Message from @R9b1t

Discord ID: 509957537370603521

2018-11-08 05:07:23 UTC  

You goys have some crazy ideas about animal eating being the same as murdering babies...

2018-11-08 05:07:28 UTC  

@Jasse sure if you are ok with doing it for me it contradicts how I feel so I won't eat aborted babies plus animals are cheaper to eat id image

2018-11-08 05:07:43 UTC  

i mean yeah you make a point

2018-11-08 05:07:43 UTC  

I'm a specist.

2018-11-08 05:07:48 UTC  

I'm for the human species.

2018-11-08 05:07:51 UTC  


2018-11-08 05:07:52 UTC  

You said I think that to make pluripotent and all that you need to start at ESCs

2018-11-08 05:07:55 UTC  

And most of these animals can fuck off and die.

2018-11-08 05:07:56 UTC  

@R9b1t ya, overall industrialized mass produced food is essentially poison. So glad I moved to an area with a lot of farms and I can get my food locally grown

2018-11-08 05:07:56 UTC  

all animals are from a common ancestor

2018-11-08 05:07:59 UTC  

Except the ones I like capriciously.

2018-11-08 05:08:13 UTC  

I like dogs. I don't wanna kill them. I don't have a great reason. But I am a human supremacist.

2018-11-08 05:08:16 UTC  

@Misomania i mean yeah i like organic stuff without a lot of preservatives

2018-11-08 05:08:18 UTC  

I will kill the shit out of a roach.

2018-11-08 05:08:23 UTC  

most of those products i dont even like

2018-11-08 05:08:34 UTC  

again then you are forcing someone to have a baby because you happen to believe adoption is better.
You'e not facing the whole pregnancy nor the birth.

2018-11-08 05:08:41 UTC  

If there's a Roach Extinction Button you better keep me the fuck away from it because I'm certain they fulfill SOME purpose in nature, but I wouldn't give a shit.

2018-11-08 05:08:54 UTC  

I would see that button and press it.

2018-11-08 05:08:59 UTC  

Like a diving falcon.

2018-11-08 05:09:02 UTC  

like flies, they are the decomposers

2018-11-08 05:09:11 UTC  

if there is a dead thing, they consume it until nothing is left

2018-11-08 05:09:25 UTC  

It is more banning the murder than forcing having baby though isn't it?

2018-11-08 05:09:27 UTC  

Once the baby has the tools to be rational is when abortion becomes unethical and anti human

2018-11-08 05:09:49 UTC  

Abortion is the "Haha now we'll never know" approach to... someone else.

2018-11-08 05:09:51 UTC  

well if the baby cringes at pain is it rationally thinking that something is bad?

2018-11-08 05:09:55 UTC  


2018-11-08 05:10:17 UTC  

hey scrib when are you going to get a **job**?

2018-11-08 05:10:26 UTC  

Well you are forcing them to complete a pregnancy by banning the possibility to abort.
Again my position is that this should be dealt with on scientific basis, meaning an abortion should be done early, not 8 months.

2018-11-08 05:10:44 UTC  

not a free to abort whenever you want

2018-11-08 05:10:45 UTC  

@Existence is identity what you actually think that eating your own species is same as eating other animals?

Even dumbest animals are not dump enought to do it. Or think like that😏

2018-11-08 05:10:52 UTC  

@R9b1t depends thats more complicated but probably yes it cries instead of freezes up like a animal faced with something not with him when he was conceived and must think to make sense of it

2018-11-08 05:11:17 UTC  

If you can justify the murder (which murder can be justified) ie self defense

2018-11-08 05:11:28 UTC  

Let's just call it like it is though

2018-11-08 05:11:34 UTC  

@Jasse animals can't think their survival is automatic also I said this doesn't consist with my values so that doesn't apply

2018-11-08 05:12:03 UTC  

even if you can justify it now, do you think you can do the same 20 years from now looking back?

2018-11-08 05:12:09 UTC  

Are you acting stupid?

2018-11-08 05:12:23 UTC  

So the RDR2 guy had his youtube re-instated.

2018-11-08 05:12:24 UTC  

I still wonder how you can murder something that isnt alive.
Well its probably going to be alive, no guarantee tho, miscarriages happen more frequently as women decide to get children later.

2018-11-08 05:12:35 UTC  

well if a dog actively knows it is eating a dog, does it philosophize what it is doing is a wrong action?

2018-11-08 05:12:49 UTC  

irreversible acts we take now out of misguided self interests are often the ones we wish we could take back when self reflecting