Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck

Discord ID: 684898950670581795

2020-03-04 23:01:38 UTC  

Chase a dime kid never chase a Dame

2020-03-04 23:01:52 UTC  

corporations take public bailout and subsidies all the time 😂

2020-03-04 23:01:54 UTC  

maybe the problem more so is Baba isn't mad others aren't becoming millionaires hes more upset HE can't be the Millionaire. Or at the very least he isn't one this very instant.

2020-03-04 23:01:56 UTC  

then pay no taxes lmao

2020-03-04 23:01:59 UTC  


2020-03-04 23:02:05 UTC  

Instead of riding the ride and hustling good life you chose to rot in one spot and yell about how there can be a better mythical ride

2020-03-04 23:02:10 UTC  

Jokes on you

2020-03-04 23:02:16 UTC  

Groomed? Because I'm not blaming my shitty life decisions on a wildly successful corporation?

2020-03-04 23:02:16 UTC  

Is there a roof over your head?
Are you well fed?
Are you entertained?
Congratulations. You’re better off than the *vast majority of humans that have ever existed*.
Of all the humans that have lived, *YOU ARE THE FUCKING ONE PERCENT.*

2020-03-04 23:02:22 UTC  

*Sounds like socialism poorfag*

2020-03-04 23:02:23 UTC  

@Son of Rome yeah i know amazon payed 0 takes while using your tax dollars but get a fucking job loser

2020-03-04 23:02:40 UTC  

You can pay next to no taxes too

2020-03-04 23:02:48 UTC  

Yeah, Jeff Bezos isn't the reason for poverty.

2020-03-04 23:02:50 UTC  

Move to tax haven if that bugs you

2020-03-04 23:02:54 UTC  

Choices are there

2020-03-04 23:03:10 UTC  

If i catch the boomer plague I'll start a documentary for you guys

2020-03-04 23:03:21 UTC  

This is why I can't stand socialists. They're a bunch of sniveling children that can't take care of themselves.

2020-03-04 23:03:22 UTC  

Amazon is not a saint with how it treats workers, but you still buy from it

2020-03-04 23:03:40 UTC  

You voted with your wallet despite yelling "amazon man bad"

2020-03-04 23:03:50 UTC  

Actions speak louder,

2020-03-04 23:03:54 UTC  

@BabaBooey What type of phone do you own?

2020-03-04 23:04:08 UTC  

Android? iPhone?

2020-03-04 23:04:16 UTC  

Odds are they employ sweatshop workers

2020-03-04 23:04:23 UTC  

who are paid little to nothing......more than likely only a few cents a day

2020-03-04 23:04:24 UTC  

I had 2 iPhones as gifts and gave both away

2020-03-04 23:04:36 UTC  

So what if you're drowning in debt while Jeff Bezos is swimming in his olympic swimming pool of $100 bills. Americans are prosperous, motherfucker. @BabaBooey

2020-03-04 23:04:42 UTC  

I don't want to have anything from apple

2020-03-04 23:05:09 UTC  

Americans won't be prosperous to some until we all have exactly the same - the bare minimum.

2020-03-04 23:05:29 UTC  

It's the mindset of the envious and resentful towards success.

2020-03-04 23:06:24 UTC  

@Son of Rome Utopians are perfectionists. And that's a dead-end philosophy
You can't make naything good with a notion of "throw away anything that is flawed"
Flaws can be fixed and improved upon.
Gradual change is preferably to tearing everything down.

2020-03-04 23:06:48 UTC  

Until theres no one living in poverty, everyone whos capable of work is working, it doesnt cost $5,000 to preform a biological function, everyone goes to sleep in their own beds with a stomach full of good food, and those who aren't capable of work are removed. We arent prosperous

2020-03-04 23:06:50 UTC  

I assume it is some sort of a revolt against their own parents that they superimpose onto a state

2020-03-04 23:06:55 UTC  

Whats the topic?

2020-03-04 23:06:59 UTC  


2020-03-04 23:07:55 UTC  

Baba's claiming America isn't prosperous - Apparently we're "groomed" for taking personal responsibility.

2020-03-04 23:08:08 UTC  


2020-03-04 23:08:13 UTC  

Standard sniveling socialist rhetoric.

2020-03-04 23:08:51 UTC  

Like the commie knows about anything prosperous, Free Bread for Everyone!

2020-03-04 23:08:57 UTC  


2020-03-04 23:09:07 UTC  

can't tell who's more retarded, the goddamn commie or the goddamn fools who keep feeding him

2020-03-04 23:09:24 UTC  

starve him of attention like he starves others of food