Message from @Fireball Bastard
Discord ID: 341768839928872962
(jk; go away, NSA)
ok yeah i dont do that
Ga weg AIVD
Where you from, Moose?
clint eastwood's son is quite the looker, too
@flooz I wish they put him in The Dark Tower.
im from the netherlands
But the problem is that Clint Eastwood is old, and Stephen King loves black people.
isnt clint eastwood a liberal?
He opposed Obama in the last two elections, so I dunno.
why is obama so loved btw, didnt he double the nations debt?
Because he's a dindu.
In a suit.
He killed more people than Bush did, but liberals polish his mocha colo
red ego all day.
@flooz I bet you dig the young John Travolta.
i probably would
What about John Wayne?
Yo anyone from deutschland?
Im northern spainard
with a lot of scottish
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@flooz Honestly he is hot
Give me a man with a strong jaw and I'll probably swoon
>tfw your jaw is angular, not square, but you don't care because the rest of you is perfect
@AdmiralSnackbar Always relevant.
oh ok.
Who wanna chat @everyone