Message from @Redneo

Discord ID: 694160031649628231

2020-03-30 12:14:39 UTC  

everything *could* mutate into something far more dangerous.

2020-03-30 12:15:39 UTC  

Yeah. Epidemic policies have been in place in most developed countries

2020-03-30 12:15:44 UTC  

I take you think we should open everything up virus be damned? regardless how many die?

2020-03-30 12:15:47 UTC  

They just lost their shit lol

2020-03-30 12:16:02 UTC  

now, yes, "essential" industries are still working. Thing is, those have dependencies. If a farmer cant get his tractor repaired or replaced becouse no motors are produced, youll see the consequences of that by fall.

2020-03-30 12:16:37 UTC  

Sure but you'll have ppl alive then to try and mitigate

2020-03-30 12:16:38 UTC  

why would the farmers produce goods if their money cannot buy anything worth having.

2020-03-30 12:17:00 UTC  

Why are they producing at all considering how shit it pays to begin with

2020-03-30 12:17:14 UTC  
2020-03-30 12:17:26 UTC  

Look, 'muricans are used to their 30 % diabetes death rate due to not being able to afford insulin, 5 % corona is a virgin compared to that <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-30 12:17:30 UTC  

@svarozhyc I have read that many Coronaviruses don't tend to mutate as fast as other viruses because they have an error checking gene that makes sure the host cell is doing a good job of making copies. IDK if that is true at all, or true for this virus.

2020-03-30 12:17:40 UTC  

Tru xav lol

2020-03-30 12:18:42 UTC  


2020-03-30 12:19:40 UTC  

it's unknown i'd say 😛 coronaviruses tend not to be very mutable but then define very lol how much risk you wanna afford basically but still you don't know what the risk actually is. There's like 5 known strains atm but they're not necessarily different strains 😛

2020-03-30 12:20:10 UTC  

Plus, less likely to mutate does not mean it won't mutate.

2020-03-30 12:20:23 UTC  

not as much as other RNA viruses at least. @[NWFLT]Leonidas Ceasar see M. R. Denison, R. L. Graham, E. F. Donaldson, L. D. Eckerle, R. S. Baric: Coronaviruses: an RNA proofreading machine regulates replication fidelity and diversity. In: RNA Biology. volume 8, Nr. 2,March-April 2011, Pages. 270–279,

2020-03-30 12:20:34 UTC  

yep it's gambling with a blindfold with unknown stakes really

2020-03-30 12:21:58 UTC  

the thing is, people make the same gamble with the flu. Now, the flu is serious enough for me to isolate for its duration + 2 weeks, definantely not ennough for a shutdown...

2020-03-30 12:23:36 UTC  

you don't have elections to win in the future tho hehe they have to take into consideration what people want them to do <:disgusteng:595338918044500041>

2020-03-30 12:24:08 UTC  


2020-03-30 12:24:40 UTC  

```the year is 2250, and the Earth has been united under the British Empire ruled by Queen Elizabeth the second. The queen sits in her throne room which lies in the megacity of Londonium, population 100 million, being kept alive by a combination of cybernetics and what can only be described as divine intervention. Mars has been colonised into a desert world and is ruled by the British Intra-Solar Company, the population being made up of convicts who work on tea plantations around the planets few lush regions. On April 3rd the first colony ships leave the solar system to colonise a distant world, dubbed 'Corona' after the plague of the 21st century which ultimately lead to the revitalisation of the queen's dominion. The world is believed to be home to native alien life, of which little is known; the royal stellar navy grows larger every day as the possibility of there existing hostile aliens not willing to bow to the queen will not be tolerated.

2020-03-30 12:25:00 UTC  

Thanks for that paper@Redneo Very interesting.

2020-03-30 12:25:12 UTC  

if thers gonna be an election in 2020... may not be the greatest idea, espacialy as older people aka people at risk are more likelly to vote generallly speaking

2020-03-30 12:25:41 UTC  

there's a massive deal in poland there were supposed to be pres elections in may

2020-03-30 12:25:55 UTC  

That's a future I wouldn't mind happening

2020-03-30 12:27:01 UTC  
2020-03-30 12:27:28 UTC  
2020-03-30 12:28:05 UTC  

or for taking in the information verbally, a video about it

2020-03-30 12:34:26 UTC  

It's Finally Harvesting Season

2020-03-30 12:36:01 UTC  

@svarozhyc Well now I wish we could actually talk to sargoy without having to pay. I would love to familiarize him with the czech urban legend about that one communist lotr review <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-30 12:37:14 UTC  

yeah sometimes he says something about """eastern""" europe or something we've already done and you just wanna have a pint and spin a yarn on his ears

2020-03-30 12:38:23 UTC  


2020-03-30 12:38:33 UTC  

Goddamn uneducated german

2020-03-30 12:39:24 UTC  

Also that review is specific in the way that we know the text, people remember reading it, we even know what newspaper it was, but nobody can find the original <:Veemote:501103628883591188>

2020-03-30 12:41:44 UTC  

@svarozhyc holy shit, you have it too!

2020-03-30 12:42:50 UTC  


2020-03-30 12:43:28 UTC  

Well, more like your version

2020-03-30 12:43:29 UTC  

But damn

2020-03-30 12:43:54 UTC  

That second article, that's it almost word for word