Message from @Lucienne d'Anwyl
Discord ID: 691778094733721780
The symptons for most people are mild I believe the issue lies more on how fast corona has been capable of spreading causing like in that article hospitals becoming overloaded and more frequent vulnerable people being targeted thus killing more.
im pretty sure the flu kills people quicker
with 0 warning
corona takes weaks
assuming it doesnt give you a heart attack
It's the lengthy incubation period that's making the difference then
incubation just increases infecivity
and how redonkulously contagious it is
With flu people would stay home with symptoms and spread less
nothing to do with seriousness of symptoms
or what lichlord said
also there's no vaccine for it
there's a flu vaccine
flu vaccines arent that good
in the worse years flu vaccines only help 20% of people that get them
in a few months it's killed more than MERS and SARS combined did, and these got a HUGE head start
Well that mostly the virus mutating like a crazy bastard
every virus mutates
it is hardly unique in that regard
he meant mutation *rate*
combined with lower lethality rate
yes I meant the mutation rate
the more lethal a vbirus is the better
its mutating the same amount as any other virus tbh
but if its lethal enough the virus will kill its host before they transmit
you a chinese shill or somethin'?
next you gonna tell me you trust they somehow froze the new cases at 80k
how is what i said shilling for china
I'm sorry if I made a misunderstanding but I was replying as to why vaccines don't work always and that's because Viruses mutate a lot causing it to bypass it's effects but even if it helps only 20%, I will take them honestly.
flu vaccines in general are a bad thing tbh
it helps only a small amount of people
costs money
and theres a chance you can suffer an extreme reaction to it
it's worth it if you work in a hospital maybe
other than that I wouldn't bother with it for flu
ha nice