Message from @Harukajunko
Discord ID: 507303823438512138
talk room 1?? debate me... i'll play along, just cause i'm lonely out here
Reboot successful repeat quest market and reset objectives
i dare ye
Give quest exlaimer
am your NPC quest
It all comes to section 230
ou cant even compete with an NPC?
Local antifa need your help fetch quest enabled optional bring more flags to rally that can burn
Which allows social media ban whoever
another settlement needs our help?
Boston needs your help
lol... you guys!
what if Preston Gravey is the secret leader behind antifa
yes i call him preston Gravey
Local antifa settlement need help a gang of trumpians apeared
cuz he would've loved KFC
place your bets on how long it will take
Oh shia
other one had an NPC shia
He probably got gaurds on this flag
I bet under a week
wait its going on
thats like the 5th time
this is like season 8
if not more
He should crusify himself with the tatoo of that and pepe will still remove him from cross and add kermit to it
i'm gonna say over a week simply due to him prolly having taken precautions with flight patterns 😛
but who knows
is it on pol or b
it took 3 days for 4chan to solve it first time