03:20 UTC  


2020-03-25 20:03:43 UTC  

OK, well I disagree. I think psychological issues amongst actors is, at least anecdotally, pretty well documented

2020-03-25 20:04:28 UTC  

Certainly for child actors, I have no idea about adults

2020-03-25 20:06:08 UTC  

For the sake of argument if it's found out being an actor can be psychologically harmful, would you say that should be denormalized as well?

2020-03-25 20:07:58 UTC  

Yes, or at least discouraged

2020-03-25 20:09:52 UTC  

Physical labor at least has the benefit of affecting you later in life, injuries on the job notwithstanding, but you can deal with injuries, mental health is a whole other animal

2020-03-25 20:10:20 UTC  

aight, fair enough

2020-03-25 20:46:14 UTC  

its probably all the child rape making them crazy

2020-03-25 23:27:32 UTC  

not this shit again

2020-03-25 23:34:44 UTC  

It's gonna bring BKP back.

2020-03-26 00:08:30 UTC  

@Black Knight patriarch

2020-03-26 00:08:47 UTC  

Oops, shit.....

2020-03-26 00:10:14 UTC  


2020-03-26 00:46:17 UTC  

Sorry bud I didn’t mean to ping you

2020-03-26 09:06:54 UTC

2020-03-26 09:12:45 UTC  

Autarky gang rise up

2020-03-26 14:37:55 UTC

2020-03-26 16:54:38 UTC  

i don't think there are africans that want to be the next Bono

2020-03-26 17:02:27 UTC  

lol "post locked"

2020-03-26 17:02:44 UTC  

"safe space for my feefees created"

2020-03-26 17:33:47 UTC  

I guess they don't believe all women.

2020-03-26 17:43:49 UTC

2020-03-26 17:55:21 UTC
> 'You can’t judge people by what they look like!’ It’s drummed into us as children and, as this book proves, it is utterly false. In this highly readable analysis of the academic research, Dutton shows that we are evolved to judge people’s psychology from what they look like, we can accurately work out people’s personality and intelligence from how they look, and (quite often) we have to if we want to survive. Body shape, hairiness, eye width, finger length, even how big a woman’s breasts are . . . Dutton shows that these, and much else, are windows into personality, intelligence, or both. Once you read How to Judge People by What They Look Like, you’ll never look at people the same again.

2020-03-26 17:55:38 UTC  

Highly recommend, you can download it here:

2020-03-26 17:55:54 UTC  

In Epub format, might have to convert it to PDF if required

2020-03-26 17:57:48 UTC  

Does this talk about race at all

2020-03-26 18:25:59 UTC  
