Message from @Walsp
Discord ID: 507244496694673458
we shouldnt even be thinking that way in thefirst place
we should see people as individuals instead categorize them
in those times you'd just be split up in the empires as identity
The left started it fgr
the smallest minority is the individual
you weren't "Latino" you were a Spaniard or something from the Spanish empire
or a Roman
or a Greek
Sadly for me our current goverment is categorizing us and doing this based on Race they want to Remove land from White people specifically . so they made it about race . they also Say YOUR people . asif we are outsiders though we are born here and have familys spanning back since the 1600's
you'd just be associated with whatever culture/language you most resemble
@Rabbi Shekels because some else does it it makes it okay how?
like we still do here in Europe
Genetic Data says that there isn't one "European" race, that is based modern simplified ideas.
👶🏿 we wuz greeks
the goal isnt to beat others its to do whats right
They dont Care that the UK Conquered us they See all white people the same
but asoon as you say the same thing to the 9 cultures thats fighting each other they get mad
we know that, that doesn't change that in Europe we have national strife, not racial ones
@Existence is identity yes it makes its ok cuz the other side doesnt do it
Yeah its nationality in Europe thats at stake
Smelly frenchies, impure Belgians, stuck-up dutchies
individuals categorize themselves, you go to France, Algerians live in their own neighborhoods and French their own, you go to Britain, pakistanis live in their own neighborhoods, English their own..
Just axe the left u nazi
Lazy italians
And russia wants to crouch in slavingly
@AdorableStormtrooper thats because of collectivist philosophy
Boppity boopitie im a italian
you don't have "Eugh you filthy Midterranian" you'd go liek "Stupid Italian"
Individuals choose to live within their own communities in these countries which are usually Nationality based, many times it's not even very conscious especially on the European side, it just happens
your blood is Spagetti @Rabbi Shekels
Italians even have thier own racist terms for diffrent parts of italians just like asians
@AdorableStormtrooper and that makes them prosper how?
its cuz European cultures vary a lot
@Dr.Wol there has always been strife in Europe, but during the age of empires, the idea of Racial (Ethnolinguistic Tribal groups) was called nationality.
Italy's migrant Crisis in a Nutshell. WHO The fuck Toucha my Spagette. . .GETA OUT !!!
no it wasn't!