Message from @tritrium

Discord ID: 509965991157956609

2018-11-08 05:38:23 UTC  

It has the potential but you stop it

2018-11-08 05:38:27 UTC  

its the same argument you make just at a different stage

2018-11-08 05:38:42 UTC  

@tritrium Then you dont know how babies are made.. there is no stork involved 😃

2018-11-08 05:38:45 UTC  

im just drawing the line elsewhere

2018-11-08 05:38:56 UTC  

i do lol

2018-11-08 05:39:04 UTC  

@FrostyCrits so inconsistent

the position is that life begins at conception

2018-11-08 05:40:49 UTC  

But it can be argued they’re still living

2018-11-08 05:40:52 UTC  

I draw the line at the science, i would say something like: if the fetus is less then maybe 5 weeks old, to play safe, i have no problem with an abortion.
Again i dont support trivializing it, people should be responsible not use abortion as if its a condom for sake of argument

2018-11-08 05:40:55 UTC  

@Ronald McFunkytown✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ what is the objective reason on why that should be

2018-11-08 05:40:57 UTC  

And the potential is there

2018-11-08 05:41:10 UTC  

And for later on i already said what i think about it

2018-11-08 05:41:15 UTC  

Male + Female fertalize an egg, a fertalized egg grows into a life, killing a fertalized egg is the same as killing a life... Thats why it dosn't matter if its a viable life when you abort it, all that matters is it's the fertalized building block

2018-11-08 05:41:23 UTC  

the life of the mother and/or the child has to be at risk

2018-11-08 05:41:51 UTC  

@FrostyCrits seems like eating animals is bad also if it's based on life

2018-11-08 05:42:03 UTC  

Male and female commit anal, baby is not fertilized even if both were capable, a possible egg could have been fertilized...

2018-11-08 05:42:11 UTC  

Sodomy is bad kiddos

oh were playing that game huh

2018-11-08 05:42:32 UTC  



2018-11-08 05:42:47 UTC  

Especially for women then, since they got a real limit to eggs, each time then menstruate they decrease their chances to create life

2018-11-08 05:42:47 UTC  

the bible treats animals like shit dude

2018-11-08 05:43:15 UTC  

There’s only one gender

2018-11-08 05:43:22 UTC  

It’s male

you asked me why people believe these things

2018-11-08 05:43:59 UTC  

The Bible is a book based on a god that doesn't exist

2018-11-08 05:44:25 UTC  

By reason I mean non contradicting logic

2018-11-08 05:44:33 UTC  

The bible is a woek of fiction used to instruct people how to function in a structured society

why do you believe what you do

2018-11-08 05:47:02 UTC  


where do you get your beliefs from

2018-11-08 05:47:20 UTC  

Aristotle and Ayn Rand

2018-11-08 05:47:28 UTC  
