Message from @Fireball Bastard
Discord ID: 342044674602827786
i probably would
What about John Wayne?
I have a hard time imagining him ever being young-looking.
Yo anyone from deutschland?
Im northern spainard
with a lot of scottish
Welcome to Safe Space 3! Please check the rules @Cecil Rhodes.
To choose a role, type:
?centrist -> Centrist role
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Membership lets you access the vetted voice channels and text chats. Do not request vetting unless you think you hold alt right ideals.
@flooz Honestly he is hot
Give me a man with a strong jaw and I'll probably swoon
>tfw your jaw is angular, not square, but you don't care because the rest of you is perfect
oh ok.
Who wanna chat @everyone
Inb4 ppl are mad because @ everyone
Come on here mah niggus
We got pizza `n sheeit
When you guys chat What do you even talk about? Honestly curious
Alt right, memes
What about the Jews?
Of course
Thats a Nice pic with text
@drinkbleach in her natural habitat
is that a selfie @Panzerklown ? 😄
Yes? No bully.
is that u