Message from @Renaar

Discord ID: 314277634295070722

2017-05-17 01:52:44 UTC  
2017-05-17 01:52:45 UTC  

🆙 | **Hitler Shekelsallgone has given @Juan Rico a reputation point!**

2017-05-17 01:52:49 UTC  


2017-05-17 02:43:13 UTC  

t!slots 500

2017-05-17 02:43:13 UTC  

**[ 🎰 l SLOTS ]**
🍉 : 🍇 : 🍐

🍒 : 🍌 : 🍌 **<**

🍐 : 🍈 : 🍒
| : : : **LOST** : : : |

**NiggerLyncher** used **500** credit(s) and lost everything.

2017-05-17 04:28:15 UTC  


2017-05-17 04:28:17 UTC  

📝 | **User profile card for Hitler Shekelsallgone**

2017-05-17 04:28:19 UTC  


2017-05-17 04:28:20 UTC  

🏙 | **Guild Score Leaderboards for Praise Kek**

📋 Rank | Name

[1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 67904
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64476
[3] > #The Omega Memer (((jewanon)))
Total Score: 41937
[4] > #User Left Guild (Discord ID: 267319668333608960)
Total Score: 39072
[5] > #Norwegian Black Metal
Total Score: 31069
[6] > #Hitler Shekelsallgone
Total Score: 27466
[7] > #Europa
Total Score: 26732
[8] > #𝕷𝖎𝖙 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖗
Total Score: 26606
[9] > #RussianHacker
Total Score: 25600
[10] > #Mr. Red
Total Score: 24240
# Your Guild Placing Stats
😐 Rank: 6 Total Score: 27466

2017-05-17 05:38:07 UTC  


2017-05-17 05:38:08 UTC  

🏙 | **Guild Score Leaderboards for Praise Kek**

📋 Rank | Name

[1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 68167
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64615
[3] > #The Omega Memer (((jewanon)))
Total Score: 42144
[4] > #User Left Guild (Discord ID: 267319668333608960)
Total Score: 39072
[5] > #Norwegian Black Metal
Total Score: 31132
[6] > #Hitler Shekelsallgone
Total Score: 27848
[7] > #Europa
Total Score: 26761
[8] > #𝕷𝖎𝖙 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖗
Total Score: 26606
[9] > #RussianHacker
Total Score: 25600
[10] > #Mr. Red
Total Score: 24240
# Your Guild Placing Stats
😐 Rank: 6 Total Score: 27848

2017-05-17 05:38:34 UTC  

@Renaar [1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 68167
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64615

2017-05-17 05:38:36 UTC  

[1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 68167
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64615

2017-05-17 05:38:48 UTC  


2017-05-17 05:40:42 UTC  


2017-05-17 05:40:49 UTC  

@Renaar get in voice channel

2017-05-17 05:40:53 UTC  

join our voice channel

2017-05-17 05:40:54 UTC  

u dick

2017-05-17 05:40:58 UTC  


2017-05-17 05:40:59 UTC  


2017-05-17 05:47:07 UTC  

chill fams

2017-05-17 18:30:54 UTC  


2017-05-17 18:30:54 UTC  

🏙 | **Guild Score Leaderboards for Praise Kek**

📋 Rank | Name

[1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 68589
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64681
[3] > #The Omega Memer (((jewanon)))
Total Score: 42593
[4] > #User Left Guild (Discord ID: 267319668333608960)
Total Score: 39072
[5] > #Norwegian Black Metal
Total Score: 31132
[6] > #Hitler Shekelsallgone
Total Score: 28791
[7] > #Europa
Total Score: 27033
[8] > #𝕷𝖎𝖙 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖗
Total Score: 26606
[9] > #RussianHacker
Total Score: 25600
[10] > #Mr. Red
Total Score: 24240
# Your Guild Placing Stats
😐 Rank: 7 Total Score: 27033

2017-05-18 05:21:35 UTC  


2017-05-18 05:21:35 UTC  

🏧 | **Hitler Shekelsallgone**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

2017-05-18 05:21:37 UTC  


2017-05-18 05:21:38 UTC  

🏙 | **Guild Score Leaderboards for Praise Kek**

📋 Rank | Name

[1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 68644
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64701
[3] > #The Omega Memer (((jewanon)))
Total Score: 43082
[4] > #User Left Guild (Discord ID: 267319668333608960)
Total Score: 39072
[5] > #Norwegian Black Metal
Total Score: 31278
[6] > #Hitler Shekelsallgone
Total Score: 29157
[7] > #Europa
Total Score: 27397
[8] > #𝕷𝖎𝖙 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖗
Total Score: 26606
[9] > #RussianHacker
Total Score: 25600
[10] > #Mr. Red
Total Score: 24285
# Your Guild Placing Stats
😐 Rank: 6 Total Score: 29157

2017-05-18 06:50:46 UTC  


2017-05-18 06:50:47 UTC  

🏙 | **Guild Score Leaderboards for Praise Kek**

📋 Rank | Name

[1] > #NiggerLyncher
Total Score: 68644
[2] > #Renaar
Total Score: 64731
[3] > #The Omega Memer (((jewanon)))
Total Score: 43082
[4] > #User Left Guild (Discord ID: 267319668333608960)
Total Score: 39072
[5] > #Norwegian Black Metal
Total Score: 31325
[6] > #Hitler Shekelsallgone
Total Score: 29185
[7] > #Europa
Total Score: 27397
[8] > #𝕷𝖎𝖙 𝖍𝖚𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖗
Total Score: 26606
[9] > #RussianHacker
Total Score: 25600
[10] > #Mr. Red
Total Score: 24539
# Your Guild Placing Stats
😐 Rank: 1 Total Score: 68644

2017-05-18 06:51:29 UTC  

t!rep Norwegian black

2017-05-18 06:51:30 UTC  

🆙 | **NiggerLyncher has given @Norwegian Black Metal a reputation point!**

2017-05-18 06:51:48 UTC  


2017-05-18 06:51:49 UTC  

🏧 | **NiggerLyncher**, **you received your 💴 200 daily credits!**

2017-05-18 06:54:37 UTC  
2017-05-18 06:54:38 UTC  

🆙 | **Hitler Shekelsallgone has given @NiggerLyncher a reputation point!**

2017-05-18 10:50:44 UTC  


2017-05-18 10:50:44 UTC  

🏧 | **penguin_fag**, **your daily 💴 credits refreshes in 6 hours, 6 minutes and 35 seconds.**

2017-05-18 10:50:49 UTC  


2017-05-18 10:50:52 UTC  


2017-05-18 10:50:54 UTC  


2017-05-18 10:50:55 UTC  
