Message from @Giggles

Discord ID: 692463085327482881

2020-03-25 19:51:05 UTC  

*"For both men and women, taking into account prior psychological disorders, the odds of developing substance dependence increased virtually linearly with the number of sex partners"*

2020-03-25 19:51:17 UTC  

I don't care about what "may" be the case for people in general, if there's an individual who likes having multiple sex partners (assuming they're being responsible) then I don't care and we shouldn't judge them for it

2020-03-25 19:51:31 UTC  

It's "may" because this is just one study

2020-03-25 19:51:45 UTC  

"The majority of studies citing a relationship between mental health problems, including substance and alcohol use, and one's number of sex partners are correlational in nature."

2020-03-25 19:52:02 UTC  

I mean it may be that people with addictive personalities like to have sex more

2020-03-25 19:52:27 UTC  

This isn't an argument for why we should judge people for their professional decision regardless

2020-03-25 19:52:58 UTC  

No, it's an argument for why these things are bad for the individual

2020-03-25 19:53:14 UTC  

So should we look down on brewers because brewing beer "may" be bad for them?

2020-03-25 19:54:02 UTC  

I'm not saying look down on them, simply dissuaded, besides, alcohol is a double-edged sword

2020-03-25 19:55:10 UTC  

So how do we denormalize people without looking down on people or judging them badly?

2020-03-25 19:55:28 UTC  

Explaining the risks/consequences

2020-03-25 19:55:35 UTC  

That's not denormalizing, that's informing

2020-03-25 19:56:38 UTC  

Frankly you should do that with literally every line of work

2020-03-25 19:56:43 UTC  

Maybe we're using that term differently then, but when I was young everyone acted like me joining the military would be a death sentence

2020-03-25 19:57:34 UTC  

Frankly unjustifiably, but I got the sense that being in the military wasn't a normal line of work

2020-03-25 19:58:23 UTC  

OK, well I think over 1% of American males are in the military so it's statistically pretty normal at least. Do you think them making it feel abnormal was good for you?

2020-03-25 19:59:21 UTC  

No, but that's the thing; soldiers are glorified, and being one for some is something to aspire to; does anyone aspire to be a porn star?

2020-03-25 19:59:31 UTC  

idk, probably somewhere

2020-03-25 20:00:25 UTC  

What I'm meaning by normalization is like, you have a kindergarten teacher asking kids what they want to be , and one of them says sex worker

2020-03-25 20:01:04 UTC  

Well at that point I don't think the kid should know what that is. But if they said "actor" I'm not sure it's too different

2020-03-25 20:02:30 UTC  

Like really what is a porn star if not just an actor that gets naked and does lewd things?

2020-03-25 20:03:00 UTC  

True, but regular actors don't risk their psyche

2020-03-25 20:03:13 UTC  

Are you sure about that?

2020-03-25 20:03:20 UTC  


2020-03-25 20:03:43 UTC  

OK, well I disagree. I think psychological issues amongst actors is, at least anecdotally, pretty well documented

2020-03-25 20:04:28 UTC  

Certainly for child actors, I have no idea about adults

2020-03-25 20:06:08 UTC  

For the sake of argument if it's found out being an actor can be psychologically harmful, would you say that should be denormalized as well?

2020-03-25 20:07:58 UTC  

Yes, or at least discouraged

2020-03-25 20:09:52 UTC  

Physical labor at least has the benefit of affecting you later in life, injuries on the job notwithstanding, but you can deal with injuries, mental health is a whole other animal

2020-03-25 20:10:20 UTC  

aight, fair enough

2020-03-25 20:46:14 UTC  

its probably all the child rape making them crazy

2020-03-25 23:27:32 UTC  

not this shit again

2020-03-25 23:34:44 UTC  

It's gonna bring BKP back.

2020-03-26 00:08:30 UTC  

@Black Knight patriarch

2020-03-26 00:08:47 UTC  

Oops, shit.....

2020-03-26 00:10:14 UTC  


2020-03-26 00:46:17 UTC  

Sorry bud I didn’t mean to ping you

2020-03-26 09:06:54 UTC