Message from @Ethreen42

Discord ID: 688330104404967436

2020-03-14 10:08:50 UTC  

Poles be like
"There's a jew in my basement"

2020-03-14 10:08:53 UTC  


2020-03-14 10:09:16 UTC  

if you dug deep enough you'd find some eskimo population replacement im sure 😛

2020-03-14 10:10:00 UTC  

i mean it should be a sound heuristic to assume all peoples existing today had genocided some other peoples at some point; otherwise it wouldve been those other peoples we'd be talking about 😛

2020-03-14 10:11:05 UTC  

Just wait after corona chan did her job in the big cities, the biggest group left will try and kill the other groups in the chaos.

2020-03-14 10:11:08 UTC

2020-03-14 10:11:10 UTC  

great lechia 😄

2020-03-14 10:11:27 UTC  

bois found my new pfp

2020-03-14 10:11:52 UTC  

@svarozhyc Skeletons in everybodys closets.

The sensible thing would be to just have a cross racial handshake about moving forward, avoiding genocides of the past and NOT browbeating eachother with historical tidbits.

But that will probably never happen. 😄

2020-03-14 10:12:24 UTC  


2020-03-14 10:12:56 UTC  

it's very convenient sometimes to act as if you cared tho

2020-03-14 10:12:57 UTC  


2020-03-14 10:13:14 UTC  

>you gotta give us a better price because of that one massacre

2020-03-14 10:14:06 UTC  

Iran is digging mass graves, don't these idiots know you need to burn infected corpses.

2020-03-14 10:14:25 UTC  

"leaks from the new marvel movie"

2020-03-14 10:14:50 UTC  

oh the *actual* map of the lechite empire

2020-03-14 10:15:10 UTC  
2020-03-14 10:16:56 UTC  

You still play stellaris? smh

2020-03-14 10:17:20 UTC  

@Vander Loonéy Shhh!

Don't say anything. Just get some popcorn and watch the Iranians contaminate their ground water with corona. It's gonna be fun! 😄

2020-03-14 10:18:05 UTC  


2020-03-14 10:18:46 UTC  

I went to the store this morning, to see if I could get some more stuff. 50 people waiting in front for it to open, I laughed and turned around. Lucky I already prepped for this shit.

2020-03-14 10:18:47 UTC

2020-03-14 10:19:29 UTC  

Soon we shall have a right wing majority in flanders, then the fun begins.

2020-03-14 10:19:38 UTC  

@Ethreen42 explain

2020-03-14 10:19:47 UTC  

what is this\

2020-03-14 10:20:03 UTC  

a right-wing nationalist party is the largest party in Belgian polls

2020-03-14 10:20:07 UTC  

Polling data of flemish pârties.

2020-03-14 10:21:29 UTC  

Vlaams Belang is at 28% in the polls, they'll probably peak at around 30-33% and will probably end up entering government in a few years with the more moderate Flemish N-VA

2020-03-14 10:22:18 UTC  

We will have new election soon anyways.

2020-03-14 10:23:09 UTC  

That would work for us

2020-03-14 10:23:14 UTC  

Jewish community center people

2020-03-14 10:23:40 UTC  

probably, I mean Belgium hasn't had a working government since like December 2018

2020-03-14 10:24:02 UTC  

with the exception of a brief caretaker government before the May 2019 elections

2020-03-14 10:25:40 UTC

2020-03-14 10:26:19 UTC  

That's anti semitic

2020-03-14 10:26:25 UTC  

Oh wait ...

2020-03-14 10:27:10 UTC  

Existence is anti-semitic

2020-03-14 10:27:29 UTC  

Entropy is a jewish plot

2020-03-14 10:27:34 UTC  

Thus, to not be anti-semitic, one must delete semites.

2020-03-14 10:27:56 UTC  

You cannot stop entropy