Message from @Dr.Wol

Discord ID: 510843586850324481

2018-11-10 15:48:29 UTC  

Healthcare uses cm and kg even in US

2018-11-10 15:48:41 UTC  

Not when your doctor overdoses you ...

2018-11-10 15:48:41 UTC  

if you want people to use CM for measurement, just tell guys how large their cock is in CM

2018-11-10 15:48:46 UTC  

mg and ml too

2018-11-10 15:48:47 UTC  

That comic would be a lot funnier in 2018 if pointy-haired boss said, "I think we should build a *NoSQL* database."

2018-11-10 15:49:02 UTC  

So you'd be 5'9" and 150lbs but you'd be running 10k and drinking 500ml of water

2018-11-10 15:49:05 UTC  

daddy no

2018-11-10 15:49:15 UTC  

Wait, which country does that?

2018-11-10 15:49:19 UTC  


2018-11-10 15:49:20 UTC  

i'm 178cm and 85.5 kg!

2018-11-10 15:49:33 UTC  

Wait, you don't buy milk by the gallon?

2018-11-10 15:49:37 UTC  


2018-11-10 15:49:38 UTC  


2018-11-10 15:49:40 UTC  

we buy milk by the litre

2018-11-10 15:49:41 UTC  


2018-11-10 15:49:45 UTC  

canada buys milk by the bag

2018-11-10 15:49:50 UTC  

I never noticed that.

2018-11-10 15:49:52 UTC  

We don't have milk bags

2018-11-10 15:49:59 UTC  

At least not in BC

2018-11-10 15:50:01 UTC  

you live in the wrong canada

2018-11-10 15:50:02 UTC  

gasoline is in litres too!

2018-11-10 15:50:05 UTC  

I always said gallon and nobody ever corrected me.

2018-11-10 15:50:28 UTC  

Anyone old enough here still used gallon

2018-11-10 15:50:41 UTC  

And we have rough mental conversions here due to proximity

2018-11-10 15:50:42 UTC  

dang, i just daetd myself

2018-11-10 15:51:10 UTC  

"1m is a little more than 3 feet" and such

2018-11-10 15:52:13 UTC  

not with my feet

2018-11-10 15:52:27 UTC  

I have no mental concept of cm tho

2018-11-10 15:52:32 UTC

2018-11-10 15:52:42 UTC  

this is the most unhappy marriage i've ever seen

2018-11-10 15:52:58 UTC  

Someone's like "I'm 190 cm" and I'm like "that is a number". Same with kilos

2018-11-10 15:53:08 UTC  


2018-11-10 15:54:24 UTC  

Probably makes dick measuring sound more impressive though. In fact just convert to mm. Big numbers

2018-11-10 15:54:44 UTC  

20 cm long? 😛

2018-11-10 15:54:45 UTC  

At least there is now less confusion when using non metric units. Now it is just implicit understood that the are british imperial units.

2018-11-10 15:55:33 UTC  

Average length now goes from what, 5.5? To like 139.7

2018-11-10 15:55:36 UTC  
2018-11-10 15:55:49 UTC  

Ocasio Cortez can't afford to move to D.C.

2018-11-10 15:56:14 UTC  

That's fine