Message from @Comando

Discord ID: 694399249646878820

2020-03-31 04:12:43 UTC  

120 is perfectly reasonable as the mortgage

2020-03-31 04:12:44 UTC  

depending on where it is

2020-03-31 04:12:54 UTC  

My friend hasnt paid his taxes for 12 years. He puts it on his false identity, and then false identity (on paper) takes a trip to Chile

2020-03-31 04:12:57 UTC  

@Comando Why did you agree to be a mod in the first place?

2020-03-31 04:12:59 UTC  

They took out a mortgage in 2009

2020-03-31 04:13:06 UTC  

extremely low quality rd in front

2020-03-31 04:13:08 UTC  

I didn't

2020-03-31 04:13:28 UTC  

```The Chandler family has assumed two mortgages on 14 Branchland Court. The first was fully paid sometime before February 2009, when Chris attested his house had no mortgage against it. The second mortgage on the property was filed in April 2009 for $130,000, held at first by SunTrust Bank but since transferred to Seterus. As of 31 August 2016, the Chandlers still owe $115,000, which is still more than the property is actually worth.Chris's monthly tugboat furnishes the roughly $800 monthly payment. Contrary to a popular misconception, the mortgage is not a reverse mortgage: the mortgage is estimated to extend thirty years with 5% interest.```

2020-03-31 04:13:29 UTC  

One day I was just @ ed in the mod channel and told: you are now a mod

2020-03-31 04:13:37 UTC  


2020-03-31 04:13:40 UTC  


2020-03-31 04:13:45 UTC  

that's they way it goes

2020-03-31 04:13:50 UTC  

one day you are bullshiting

2020-03-31 04:13:58 UTC  

the nexy day you have powers

2020-03-31 04:14:03 UTC  

@ManAnimal So youre one of (((them)))

2020-03-31 04:14:04 UTC  

and wish they would go away

2020-03-31 04:14:07 UTC  

Man animal is a faggot

2020-03-31 04:14:09 UTC  

The next time, after the anniversary of sargon creating the server anubis just said: Comando look at your name. And I was red.

2020-03-31 04:14:35 UTC  

nope. i got tired of the paperwork, frankly

2020-03-31 04:14:41 UTC  

Yeah that's how mods get their wings

2020-03-31 04:14:42 UTC  

This was done infront of a lot of people

2020-03-31 04:14:55 UTC  

My first words were: "Fuck you, actually fuck you"

2020-03-31 04:15:03 UTC  

too much, they too littl e

2020-03-31 04:15:07 UTC  

fuck it

2020-03-31 04:15:13 UTC  

Like an unsuspecting highschool student walking under a pedestrian overpass, becoming a mod is like getting cum in the eyes

2020-03-31 04:15:34 UTC  

@Comando Will I ever be hoplite?

2020-03-31 04:15:41 UTC  


2020-03-31 04:15:44 UTC  

i'm better off laughing at Commando and Jack for dealing with the spergs

2020-03-31 04:15:44 UTC  
2020-03-31 04:15:53 UTC  
2020-03-31 04:16:19 UTC  

Based on who is a mod now, no. You would never be a mod.

2020-03-31 04:16:24 UTC  

You don't want it, you don't ask for it, it's mostly a gross experience, and everyone thinks less of you for it.

2020-03-31 04:16:26 UTC  

@Son of Rome you will grow utters and give milk before you become a mod

2020-03-31 04:16:30 UTC  

One of these things is not like the other.

2020-03-31 04:16:42 UTC  


2020-03-31 04:16:44 UTC  

@ManAnimal Fair enough, but can you not join them tho? <:tidepodpour:590855656526053376>

2020-03-31 04:16:52 UTC  


2020-03-31 04:17:05 UTC  

MA wouldn’t be a mod. Anger issues.

2020-03-31 04:17:05 UTC  

what fun would that be?"

2020-03-31 04:17:29 UTC  

I’ll never be made a mod.
I pissed Anubis off too much already.

2020-03-31 04:17:32 UTC  

I'd be the best mod