Message from @Dusty Morgan

Discord ID: 504970335892930560

2018-10-25 10:45:52 UTC  

i dislike immigrants

2018-10-25 10:45:54 UTC  

I have no problem with legal immigrants... I have everything against illegal immigrants.

2018-10-25 10:45:56 UTC  


2018-10-25 10:46:05 UTC  

idk, depends on what laws make them legal

2018-10-25 10:46:20 UTC  

like, say if two illegal people come over and have a kid, if the law says that kid is legal, i disagree

2018-10-25 10:46:28 UTC  

@Timcast the female equivilant to a mens rights advocate is female rights advocate (which most MRAs also are, talkin about things such as sharia. Yes, sharia is terrible for men, but its also terrible for women that are kicked out of the sisterhood)

2018-10-25 10:47:24 UTC  

But why should I allow all immigrants in since all I have received was people abusing the system and constantly being used as a wedge issue by politicians who won't do anything? Why should I care about any immigrant if they come to flaunt our laws and take advantage of our kindness? Why should we even keep our immigration system in place?

2018-10-25 10:47:27 UTC  


2018-10-25 10:47:45 UTC  

Why should we keep the immigration system when all it has done was cause us trouble?

2018-10-25 10:47:47 UTC  

They dont like for example when other women give out the milk for free as that reduces their bargaining power over marriage contracts

2018-10-25 10:48:38 UTC  

Well immigration has always been a thing, the main difference being that in days past you had to integrate to succeed

2018-10-25 10:48:40 UTC  

We have give many immigrants opportunities and chances to live the American dream, when the only thing we ask of them is thrown back into our face?

2018-10-25 10:48:59 UTC  

Maybe we should drop welfare and public schooling

2018-10-25 10:49:54 UTC  

I mean I would have dropped out of highschool had I realized how useless my diploma would be

2018-10-25 10:50:09 UTC  

@Timcast many notable MRAs btw are not male.

2018-10-25 10:50:09 UTC  

Could of got a job way earlier

2018-10-25 10:50:37 UTC  

Society doesnt listen to men. Never did

2018-10-25 10:50:38 UTC  

When they are not willing to assimilate into our nation. When they are coming here to claim land with enclaves? When they attack those who were born in United States, acting like they have a right and entitled to everything here in United States? When they are traveling in large groups to forcefully breaking into our nation without any regard for our nations safety? When they making it easier for criminals to take advantage of the chaos and bring more crime into our nation? When they are basically bringing unchecked illnesses into our nation? We are getting more problems than benefits from immigration.

2018-10-25 10:51:35 UTC  

when women want something however, when women complained that their husbands died becouse of the terrible work safety hazards which nobody cared about back in the day, mother jones anyone? When those widdows then complain they now lack that income of their husbands, then we do somethin

2018-10-25 10:51:39 UTC  

I think your inflating immigration with a system that is designed to be broken

2018-10-25 10:51:49 UTC  

When the Cons start to outweigh the Pros... then we have a problem.

2018-10-25 10:52:10 UTC  

Immigration is not the issue, it's the enforcement of it that is

2018-10-25 10:52:30 UTC  

immigration is not an issue the US will have an issue with

2018-10-25 10:52:31 UTC  

Then we should punish politicians that don't enforce immigration.

2018-10-25 10:52:34 UTC  

Its emigration

2018-10-25 10:52:48 UTC  

Intelligent peopple are leaving for asia

2018-10-25 10:52:58 UTC  

Right now... I call this "Forced Replacement Invasion."

2018-10-25 10:53:20 UTC  

I used to call it "Forced Replacement Migration." But now it turned into a invasion instead of a immigration.

2018-10-25 10:53:38 UTC  

They plan to forcefully enter our nation with the backing of foreign nations.

2018-10-25 10:54:06 UTC  

Except Mexico and many others have agreed to halt the caravan

2018-10-25 10:54:26 UTC  

To v*et them

2018-10-25 10:54:33 UTC  

I am talking about UN, Europe... etc... etc... nations that seem to have a beef with us since Trump took office.

2018-10-25 10:54:46 UTC  

They know this caravan will severely damage United States.

2018-10-25 10:54:52 UTC  

It will damage our sovereignty.

2018-10-25 10:54:56 UTC  

It challanges our borders.

2018-10-25 10:55:01 UTC  

It challenges our laws.

2018-10-25 10:55:21 UTC  

Our citizens will be harmed in the processes.

2018-10-25 10:55:29 UTC  

It is the EXACT same thing that happen in Europe.

2018-10-25 10:55:31 UTC  

Economic migrants.

2018-10-25 10:56:05 UTC  

These migrants already proved that they will use force to get what they want.

2018-10-25 10:56:08 UTC  

But the key difference between the USA and European nations is population growth.