Message from @Aghost

Discord ID: 514623710116708353

2018-11-21 02:09:02 UTC  

So pay attention to when it makes sense.

2018-11-21 02:09:09 UTC  

would laughing at the idiots doing stuff like eating tide pods count as eugenics if they get themselves a darwin award?

2018-11-21 02:09:17 UTC  

We should give the ethno nationalists like 20 square miles an let them form their own country. They'd all fit there with room to spare.

2018-11-21 02:09:28 UTC  

It's not eugenics because no one forced them to kill themselves

2018-11-21 02:09:29 UTC  

Eugenics gets a bad rep, but... people dont have an argument against it other than "muh nazis"

2018-11-21 02:09:32 UTC  

Hey guys, Hitler said the sun isn't purple.

2018-11-21 02:09:32 UTC  

It's just nature

2018-11-21 02:09:35 UTC  

And I agreed.

2018-11-21 02:09:42 UTC  

```We should give the ethno nationalists ```
Like Ben Shapiro???

2018-11-21 02:09:56 UTC  

They already have israel

2018-11-21 02:10:02 UTC  


2018-11-21 02:10:05 UTC  

Ben Shapiro is not a pro eugenics ethno nationalist, he just happens to believe in israel

2018-11-21 02:10:12 UTC  

israel isn't ethnically homogenous, neither are jews.

2018-11-21 02:10:22 UTC  

He personally said he doesn't care if israel is full of blacks or whatever

2018-11-21 02:10:28 UTC  

They are Genetically their own race

2018-11-21 02:10:34 UTC  

He fully welcomes anyone willing to convert to judaism into israel

2018-11-21 02:10:44 UTC  

because jews usually make children with other Jews

2018-11-21 02:10:44 UTC  

Which israel does

2018-11-21 02:10:46 UTC  

if they have traceable bloodlines that is

2018-11-21 02:10:49 UTC  

Tell that to the Ethiopian jews

2018-11-21 02:10:53 UTC  

Israel is the ethnic homeland of the jews
ask a smart israeli if they think israel should be overrun by non-jews...

2018-11-21 02:11:00 UTC

2018-11-21 02:11:06 UTC  

otherwise ben shapiro seems rather ardent for the US to have no borders at times

2018-11-21 02:11:06 UTC  

I do not give a flying fuck what SJWs call racism these days.

2018-11-21 02:11:11 UTC  

But ACTUAL racism is bad.

2018-11-21 02:11:14 UTC  

Stupid bastard.

2018-11-21 02:11:27 UTC  

"I hate people who I cannot possibly know" You're an ass.

2018-11-21 02:11:28 UTC  

```But ACTUAL racism is bad.```

2018-11-21 02:11:30 UTC  

borders for me but not for you just pisses me off

2018-11-21 02:11:38 UTC  

I answered you.

2018-11-21 02:11:50 UTC  

```borders for me but not for you just pisses me off```

2018-11-21 02:11:51 UTC  

Sephardi, Mizrahi, Ashkenazi, Romaniote, Samaritan. Jews are not a homogenous group.

2018-11-21 02:11:51 UTC  

I never brought race into this, I was just trying to say that it's ok to be a man and not sleep with women you personally consider ugly. Then Scribble screamed "Eugenics" and this whole conversation devolved into it's current state.

2018-11-21 02:12:03 UTC  

But if humanity is really one race then all racism would have to be non-human racism.

2018-11-21 02:12:05 UTC  

Quote what I actually said.

2018-11-21 02:12:08 UTC  

Go ahead.

2018-11-21 02:12:09 UTC  

Do it.

2018-11-21 02:12:11 UTC  

Therefore, furries.

2018-11-21 02:12:17 UTC  

"Screaming eugenics"

2018-11-21 02:12:19 UTC

2018-11-21 02:12:21 UTC  

Quote it.