Message from @Cody

Discord ID: 507084433803837443

2018-10-31 06:48:32 UTC  

They actually have a video that seems to substantiate the article.

2018-10-31 06:48:58 UTC  

And they do come across as incredibly entitled and demanding.

2018-10-31 06:48:58 UTC  

The guy was pulling up his pants after that, you can see his posture shaping up for a fight

2018-10-31 06:49:22 UTC  

All of that over you parking on a handicap spot

2018-10-31 06:49:26 UTC  

The article doesn't strike me as blatantly fake news.

2018-10-31 06:49:56 UTC  

It's fake news

2018-10-31 06:50:03 UTC  

What is fake about it?

2018-10-31 06:50:11 UTC  

even after he pulled the gun, the guy doesn't run away, he backs off a bit but is still obviously still looking to fight, he's swinging his arm and half ready to run at the guy.

2018-10-31 06:50:30 UTC  

Acquit him.

2018-10-31 06:50:40 UTC  

Its trying to deceive you into thinking only terrorists, etc... are in caravan

2018-10-31 06:50:48 UTC  

No, they don't say that.

2018-10-31 06:50:50 UTC  

Though some maybe

2018-10-31 06:50:52 UTC  

That's not fake.

2018-10-31 06:50:59 UTC  

he wasn't arrested for over a month. It was SJW/NPC/BLM outrage that finally forced cops to make an arrest.

2018-10-31 06:51:05 UTC  

Literally first paragraph

2018-10-31 06:51:22 UTC  

Possibly decieving language != fake news

2018-10-31 06:51:33 UTC  

although it's a fine line in a lot of cases

2018-10-31 06:51:54 UTC  

"Besides gang members and mobs of young angry men, the Central American caravan making its way into the United States also consists of Africans, Bangladeshis, Sri Lankans and Indians. Judicial Watch is covering the crisis from the Guatemalan-Honduran border this week and observed that the popular mainstream media narrative of desperate migrants—many of them women and children—seeking a better life is hardly accurate. Guatemalan intelligence officials confirmed that the caravan that originated in the northern Honduran city of San Pedro Sula includes a multitude of Special Interest Aliens (SIA) from the countries listed above as well as other criminal elements and gang members."

2018-10-31 06:52:09 UTC  

If when CNN does it's fake news then any right leaning site is also fake news

2018-10-31 06:52:21 UTC  

Nowhere does it state such absolutes. It's pointing out that the MSM narrative of suffering women and children is largely BS.

2018-10-31 06:52:30 UTC  

Being disingenuous is being fake news

2018-10-31 06:52:36 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:52:42 UTC  

Our reading comprehension might differ.

2018-10-31 06:53:04 UTC  

That very first line there, unless they have open proof that a substantial portion of the group is gang members and "angry young men", I'd immediately call that fake news without even reading further.

2018-10-31 06:53:05 UTC  

I wonder if they have tasty burritos in the caravan

2018-10-31 06:53:44 UTC  

now, if they, for example, had a large portion of the group as documented MS13 members trying to cross the border joining in... Different story.

2018-10-31 06:54:00 UTC  

But again it's about proof

2018-10-31 06:54:05 UTC  


2018-10-31 06:54:11 UTC  

And idc who is in the caravan

2018-10-31 06:54:20 UTC  

They are not Americans dont let them in

2018-10-31 06:54:25 UTC  

Simple solution

2018-10-31 06:54:38 UTC  

The instant you have a group of say... even just 40 or 50 MS13 members... I'd say "Yeah, that article is accurate."

2018-10-31 06:55:05 UTC  

to be that pedantic asshole everyone hates. ....they are from south AMERICA

2018-10-31 06:55:12 UTC  

What I take away from it is this: Many are suspect individuals that come to the US with incredibly entitled attitudes. I am not sure how they know of their criminal background.

2018-10-31 06:55:33 UTC  

They dont

2018-10-31 06:55:42 UTC  

They are guessing and assuming

2018-10-31 06:56:08 UTC  

they couldve tackled the MSM narrative very easily

2018-10-31 06:56:10 UTC  

oh, they're all criminals. 100% of them are criminals. They're all crossing borders illegally repeated and and have full intention of crossing our border illegally.

But "gang members", no, I can accept that's fake news.

2018-10-31 06:56:18 UTC  

Just document whos in the caravan

2018-10-31 06:57:18 UTC  

Just Tom gets it

2018-10-31 06:57:20 UTC  

why we dont have a mine field on the southern border, i have no idea