Message from @R9b1t

Discord ID: 509231866759479296

2018-11-06 04:49:15 UTC  

she wants to get her words just right so bad that she put herself into a situation where she is never truly satisfied with what she thinks/writes/says

2018-11-06 04:50:04 UTC  

another thing with the skull - even when these thoughts / situations pass, she *is still* trying to find the right thing to say

2018-11-06 04:50:38 UTC  

maybe I'm misunderstanding the poem, but that what it seems like imo

2018-11-06 04:50:48 UTC  

like michael jackson and his nose

2018-11-06 04:51:09 UTC  

Poems are broad and I think the head of English is a statement of how we interpret poems for a theme to prove something in school

2018-11-06 04:52:02 UTC  

good point.

2018-11-06 04:52:42 UTC  

Maybe anon is a statement of feminism because in the first stanza duffy mentions jobs taken up by women

2018-11-06 04:54:51 UTC  

what about this perspective: all of the roles mentioned are generally what women fall into. Medical, mother, nun - or a nobody. All of these roles define women but without a certain title an argument could be made how lost the author feels without an identifier

2018-11-06 04:55:09 UTC  

she has no sense of purpose or meaning for life

2018-11-06 04:55:38 UTC  

hence her lack of articulating herself

2018-11-06 04:55:43 UTC  

And without a calling she takes what she loves and sees nothing. She might be an amazing writer, but it isn’t expected of her.

2018-11-06 04:56:12 UTC  


2018-11-06 04:56:41 UTC  

I say roles in the sense of personality traits rather than duties dedicated to a person

2018-11-06 04:56:53 UTC  

like he is smart, or she is pretty

2018-11-06 04:57:38 UTC  

I feel roles are expectations, and these expectations are specific duties.

2018-11-06 04:58:58 UTC  


2018-11-06 04:59:37 UTC  

you can take my opinion with a grain of salt. your line of logic works

2018-11-06 05:00:36 UTC  

So hey nonny nonny was from a Shakespearean play “much ado about nothing”

2018-11-06 05:01:33 UTC  

really? that's interesting

2018-11-06 05:02:03 UTC  

yeah, it definitely ties with your reasoning than mine

2018-11-06 05:05:38 UTC  

Well that’s the point of my IOC idea, I think I’ll bring it up later and add my own full interpretation of the poem

2018-11-06 05:07:13 UTC  

how long do you have to prepare for the presentation?

2018-11-06 05:07:31 UTC  

Oh well it’s the Wednesday before thanksgiving so plenty of time

2018-11-06 05:07:48 UTC  

that's good news!

2018-11-06 05:07:50 UTC  

It’s just not going to dominate my realm of thinking right now

2018-11-06 05:09:39 UTC  

ok. like I said, take my interpretation of the poem with a grain of salt. This poem hit a close to home so I may have missed it's actual meaning

2018-11-06 05:09:57 UTC  

don't these seem like the words of someone who has an ear for "dog whistles" that aren't being blown?

2018-11-06 05:10:58 UTC  

hot dam that's a mess

2018-11-06 05:11:38 UTC  

the top and bottom lines i mean. i agreed that the ad's false equivalency with the cop killer and the whole caravan was kinda slimy

2018-11-06 05:12:14 UTC  

some bad hombres but it's not likely at all that they're ALL ready to break the fuckin doors down

2018-11-06 05:14:12 UTC  

Serious question:

2018-11-06 05:14:21 UTC  

How many are actually studying Japanese herE?

2018-11-06 05:14:30 UTC  

^not me

2018-11-06 05:14:30 UTC  

I might have been a little stupid, because I signed up to this test.

2018-11-06 05:14:37 UTC  


2018-11-06 05:14:37 UTC  

I am

2018-11-06 05:14:43 UTC  

Now, I might not be able to handle it.

2018-11-06 05:15:00 UTC  

What did you do to study Japanese?

2018-11-06 05:15:04 UTC  

i think this server is full of weebs so quite many...

2018-11-06 05:15:06 UTC  

I have been cramming for 5 months.

2018-11-06 05:15:09 UTC  

I took a module in college